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About 10 am yesterday, I received the 510 starter kit, passthrough, and PCC. After pluging in an AC adaptor and starting the charge on one battery, I then connected the passthrough to my computer, and started to vape. Unbelievable....28 hours later, I have not had one analog since, and there is no pain, anxiety, concern, or stress.

I had a couple of wobbly moments last night watching a movie on TV, and this morning drinking coffee. But I just sucked on that e-cig, and all was well.

On Thursday, I bought a carton of analog cigarettes, because I didn't want to put myself under a lot of pressure about quitting. I told myself that if I switch to e-cigs, great, but if not, that is OK, too. However, I cannot....at this moment....imagine going to analogs. I will probably give the analogs away next week if vaping keeps going like this.

About 4 pm yesterday, I found myself clearing away all ashtrays and bic lighters, not because seeing them made me want an analog, but the sight of them did make my head feel that I should be clicking a bic lighter and lighting up an analog. Out of sight, out of mind. It's working so far.

I slept extremely well last night, but woke up with what feels like a head cold and some congestion. It cleared up in about 3 or 4 hours, but I still seem to have a "runny nose." I wonder if that is my body starting to detox.

My passthrough seems to be giving out a bit, but I have another one on the way that I should receive tomorrow.

My encouragement to give this a shot came from everyone's stories on these forums. Thank you SO much! :P


Right on!! I, too, put the lighters and ashtrays (tikiburii) out of sight. Actually, I threw the ashtrays away. Did keep the 1/2 pack of analogs, but stored in the kitchen cupboard.

Ditto on the THANKS!


Great! I have a pretty big clear glass ashtray that's been around for many many years (was one my Dad had used). I washed it and I'm using it to put parts in. I've got a couple of atty's and some carts that need washed out. Also have a small glass with q-tips sitting in it. :)

I got 2 UBS PT's when I ordered my 510. One died already and I think the other is about to do the same. Both of them seemed to have good and bad moments, but looking back at all the problems I had in my 1st week I'm starting to think the USB PT was a big part of the problem. Also think they may have been part of the problem with me destroying 4 atty's in 10 days. I'm happily toking my spade now and loving it. Got an VP/PT on order.


About 10 am yesterday, I received the 510 starter kit, passthrough, and PCC. After pluging in an AC adaptor and starting the charge on one battery, I then connected the passthrough to my computer, and started to vape. Unbelievable....28 hours later, I have not had one analog since, and there is no pain, anxiety, concern, or stress.

I had a couple of wobbly moments last night watching a movie on TV, and this morning drinking coffee. But I just sucked on that e-cig, and all was well.

I made the conversion very easily also, I can't understand why if eCigs is so easy to switch to that the FDA will not look into their benefits rather than trying to ban them?

On Thursday, I bought a carton of analog cigarettes, because I didn't want to put myself under a lot of pressure about quitting. I told myself that if I switch to e-cigs, great, but if not, that is OK, too. However, I cannot....at this moment....imagine going to analogs. I will probably give the analogs away next week if vaping keeps going like this.

I kept a few packs of analogues around for about a month before I got rid of them. I actually smoked one every now and then to see if my tastes had changed. Every time I smoked one the worse the analogue tasted.

About 4 pm yesterday, I found myself clearing away all ashtrays and Bic lighters, not because seeing them made me want an analog, but the sight of them did make my head feel that I should be clicking a bic lighter and lighting up an analog. Out of sight, out of mind. It's working so far.

Just be careful not to try to light an eCig with a Bic, I almost did it several times. Chris was saying that he actually threw an eCig out the window of the car when he was finished vaping because it was just force of habit.

I slept extremely well last night, but woke up with what feels like a head cold and some congestion. It cleared up in about 3 or 4 hours, but I still seem to have a "runny nose." I wonder if that is my body starting to detox.

This is very common and I dealt with it for about a week, also your mouth will taste funny when you first wake up and you will long for the toothbrush. But the longest I have ever heard that anybody has had to deal with that stuff is about a week. Then a few weeks down the road your lungs will start to expel all of the old tar.

My passthrough seems to be giving out a bit, but I have another one on the way that I should receive tomorrow.

