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Getting burnt flavor with KangerTech Subtank Mini RBA

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Hello everyone... relatively new to vaping.

Almost (not always) every time I use a pre-built Kanger coil on the Subtank Mini RBA, I end up with a distinct burnt aspect to the flavor. Sometimes it's right away, other times it's maybe the next day after a nearly full tank is gone.

I've been careful to soak the cotton, have the cotton firm inside the coil with enough at the intakes, let new primed cotton sit for at least 15 minutes in a full tank before vaping, and did a few cold drags (is that what you call it?) to make sure the cotton is soaked before applying heat.

I don't get this with the Kanger OCC all-in-one replacement coils, at 0.50 ohms.


Any ideas on what's going wrong? (Nicotine in my juices is 6mg, 18-30 watts, same result)


Edited by TheSkepticGuy
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You have version 2 with the ports on the side of RBA?

What is the pg/vg mix of your juice?


My first guess is too much cotton or not enough.


Or, it could simply be too much power

Edited by Bebop
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Okay, so power may or may not be an issue. I personally can't push a .5 single coil past 20 a 22 watts without getting burn. It's fine for a hit or two but the wick can't keep up without a little time to recover. It also depends a little on the juice.  How much it can tolerate.


but the first thing I would look at is the wicking. Make sure it's somewhat fluffy and loose at the ports but kinda snug at the coil, good wicking action is a must for sub ohm coils.

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Yeah and they don't last very long either...


thats the trick because a brand new coil will take more wattage when it's fresh. But eventually they turn and then you're stuck with the burnt taste until you make adjustments.  I generally just start at lower watts and let that coil last but then, that's just me.

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I have settled on a subtank RBA that I like. 1.0 ohm 28 gauge that I run at 12 watts, probably a little on the light side of what a lot of people like but I like it and that's all that matters to me. I never get a burnt taste, even when I chain vape.

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