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Schizophretard's Spade Review


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This is my first mod review. I would appreciate it if you let me know how I did and if there is anything I should have included.


The battery life is fantastic! The two batteries that come with it can keep you vaping all day. When the batteries start getting low they vape just as well as the 510, so you can vape until they're dead.

They're protected batteries which is a must!

I wish it came with a battery case. Don't keep the spare battery in your pocket with keys and change. I recommend storing it in something plastic. I'm using a plastic sleeve from my 510 kit. I think it was what the 510 battery was wrapped in.

Because of the Spade's button it is a manual battery and has no cut off. You don't have to worry about liquid getting into the battery but liquid getting into the light holes may cause some unknown problem.


The Spade functions very well! The button takes some pressure to push. It won't go off in your pocket but it wont give you Nintendo thumb either. You can hear it click when you push it. The button sticks out enough that it prevents the Spade from rolling off your desk.

The four slits on the atomizer connector are a little bigger than the 510's battery, so there is a slightly easier draw.

The light holes have a safety feature by allowing a place for gas to escape in the unlikely situation of the battery exploding. The battery cap also is a safety feature in that it has a minimal amount of threads to allow the cap to come off if an explosion occurs. I recommend not having the cap against a finger when holding it because it may hurt or cause an injury if an explosion was to occur.

Things can get stuck in the light holes. I have had a small lint cotton ball from a coat pocket get stuck in there. I used a safety pin with a small amount of super glue on the end to get it out. I simply poked the pin through the hole and was careful just to touch the ball. It came right out.

Putting on the battery cap can be a slight inconvenience because you have to line it up and be careful not to strip anything. It is easier to put on compared to my MAG-LITE's battery cap though.

The Spade is made out of aluminum, so it is lighter than a Zippo. It is a perfect length for a hand. It being aluminum and the perfect length for a hand makes it completely comfortable to hold.

The lights can be turned off when the battery is put in backwards. This gives the Spade a stealth mode for when you don't want to draw attention to yourself.

The Spade vapes more consistently than the regular 510 battery because of the long battery life.

I don't like the velvet carrying bag that comes with it. The Spade needs a carrying bag shaped for it. I've just been using the bag for carrying my Vapor Talk Juice.


Because the Spade is black and because of it's gold ring, I think it looks more stylish than other mods. It doesn't even look like a mod to me. It looks like an upgrade to the Janty Dura.

You can get the lights in green, blue, and red. I chose red because red looks good with black. More color options would be nice.

The only problems I have with it is the color of the button, the color of the bolt opposite of the button, the color of the battery cap, and how hard it is to see the spade on the battery cap at a distance.

The button, bolt opposite of the button, and battery cap are all a dull unpainted aluminum color. The button should be gold, the bolt opposite of the button should be black, and the battery cap should be gold.

The spade on the battery cap is cool but hard to see at a distance. I think it should be a solid glossy black spade like one on a deck of playing cards. It should also be bigger and the edges of it should go all the way to the edge of the cap.

It would also be cool if the light holes where shaped like spades.


Overall I'm very satisfied with the Spade. I highly recommend it to all 510 users. I purchased mine from dietsmokes.com(Thanks Parked!). It can also be purchased from vaportalkstore.com. Since I see room for improvement, especially with it's appearance, I'm giving it a 9 out of 10 but I'm just being picky. :thumbsup:

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Schizophretard, Very nice review. I have had mine for a couple of weeks now and the performance is awesome (purchased from VT store). The battery life is great. I am a heavy vapor, but the 2 batteries will last me all day. I tend to switch back and forth between my VP2 and Spade during the day (I like to alternate flavors). The Spade is definately an upgrade from the 501. The only criticism I might have would be the color scheme. I would like to see all gold or all silver as opposed to having them mixed together. Other than that I am very impressed with the unit. :thumbsup:

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Schizophretard, Very nice review. I have had mine for a couple of weeks now and the performance is awesome (purchased from VT store). The battery life is great. I am a heavy vapor, but the 2 batteries will last me all day. I tend to switch back and forth between my VP2 and Spade during the day (I like to alternate flavors). The Spade is definately an upgrade from the 501. The only criticism I might have would be the color scheme. I would like to see all gold or all silver as opposed to having them mixed together. Other than that I am very impressed with the unit. :thumbsup:

That is my main criticism also. I usually prefer silver but after thinking about it for awhile silver doesn't match it's personality. When I think of the lights and the spade on the cap, I think of Vegas. When I think of Vegas I think of gold. Also, silver would look funny with the gold Dura atty. Maybe after Christopher and Parked convince Jeso to make a Spade version of the VP2 they will get the colors right. ;)

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Nice review Schizo, I especially like your analogy using a "Nintendo thumb" The button is comfortable and although it takes some pressure to push it, its not too hard. I also look at that as a safety feature because it won't accidently turn on in my pocket. I've heard stories of that happening with other "customized e-cigs" <------ that's for you Green. :)

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Have you seen Christopher's room in his reviews with all the plastic totes in the background? Well, that is nothing compared to what I got sitting in front of me. I have SIX five shelved book cases in front of me. It looks like three but I have three more in the back. They are bolted together into a huge desk, entertainment center, and classic video game storage center. I have eleven big plastic drawer totes on this full of classic Atari and Nintendo games(mostly Atari). So, it doesn't take much creativity and imagination for me to think up "Nintendo thumb". :D

I'm glad you enjoyed my review. I hope people find it helpful. I don't want people making the same mistake as me and buy a Smoking Your Money Everywhere e-cig like I started with.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Really nice review!

The lint would be problematic for me... I'm glad you brought that up. My pockets carry hay, doggie biscuit crumbs, lint, and probably a field mouse or two. I would definitly need a special carrying pouch/case for it.

The battery life isn't too shabby either, and I especially like that it uses protected batteries.

Still sitting on the fence ... but perhaps leaning a bit.

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Really nice review!

The lint would be problematic for me... I'm glad you brought that up. My pockets carry hay, doggie biscuit crumbs, lint, and probably a field mouse or two. I would definitly need a special carrying pouch/case for it.

The battery life isn't too shabby either, and I especially like that it uses protected batteries.

Still sitting on the fence ... but perhaps leaning a bit.

It comes with a case. When I wrote the review I didn't like the case but now for some reason I've done a 180 and like it. :iiam:

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Hey Uma,

as Schizophretard said the Spade does come with a small carrying case. We opted for a velvet bag because it's easy to toss your unit into along with a bottle of juice ( or 2 ) and go. You do not have to worry about lint making it into the unit :D (Even if it did it doubt it would hurt the unit)

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