My encouragement to give this a shot came from everyone's stories on these forums. Thank you SO much! :P

If you bought a cheap pass thru from china I can understand, but if you bought a good quality pass thru from an American manufacturer then you could probably return it and get it repaired at no cost.

The encouragement part is what were here for, most of the members on this forum are interested in your success with eCigs, we are more than glad and willing to help you with every step along the way. If you have any questions never hesitate to ask here on the forum, you will be overwhelmed with responses.


Forgot to mention that my wife still smokes analongs (I'm working on that) and I've been out to the "smoke shack" at work to vape several times, so I'm around analogs constantly and still don't want one. The smell of then is really starting to stink bad now. :)


I've had my 510 working now for about 24 hours. The taste of the ecig is much cleaner and more pleasant than analog cigs.

I also put all my smoking stuff away : ashtray, lighter, and the little fan I had in the garage window (where I went to smoke). From habit, the idea of smoking has come up a couple of times today, and then I remembered, "Oh, wait...I have the ecig!" I've also had a lot more energy and motivation today, and this is just day 1~! :wave:


I've had my 510 working now for about 24 hours. The taste of the ecig is much cleaner and more pleasant than analog cigs.

I also put all my smoking stuff away : ashtray, lighter, and the little fan I had in the garage window (where I went to smoke). From habit, the idea of smoking has come up a couple of times today, and then I remembered, "Oh, wait...I have the ecig!" I've also had a lot more energy and motivation today, and this is just day 1~! :wave:

Good to hear! Thanks for the update. :)


I've had my 510 working now for about 24 hours. The taste of the ecig is much cleaner and more pleasant than analog cigs.

I also put all my smoking stuff away : ashtray, lighter, and the little fan I had in the garage window (where I went to smoke). From habit, the idea of smoking has come up a couple of times today, and then I remembered, "Oh, wait...I have the ecig!" I've also had a lot more energy and motivation today, and this is just day 1~! :wave:

Excellent! So great to read these stories. Wondering when I'll be chucking my e- cig out the car window :lol:


It's so cool to hear your stories about just starting out. ( cue- Barbera Streisand singing "Memories") Your lives have changed for the better! This weekend it was raining, and I remembered that I used to have to go outside and stand on our small covered porch to have a cigarette in the rain. Yesterday I just relaxed in front of the comp with my PT and vaped away. Keep it up you guys, it's worth it!


TheSmokingMan said -

" Just be careful not to try to light an eCig with a Bic, I almost did it several times. Chris was saying that he actually threw an eCig out the window of the car when he was finished vaping because it was just force of habit."

ROFLMAO !! I didnt hear about that one ! Ive been in bed all day, trying to nurse a case of the crud, and reading that just made my day. I think its awesome, this little sub-culture we have going on here. I honestly wonder what the success rate would be if we didnt have VaporTalk to see us thru.

@Jeffb - I REALLY need to send you some music files. Pina Coladas ? ! Barbra Striesand ? JK. I have no room to talk, I like Barry Manilow. :whistle:


I had a couple of wobbly moments last night watching a movie on TV, and this morning drinking coffee. But I just sucked on that e-cig, and all was well.

Amazing how you still say "I want a cigarette". Vape a few times and all of a sudden, "what was I saying?". I started really stocking up on things when I had my first analog at a football game 2 weeks after I quit. Man was that identical to what licking an ashtray must be like!!! I can never go back, I can't believe I EVER started!! And if you do go back, so be it. Get your head on straight, fix what's wrong and get back to it, not a big deal. I'm especially in trouble because I was committed to quitting nicotine which I did so now I really can't go back to analogues. Good luck to you, no failures, even skipping one analogue is a success, see how many you can string together!!


I honestly wonder what the success rate would be if we didnt have VaporTalk to see us thru.

As much as I enjoyed vaping right off the bat, no doubt that after going through 4 atty's and a USB PT in 10 days I would I would have pitched everything and been done if I hadn't had the VT knowledge base at my back. :thumbsup:


As much as I enjoyed vaping right off the bat, no doubt that after going through 4 atty's and a USB PT in 10 days I would I would have pitched everything and been done if I hadn't had the VT knowledge base at my back. :thumbsup:

You know Brian, it's people saying things just like that that make my time here worth it. I surely do not have as much invested in this forum as Chris does, but the friends I have made here and the help that I'm am able to give back make me feel privileged to be able to enjoy VaporTalk (at Chris' expense).


