hicksvilleshick Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 Howdy! I've been in the vape game literally less than a week. I had been shopping them for awhile, but last saturday I went into a local shop on a whim and walked away with a kangertech subvod kit. Got juice in the shop suggested ratios of 70/30 nicotine 9. Forgive me if this is a bit long, I tend to get wordy sometimes, but I try to keep it somewhat amusing... tl;dr version at bottom. I freaking took to it like a fish takes to water. I went from a 2+ pack a day of camel lights, to 4 the first day I got it, and 1 first thing in the am sunday and monday. (strictly out of habit first thing waking up) and none since. So I decided if this was good, bigger is better. So Wednesday I went back to the shop, after checking at a couple others, and bought a fuchai 200watt box and a cloud chasers triforce tank. (supposedly this is top of the line stuff) They threw in another free big bottle of juice mixed in their suggest ratios of 10/90 nicotine 6. I was beside myself ready to play with my new toys... Now let it be known I'm not a cloud chaser by any means, after 2x years of camels, my lung capacity just ain't there. But I have no issue shelling out for good equipment since I'm saving more than a hundy a week on camels. Here's the rub. I can't get the mod to hit anywhere near as nice as the subvod. I can cloud far better off the subvod than I can the mod, and even worse, the dang triforce pukes juice non-stop. I've seen the videos explaining about the gasket in the middle and I've fiddled with it and re-seated it, and I am currently working on vaping down to a level to where I can empty it and put a spare that came with it in to see if that helps or not. When I first got it, it was puking before I even got out the store, but they said it needed to get the coil broke in and it would lessen, but that all tanks tend to leak a bit, which I can deal with to a degree, but I filled the tank today for work, and within 30min, it was half empty because it was puking it out the vents on the bottom of the tank. Again, I'm going to change the gasket and hope that helps, but I am definitely open to other suggestions. As for how the mod hits, I've fiddled with the wattage, on the first juice from purchase, iirc they suggested running it between 60-80 watts. And that was ok, but seemed harsh. They had suggested a nic level of 3 for the mod/tank but I overruled and went with a 6. Old lady got her kanger subvod by mail today so she was going to the shop for juice and I had her pick up another flavor, but upped the nic to 8. Seems just as harsh.(no worse than the first I don't think) Upped the wattage (90-150) and the vapor gets downright hot, and more flavor, but still harsh. currently running it at around 75watts. If I go lower than 65, flavor goes bye bye. So any suggestions for mix ratio and insight as to if I'm going wrong on the nic level would be appreciated too. I think tomorrow I'm going to get another bottle of juice for the mod with the nicotine level like they suggested a 2 or 3... I guess I should mention I'm running the .2 coil in the triforce. I do have the nickel coil that came with it still, and I bought another .2 so that I've got a spare. I think I've already managed to burn up the .5 that came in my subvod, and I've replaced it with another .5 but it's different than what came with it, the one that came with it was round, the replacement I got is square. I tried to switch back to the round one, but it wouldn't fire. It's running perfect on the square one currently. So now that I've typed all that up. Lets see if I can do a tl;dr version. new vaper kanger subvod is awesome running a mix of 70/30 nic 9, and doesn't puke juice. Got a 200w mod kit with triforce tank (hoping for less charging and tank refilling) tank pukes it's juice out faster than I can vape it, going to try to change the tank to coil gasket. but other ideas would be great. insight on settings would be helpful, I'm kinda fumbling in the dark. So if anyone knows this box well and has any tips on how to work the features, temp control and whatnot that'd be great, right now I can change the wattage, and lock it, thats about it. lol Juice, I think I'm going too high on the nic level for the mod, 9 seems to be perfect for the subvod with the 70/30 mix, I'm not sure if nicotine is whats making the mod harsh or if it's the mix. So insight on mix ratios would be great, I'd like to know what I can run in both the subvod and mod without damaging them or making them leaky. I'm sure I've got a million other questions but I'll try to hold off on them til later. For what it's worth I have tried researching these on various forums, but haven't really found anything that explains the why's... Thanks in advance! GRLSNGR 1
