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Has anyone tried this ecig? While out in the "smoke shack" at work a lady asked how I liked my ecig. Of course I told her I loved it. Although she was smoking an analog, she proceeded to tell me about her ecig from smoketip and how much she liked it. She said a cart lasted about a pack and a half, and she could get 10 carts w/attys for $18.95 and it was equivelant to a little more than a carton of analogs. I told her that I've never heard of a cart lasting that long, but she was insistent that they did.

The reason I'm asking is because I'm looking for the easiest way to get my wife switched over to ecigs. I started with a 510, now a Spade and I'm direct dripping. That's the way for me, but I know she won't want to fool with all that, no keeping paper towels handy, no refilling, no juice on your hands, etc. I'm just looking for the easiest method. If anyone has tried this, or has any other suggestions for me to help my wife, please let me know.



Hi Brian, I guess a cart could last 1 day for someone who dint use it much. So 10 carts would be equal to 15 packs. Thats about 2 weeks of analogs for me. At $19.00 I could buy at least 2 bottles of juice that would last me more than 2 weeks. If she's still smoking analogs it obviously isn't working good for her. I know when I had my NJOY ( which looks like the Smoke tip but did not have a throw away atomizer) a cart did not last all day. I was refilling within an hour. Does your wife like your 510? Or is she looking for something that resembles an analog? If you're looking for something that is simple for your wife then it may work. I know there are other "cartomizers" out there that may be better. Look on the supplier list. I know some of them carry cartomizers. Good luck and let us know what happens.


Thanks Jeff. I'm pretty much thinking the same as you... if she loves it so much, why wasn't she using it. Although she did say she was planning to get another one just to have for at work. My wife hasn't tried mine yet, but I know her pretty well. Maybe if I can get her started on something hassel free, she may switch to the 510 someday. Stu had also told me about the "cartomizer" for another brand. I'll be looking that back up and checking it out a little more also. Again, just want to make it as easy as possible.


Thanks Jeff. I'm pretty much thinking the same as you... if she loves it so much, why wasn't she using it. Although she did say she was planning to get another one just to have for at work. My wife hasn't tried mine yet, but I know her pretty well. Maybe if I can get her started on something hassel free, she may switch to the 510 someday. Stu had also told me about the "cartomizer" for another brand. I'll be looking that back up and checking it out a little more also. Again, just want to make it as easy as possible.

A few of us have cartomizer models mostly the Vapor King (KR-808D1) and there are several suppliers that sell that model.Its a good no hassle model and for a light to moderate smoker 1-3 carts a day should do it.They are refilable

if you dont let them get to dry and burn and will refill 3+ times,Mine go 3-7 before the vapor is not worth using anymore.I have the one from Vapor King and its a good model for out and about. with a spare battery and a pcc and a few cartomizers you are good for a long time..here are a few suppliers to look into I have had good look with Vapor Kings.But have not ordered from anyone else yet..Hope this helps you out, any more questions will be glad to help!!






Posted (edited)

A few of us have cartomizer models mostly the Vapor King (KR-808D1) and there are several suppliers that sell that model.Its a good no hassle model and for a light to moderate smoker 1-3 carts a day should do it.They are refilable

if you dont let them get to dry and burn and will refill 3+ times,Mine go 3-7 before the vapor is not worth using anymore.I have the one from Vapor King and its a good model for out and about. with a spare battery and a pcc and a few cartomizers you are good for a long time..here are a few suppliers to look into I have had good look with Vapor Kings.But have not ordered from anyone else yet..Hope this helps you out, any more questions will be glad to help!!

Thanks! Seriously considering the KR808D-1. That's the one Stubear got for his wife and it sounds like it's going well for her. How is the vape on these?

One more questions - do the automatic batteries work okay, or would the push button be better?

Edited by Brian

A few of us have cartomizer models mostly the Vapor King (KR-808D1) and there are several suppliers that sell that model.Its a good no hassle model and for a light to moderate smoker 1-3 carts a day should do it.They are refilable

if you dont let them get to dry and burn and will refill 3+ times,Mine go 3-7 before the vapor is not worth using anymore.I have the one from Vapor King and its a good model for out and about. with a spare battery and a pcc and a few cartomizers you are good for a long time..here are a few suppliers to look into I have had good look with Vapor Kings.But have not ordered from anyone else yet..Hope this helps you out, any more questions will be glad to help!!






Yep, that's what got me headed down this road. I got mine from V4L, which has absolutely fantastic customer service. I'd recommend them to anyone.


Thanks! Seriously considering the KR808D-1. That's the one Stubear got for his wife and it sounds like it's going well for her. How is the vape on these?

One more questions - do the automatic batteries work okay, or would the push button be better?

I was actually very impressed with the vapor on my KR808D-1 that I got from Vapor Kings. It was actually almost comparable to my 510, and with 36mg cartomizers I honestly seemed to get more throat hit than I do with my 510. Honestly if I didn't already have tons and tons of 510 stuff, I could honestly see myself using it full time. I mean, I like the 510 better overall, but thats because I don't mind dealing with the hassle. I'm unemployed and it gives me something to do I guess..

