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Pure nicotine in E-cigarettes dangerous?

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good fine Chris,

some might find this interesting.

Actually in 1989 or so I was one of the volunteers for the nicotine inhaler study. The study was conducted at Stanford in Palo Alto and I worked in Palo Alto at the time. It was for 18 months, i went in every week and they took blood and i blew into a thing to check my carbon monoxcide level also had to answer a bunch of questions re: depression. they provided the holder (kinda like a Hav-a-Tampa mouthpiece) and cartridges (plastic things filled with fiber & fluid with foil on both ends to puncture) and weaned me off over several 16 week periods by dropping the level of nicotine. There were 500 people in the studay and half had placebo. My boyfriend and some buddies (all non-smokers) took a drag off the cartridge and thought they were going to die coughing so we determined i had the real thing. One guy smelled it very hardy and his nose had a burning sensation. The company at the time was Danish (i believe) Pharmacia Leo (i believe). Anyway after the study I thought I was smoke free and took a couple of puffs - boy was I wrong!! one puff led to another then i bought cigs and i totally relapsed to a full blown smoker.

that stuff was pretty close to pure nicotine, we were directed to not inhale as the puff of nicotine would be absorbed through the skin in mouth.

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Wow interesting. I don't know if I would have been brave enough to try that...Then again I'm smoking E-Cigs

I think the ability to inhale something is very important. It's just part of smoking. I think E Smokes are the closet thing to a replacement we will ever get. I like it better anyway :)

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The hand to mouth thing and the weekly commitment made me finish the study. But to be honest I try to finish whatever i start and I didn't want to let them down. They did have about 1/3 drop out for a wide variety of reasons. I did have to get a complete physical and meet quite a bit of criteria to qualify, as the study was for FDA approval. To tell you the truth I wouldn't do a study now, it was a tedious pain in the butt.

BTW: since I did finish the study they have continued to ping me to do more. I totally drew the line at eye surgery. Heck I only have two and if it didn't work....eeek!

Edited by Vacker1229
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Great article, Chris. Thanks for posting it. As a total newbie here (just got my first e-cig, penstyle, in the mail today so going through that 'learning curve' thing), it was also very informative. One thing that has kind of bothered me is that I didn't understand what this PG stuff was that is in the cartridges and what it would do in the lungs. Even though I know there haven't been any studies done of it yet, was still reassuring to read that the Dr. commented on it's safety. Then again, figure I'm still way ahead of the game by inhaling something that MIGHT have some health questions than the 4000 poisons in cigs! No brainer.

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That's pretty much what we all agree on. If you do a search on the forum I posted the MSDS sheets on PG.

It's been deemed safe for general use but has not been studied long term as an inhalant. There was a study posted online however in which a doctor monitored monkeys for over a year using PG and there was no adverse side affects. In fact it was found that PG killed influenza. I'll have to find the study and create a new topic. It's quite interesting. (There is a couple of esmokers on the forum that noticed they didn't catch the flu while working in a hospital, they where the ones, one was a nurse and the other was a doctor, they both smoke electronic cigarettes. Could have been a coincidence though)

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awww poor Vacker! I guess so then. :(

Want some chicken soup? I'll send it right over

:blink: thanks but I am pretty burnt out on chicken soup but you could send me a cocktail if you'd like. ;)

I am pretty sure I will be up and around tomorrow. It will feel strange to drive a car after a week of being home sick.

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