jasonculp Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 Welcome! The mod itself is getting pretty good reviews, but I don't hear a lot good about the tank. I have never used either one. It is true, and you have seen, that bigger is not always better. If the SubVod is working good for you, I would suggest picking up a SubTank Mini or a SubTank Plus to sit on top of the Fuchai. They use the same coils as the tank on the SubVod, and will give you a bit more tank capacity. As for the settings, you just have to kind of set it a bit low and work your way up. It takes some fiddling you will find a sweet spot. The juice suggestion is correct. If you were using a Kanger Protank or somthing with lower power and airflow I would suggest 18mg nicotine, for the SubTank Nano, you are right on the mark at 9mg. The other tank 9 may be too much. As you increase the wattage, and airflow you need to decrease your nicotine level. As you are fining out, there is an overall sweet spot where you are getting good airflow, satisfying vapor, and good flavor. Normally with factory coils you as you step out of your sweet spot you start loosing things, usually flavor as you go up in power. Since you are new around here I will give you the mandatory suggestion to buy backups, and backups for backups. It will save you! Welcome to Vapor Talk and feel free to ask questions, it is the best, safest, and cheapest way to get this stuff figured out. GRLSNGR and Tam 2
FXRich Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 (edited) Welcome and good you got off the Camels, The Subvod uses a Nano tank that has been shortened so it only holds 1.8 ml. If you need more capacity you can pick up a regular Nano tank, they hold 3 ml. It uses the same coils, but is taller. None of my Subtank minis, or Nanos leak unless I leave them in the sun. Edited December 11, 2015 by FXRich
hicksvilleshick Posted December 11, 2015 Author Posted December 11, 2015 (edited) The subvod I got has the sub tank nano 3.2ml on it. I guess the European version is only 1.9 (according to the subvod box) I'm not sure why they would have them different versions. Backups? Do you mean like parts? I do have 2 backup coils for the big tank, and we're shipping for a 5 pack of coils for our subvod's. Trying to figure out the difference between the square and round .5 coils. Now the big tank has the .2 coils, oh and I still have the nickel on that came in the tank kit too, but what is the difference in the coils? Outside the obvious ohms I mean, what difference do they effect on vaping? Thank you for the responses! I do greatly appreciate it and I'm sorry if my formatting here is funky, my tablet and the forum software aren't playing nice. Lol Edited December 11, 2015 by hicksvilleshick fix formatting
Compenstine Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 By backups we mean Tanks, Coils, Batteries, Devices... all that stuff. You never know when something will fail and you do not want to be without a device to vape with and so on. Trust me when I say I agree. It has happen to me more than I can count and if it were not for the backups I would have bought a pack of smokes. This not something you need to buy right this second, but do a slow build up. It is not a matter of if but when. The "When" will come when you least expect it. Welcome to the forum there are a lot of good people here that help when they can. No worry on the formatting Chris is working on that. He recently did a huge update and all the bugs are not worked out yet. Kanthal coils are used for VV and VW only, Ni200 is used for Temp control only in NI mode, (Some say they are not safe to vape) Titanium is also temp control only in Ti mode. (Safer for Temp control) From what I have been seeing in reports I won't use Ni200. It is just a personal preference. There is evidence that the metal (Pure Nickel) is toxic and can harm you when used as a coil.
