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I am trying to udgrade. I have an istick mini right now with a Nautalis mini tank. I like it, but I want more.... more what I am not sure of. I know that I have started working part time at our local vape shop and all these cool new things come in and people come in with bigger stuff. I feel sort of wimpy with my little mini. I have seriously thought of trying the kanger sub box mini kit.. any suggestions? I am a little nervous with never having had the external battery.. but one of our regulars came in and let me try his with using one of my tips with his set up. I liked it... but still would like any advice!


A replaceable battery is just that... replaceable... so you can swap batteries without having to be tethered to a cord or switch to a different mod while that one charges.  Yes, there are dozens of batteries out there, but only a few GOOD ones, which you should make every effort to use (LG HE2, LG HG2, Samsung 25R - to name a few).

The sub-box mini it is excellent, but there is nothing wrong with your iStick/Nautilus combo either.  What works for you works for you :)  I think you've just caught a case of shinyitus, lol... don't feel bad, there's not a vaper alive that hasn't been bitten by the bug to some degree!

Check out my review of the Wismec Presa 40W... it's an excellent little self-contained-battery mod, and can handle most any tank you put on it.  If you are looking for a replaceable battery mod, then the sub-box is worthy of purchase (get the kit so you can have the tank too).  My personal favorite replaceable-battery mods are the IPV-mini and Cloupor-mini (both are 30W mods).  I rarely push anything over 25W anyway, so having 200W boxes would be a waste of money in my opinion ;)  And, I like the Wismec so well, I just purchased two more...one for me as a back-up device, and one for my gal.


Earthling..I have gotten a HUGE case of shinyitis! Especially working in the shop and seeing all the hardware coming in.  I will look up your suggestions.. I have never done anything over 15-20 myself.. so not really in need of a 200W box either! Thanks so much!


So...I got the kanger box mini kit abd my tank is leaking at the air holes. I swear, I'm so frustrated. I watched a you tube video...several actually. I set up everything right, not sure why it's leaking, but spent to much for it not to be right!!

Posted (edited)

The coil that they ship with isn't always a good coil, mater of fact they aren't usually a good coil. Check if the coil is tight also check if the o-ring is in place.


The only time one of my subtanks leaked is when I used a high PG juice, they seem to like a juice that is high in VG.

Edited by FXRich

I find that 40pg/60vg woks well with the horizontal coils, 30/70 doesn't wick fast enough and I burn the cotton, but I tend to let it sit for a while then chain vape for 5 to 10 min.

When I got my first subbox, I had an issue with the tank leaking, and found that I had to clean the surface where the o-ring under the coil seals to the base. There was something stuck on the sealing surface, looked like a small piece of o-ring stuck there.

I got my wife a subtank mini, and she complained that it leaked all the time, come to find out she had been leaving it in the car while she was at work, they don't like that, lol.

And I have yet to get one (granted I only have 3 subtanks) that had a good coil out of the box. My last one wouldn't even wick the juice when tried to prime it.


Everyone is spot-on with the coils that come with the tanks... my theory is that they become contaminated with machine oil from the manufacturing process and refuse to wick/work properly.

Did you clean the tank well before use?  That will usually fix a lot of woes before they happen, and starting with a fresh box of coils is always a good thing, too.  Save the "included" coils for emergencies, and a good way to clean them up for actual use is to soak them for a day in cheap Vodka or EverClear, then let them air-dry for a day.  That will remove any oils or contaminants from the factory and allow you to get some use out of them, rather than toss them away.


Thanks everyone!. I used a cotton swab and pga to wipe it out. I have not left it in the car... Luckily I was warned about that. It is the coil that came with it. I just put my nautalis mini on it and turned it way down till I can get to my shop and get a new coil


You'll be amazed how much better it will work with a fresh coil :)

BTW, congrats on the purchase!  Once you get a fresh coil going, I think you will really like the ST-mini!


I must be getting senile, mine did leak a lot when I left it in car (black car) when it was 100+ degrees out this summer. forgot about that.


Just a heads up... look closely at the base when you changes coils! There is a small clear o-ring on the bottom of the coil, occasionally it will come off and stick to the base! It is clear so when wet it is almost invisible, if you don't see it there and put on a new coil it wont seat right and you will get leakage out the air holes!! (Learned this when my Subox Mini  and had the same problem!) :blush:


Just a heads up... look closely at the base when you changes coils! There is a small clear o-ring on the bottom of the coil, occasionally it will come off and stick to the base! It is clear so when wet it is almost invisible, if you don't see it there and put on a new coil it wont seat right and you will get leakage out the air holes!! (Learned this when my Subox Mini  and had the same problem!) :blush:

I,earned that the hardway and I still forget too check it lol



Subox mini kit would be a good choice for vaping, with improved features. This kit can output from 7 watts to 50 watts with 0.1 watt increments and can fire atomizers as low as 0.3 ohm, also can be charged with USB charging cable.

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