I've been busy all day and haven't had time to check in here, so I'm a bit late adding to this post, but I just wanted to shout CONGRATS to those of you who are just starting and doing so well. Isn't it amazing how easy it is?

I was having a rough time last night because the atty I'd been using for 5 weeks was quitting. A couple I'd been using for a couple of weeks weren't doing so well either. I have a pretty good stock of attys though, so I broke out a new one. Didn't gett much vaper with it. I thought I just got a bad one and tried another. Still not much vaper. I was just about in a panic. But you know what, I did not even once consider digging out the pack of analogs that I know is somewhere in my closet still. I did not want one of those things. I wanted to vape!! I think if I hadn't found one atty that worked, I might have gone running out of the house, through the snow drifts, screaming at the top of my lungs, but I still wouldn't have been tempted with the analogs. Life is good! Of course I need to get in an order for more attys now.

Keep up the good work with the vaping. It actually gets even better.


You know Brian, it's people saying things just like that that make my time here worth it. I surely do not have as much invested in this forum as Chris does, but the friends I have made here and the help that I'm am able to give back make me feel privileged to be able to enjoy VaporTalk (at Chris' expense).

Just giving credit where credit is due. :) Working on getting my wife switched over now, and if that goes well then I'll be even more thankful.


About 10 am yesterday, I received the 510 starter kit, passthrough, and PCC. After pluging in an AC adaptor and starting the charge on one battery, I then connected the passthrough to my computer, and started to vape. Unbelievable....28 hours later, I have not had one analog since, and there is no pain, anxiety, concern, or stress.

I had a couple of wobbly moments last night watching a movie on TV, and this morning drinking coffee. But I just sucked on that e-cig, and all was well.

On Thursday, I bought a carton of analog cigarettes, because I didn't want to put myself under a lot of pressure about quitting. I told myself that if I switch to e-cigs, great, but if not, that is OK, too. However, I cannot....at this moment....imagine going to analogs. I will probably give the analogs away next week if vaping keeps going like this.

About 4 pm yesterday, I found myself clearing away all ashtrays and bic lighters, not because seeing them made me want an analog, but the sight of them did make my head feel that I should be clicking a bic lighter and lighting up an analog. Out of sight, out of mind. It's working so far.

I slept extremely well last night, but woke up with what feels like a head cold and some congestion. It cleared up in about 3 or 4 hours, but I still seem to have a "runny nose." I wonder if that is my body starting to detox.

My passthrough seems to be giving out a bit, but I have another one on the way that I should receive tomorrow.

My encouragement to give this a shot came from everyone's stories on these forums. Thank you SO much! :P

LOL...ok, I'm going on 8 days of not smoking, but I remember doing this same thing!! For some reason I went around the house and emptied all the ashtrays and rounded up all the lighters and put them away. I gave 2 1/2 cartons of cigarettes away on my 3rd day and I do still have 2 packs of analogs in my purse UNopened. I'm still a little worried that I won't have a charged battery when I need one, but so far, that hasn't happened. Vapeing has totally supressed (sp) my urge to have an analog and I never would have dreamed that possible!

I am probably not as equipped as I should be at the moment, but I will get there. I too have a huge glass ashtray on my desk and *someone* keeps putting their cigarette out in it. I guess I will break down and wash it out and start putting my ecig supplies in it, lol...great idea!


Excellent! So great to read these stories. Wondering when I'll be chucking my e- cig out the car window :lol:

We had a post sometime back about all the crazy things people did when they first started using E-Cigs so I will add the first::

Feel free to add yours and keep it going!!

1: I kept rolling down the car window and flicking the Led!!! LOL...


We had a post sometime back about all the crazy things people did when they first started using E-Cigs so I will add the first::

Feel free to add yours and keep it going!!

1: I kept rolling down the car window and flicking the Led!!! LOL...

2. I attempted several times to light the end of my e-Cig with my cigarette lighter - TheSmokingMan

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