Earthling789 Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 Welcome to VT! Sounds like you're off and running! When we say backups, we typically mean backup tanks, coils, batteries, devices, etc. Nothing worse than being at work or on the road and having a battery go dead or a tank crack (from dropping it), or a coil go bad... The Subvod you have is nice... not my cup-o-tea since I vape tank-cracking juices and the Subvod has a plastic tank. If you like the Subvod, you'll really like the Subtank Nano and/or Subtank Mini kits... you'll get tank and APV (battery device) at the same time, and you'll have instant backups... like FXRich said, you'll also have multiple tanks that use the SAME coils, so that will save you $$, too. I have a ton of tanks and regularly vape only about 4 styles, and the Subtank mini is one of my go-to tanks daily. GRLSNGR 1
FXRich Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 (edited) The difference between the square coils and the round coils is the round are the newest coil kanger makes and I think they use SS416L coils where the square use a Nichrome coil. I think that is the difference but could be wrong. The Subvods I see for sale on the net have the shorter tank but if yours came with a Nano that's a plus. And like Comp said don't use the Ni200 coil in watt mode, and since the Subvod don't have TC don't use it. After looking on Sweetvapes I see their Subvod uses the new top fill Nano tank, hard to keep up with everything. Edited December 11, 2015 by FXRich hicksvilleshick 1
hicksvilleshick Posted December 12, 2015 Author Posted December 12, 2015 UPDATE: put new o-ring in the triforce, no more leaking! The juices I've got for the subvod seem harsh now I've got the triforce running properly. Lol got different juice for triforce with lower nicotine and it's a world of difference! So I think I'm too high on my nicotine levels all the way around now except for the latest bottle. As for backups I think I will build up to that, having the subvod and this mod is awesome, I've been carrying both around everywhere. Can anyone suggest another good tank? I was led to believe the triforce is close to top choice, I do like kanger products but I guess I have to find out what will thread onto my fuchai... thanks again for all the info. Since the ol lady got her subvod yesterday she had only had 1 cigarette. Here's hoping it'll work for her like it has for me. VaporTron 1
FXRich Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 (edited) Your fuchai 200watt box has a 510 thread, even your Subvod tank should fit on it. Since you have a Kanger Nano I would recommend the Kanger Subtank mini so you could use the same coil. But remember to lower the wattage down. If you use a Subtank. Edited December 12, 2015 by FXRich
jasonculp Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 59 minutes ago, hicksvilleshick said: UPDATE: put new o-ring in the triforce, no more leaking! The juices I've got for the subvod seem harsh now I've got the triforce running properly. Lol got different juice for triforce with lower nicotine and it's a world of difference! So I think I'm too high on my nicotine levels all the way around now except for the latest bottle. As for backups I think I will build up to that, having the subvod and this mod is awesome, I've been carrying both around everywhere. Can anyone suggest another good tank? I was led to believe the triforce is close to top choice, I do like kanger products but I guess I have to find out what will thread onto my fuchai... thanks again for all the info. Since the ol lady got her subvod yesterday she had only had 1 cigarette. Here's hoping it'll work for her like it has for me. There have been a few times I thought we were a little harsh on pushing people to buy more and more backups, but now I know everyone was right. I have had a very hard few months at work, and very little sleep. I broke 1 mod, and 2 tanks in 2 days. I was very happy that I had a couple of extra tanks and mods. Luckily I only broke the Pyrex on the tanks so later that week I fixed them. The mod needed a bit more attention with a soldering iron, but I finally got it going too, but Payed it Forward the following week. hicksvilleshick 1
Tam Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 All too often people say, "Oh, I only need one back up, it'll be fine." And then something happens and they're waiting on pins and needles for their paycheck to hit so they can go get another...whatever it is that isn't working anymore. Then, we hear, "Wow, you were right." and they begin to sing the back up song with us. The reason why we stress back ups is because it's happened to all of us at some point. One day, I went through three coils, two tanks, and four batteries while I was out running errands. I was out of back ups but had one unit working until I got home. Was never so glad to have as many back ups as I did that day. jasonculp 1
hicksvilleshick Posted December 12, 2015 Author Posted December 12, 2015 I see. Gotcha on the backup deal and will plan on buying more. Now you know how the mix for the mood is 10/90 and the mix for the subvod 30/70, can I run both those juices in both devices? I see someone said lower the wattage if I put a kanger tank on the mod, is that the difference between the .2 and .5 coils?
FXRich Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 A .5 coil needs less watts than a .2 coil I believe the triforce has more than 1 coil but I might be wrong, there are coils that have 3 - 4 coils inside them and the more coils the more power they need. The Kanger coils for the subtanks have 1 coil in them so they need less power. I am using a kanger Nano right now with a 1.0 ohm coil and using 10 watts. When I use a .5 coil I usually don't go over 12 watts.
hicksvilleshick Posted December 12, 2015 Author Posted December 12, 2015 I do know one thing that will be done tomorrow. I'm getting another set of batteries. The shop said these Samsung 25r's would have great battery life, but I'm not impressed. I'm sure part of it is that I'm always chooching my face off cause it's new toy, but when I only had the kanger, that little battery would last well all day, the mods batteries seem to make it about 12 hours. I've only been able to get the kanger to give me the low battery flash once, and that was on the 2nd day I had it. I'm going to shop other tanks while I'm there and consider picking up another box for the ol lady maybe, so it'll be a spare so to speak or we'll both have subvods for spares. But I gotta figure out of we can run the different mixes of the juices in both rigs. Thanks to all for the responses, I do appreciate them!
jasonculp Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 7 hours ago, hicksvilleshick said: I do know one thing that will be done tomorrow. I'm getting another set of batteries. The shop said these Samsung 25r's would have great battery life, but I'm not impressed. I'm sure part of it is that I'm always chooching my face off cause it's new toy, but when I only had the kanger, that little battery would last well all day, the mods batteries seem to make it about 12 hours. I've only been able to get the kanger to give me the low battery flash once, and that was on the 2nd day I had it. I'm going to shop other tanks while I'm there and consider picking up another box for the ol lady maybe, so it'll be a spare so to speak or we'll both have subvods for spares. But I gotta figure out of we can run the different mixes of the juices in both rigs. Thanks to all for the responses, I do appreciate them! A 25R is probably one of the best batteries on the market for the money. The LG HG2 will last a bit longer, but they cost a couple of dollars more. I keep about 4 on me all of the time and charge them on a separate charger. I personally had rather change batteries once a day than wait on the USB chargers. If the single 18650 mods are not cutting it for you, you might look into dual 18650 mods or possibly one with a big lipo installed.
Tam Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 And this is why I love my Eleaf iStick 50W so much, it has a 4400 mAh battery enclosed. Even when I chain vape all day, I only have to charge it every third or fourth day or so. Regular tanks, sub-tanks, it can take it all! hicksvilleshick and jasonculp 2
hicksvilleshick Posted December 12, 2015 Author Posted December 12, 2015 (edited) The fuchai is dual battery. Came with green ones, so I got the purple batteries, it's what they had. So now I've got backups! Lol considered getting another tank but I've gotta replenish the funds a week or 2 before I do that. Edited December 12, 2015 by hicksvilleshick
hicksvilleshick Posted December 12, 2015 Author Posted December 12, 2015 Tam, my subvod lasts pretty good. Being new I chain vape all day. I'm hoping once I settle in a bit I'll get better battery life. BTW the new batteries are efest's.
FXRich Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 The difference in battery life probably has to do with the wattage you are running, if you are running 65 - 75 watts on your box mod it will drain the batteries pretty fast. Your Subvod probably isn't running more than 10 -15 watts so it lasts longer. The box mods I use have a single 18650 battery and last all day, but I only run 10 - 12 watts. That's the downside to a cloud chaser tank, they like to drain batteries pretty fast.
hicksvilleshick Posted December 12, 2015 Author Posted December 12, 2015 That makes sense. I can't run the mod that low, it won't do anything. But I reckon that's why the mixes are different. The wattage I have to use varies depending on the juice. Some 60-80, and I've got a couple that I have to run at 100. I can't imagine needing the 150-200 range.
FXRich Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 If you are curious you can put your Subvod tank on your box mod, and try it at 12 watts. Just don't try it at 60 watts you will burn the coil out real fast. hicksvilleshick 1
hicksvilleshick Posted December 12, 2015 Author Posted December 12, 2015 Fxrich, I'm going to try that! I know guys were saying I could run different tanks on my mod but it didn't click with me about using those small ones. I was just stuck on thinking I'd have to get a whole other tank. It's there any kind of chart our reference that indicates what wattage you can run with the different coils?
FXRich Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 Most coils made by Kanger have the watt ratings printed on them. Just start at the lowest setting on the coil and go up from there. The .5ohm Kanger coils I have say 15 - 60 watts, but I never run them over 12 watts. Maybe I'm a wimp but they seem harsh to me above 12 watts, sometimes depending on the juice 10 watts seem harsh.
Tam Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 2 minutes ago, FXRich said: Most coils made by Kanger have the watt ratings printed on them. Just start at the lowest setting on the coil and go up from there. The .5ohm Kanger coils I have say 15 - 60 watts, but I never run them over 12 watts. Maybe I'm a wimp but they seem harsh to me above 12 watts, sometimes depending on the juice 10 watts seem harsh. I'm with you, Rich. On my Triton 2, the coil is starting to go so I keep increasing the wattage to keep it going for just a little longer. Right now, it's at 10.4W when usually, I vape it on 7.4W for this juice. With my cucumber/mint, I don't go above 4W or I get a burnt taste and the vape is too harsh.
FXRich Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 Right now I'm running a 1.0ohm coil in a Subtank Mini and only have it set on 8.5 watts. The Root Beer flavor in it Vapes really good at that wattage.
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