The batteries in mine are automatic and work well as far as automatics go, but you do have to take a primer puff and a long drag to get good vapor. I guess thinking about it I shouldn't say vapor is comparable to my 510, because the KR takes a longer drag to get the same amount of vapor. I don't know how the switches work on them, but I can't get mine to turn on unless I'm smoking it. I've tried blowing into it to simulate wind, noise, kind of banging it around, it just doesn't turn on unless you want it to, but because of the primer puff and long drag, if you think your wife wouldn't mind a manual, they are always the better way to go IMO.


Thanks! Seriously considering the KR808D-1. That's the one Stubear got for his wife and it sounds like it's going well for her. How is the vape on these?

One more questions - do the automatic batteries work okay, or would the push button be better?

I would not recomend the manual batteries I have had one replaced and am not very impressed with the cheap switch its not as good as a 510 switch IMO is the best out there..When they put a 510 switch on one I would get some then.

The auto's work fine and are sensitive just have to take that prime puff to heat it up and a long drag..Be carefull if you refill as to not flood the carts or you can ruin the batteries auto switch.


Very helpful info, much appreciated. To make sure I understand: The Vapor King sold at Vapor4Life is a KR808D-1? This is the same thing that Vapor Kings is selling as the KR808D-1. Just want to make sure they are the same.


Very helpful info, much appreciated. To make sure I understand: The Vapor King sold at Vapor4Life is a KR808D-1? This is the same thing that Vapor Kings is selling as the KR808D-1. Just want to make sure they are the same.


its also sold under a few other names the Nebula is one other

The cut off times on a puff are longer I thinsk on the ones sold at vapor king and vapor4life and most people seem to be satisfied with those models so thats what I am going to recomend to you.

Mine is from VK and its cut off is 10 seconds man or auto battery....


Well, I mentioned to my wife that it's now been over a week since I've had an analog and that I was looking into one for her that was hassel free. She actually got excited about it and said "good, I want to do it to." So, I'll be placing an order today for sure. Gonna spend some time pricing VK vs. V4L and looking to see if there are any cupon codes around here. Again - thanks for help and advice!


Hi Brian, My wife and I quit analogs together and started vaping. It makes it so much easier and fun when your spouse joins in. I'm always ordering stuff and sharing with her about stuff I read and learn on VT. I think we've talked more over the last 50 days than anytime during our 13 years of marriage. LOL :D


I agree on the manual battery too. I've used one of these with the auto batt, and it wasn't as satisfactory as the manual. You can get much better vapor when you're controlling the heat.


Hi Brian, My wife and I quit analogs together and started vaping. It makes it so much easier and fun when your spouse joins in. I'm always ordering stuff and sharing with her about stuff I read and learn on VT. I think we've talked more over the last 50 days than anytime during our 13 years of marriage. LOL :D

That sounds awfully familar. ;) My wife had already quit smoking when I got my first unit, but it looked like so much fun to her she wanted to try it out. Since she'd already quit smoking the nic didn't interest her but she still uses it occasionally, just for the flavor and throat hit. She does get frustrated with all the fiddling around though; I get to keep things running.


I agree on the manual battery too. I've used one of these with the auto batt, and it wasn't as satisfactory as the manual. You can get much better vapor when you're controlling the heat.

Sorry - getting a little confused now. Steve said he didn't recomend the manual battery due the cheap switch. You said you agree, but say the manual battery is better. Anyhow, sounds like one vote for manual, one for auto. So you haven't had any problems with the manual batt?

I'm ready to place my order... just trying to decide on manual or auto.


Sorry - getting a little confused now. Steve said he didn't recomend the manual battery due the cheap switch. You said you agree, but say the manual battery is better. Anyhow, sounds like one vote for manual, one for auto. So you haven't had any problems with the manual batt?

I'm ready to place my order... just trying to decide on manual or auto.

Brian, I'm sorry for the confusion. I must not have read closely enough.

What I can say is that I prefer the manual battery to auto, only because I can better time how the heat is applied. As to poor switches - I've had okay experience with the units from V4L, but that's not to say I'm not just lucky in that regard. We did have one batt that did not shut off when my wife let off the button, and burned the cartomizer. That might be the sort of issue Steve was referring to.

One thing to keep in mind is that all of these things are made in China, whose quality control/manufacturing consistency can sometimes be an issue. So I'd say that we're always taking a chance with this stuff. It's inexpensive enough though, and shipping from these suppliers is reliable enough, that in my opinion it's a reasonable risk. But you should expect that at some point you're going to purchase some part that won't perform to your expectations.

I think these suppliers understand this and I've never heard anyone complain that any of them did not step up and satisfy a reasonable complaint with product failure. I feel good in that regard doing business with any of them. Just my thoughts though. It's your money and your vaping future you're thinking of. I wish you good fortune and a lot of happiness with your vaping life. Vape on!


A few of us have cartomizer models mostly the Vapor King (KR-808D1) and there are several suppliers that sell that model.Its a good no hassle model and for a light to moderate smoker 1-3 carts a day should do it.They are refilable

if you dont let them get to dry and burn and will refill 3+ times,Mine go 3-7 before the vapor is not worth using anymore.I have the one from Vapor King and its a good model for out and about. with a spare battery and a pcc and a few cartomizers you are good for a long time..here are a few suppliers to look into I have had good look with Vapor Kings.But have not ordered from anyone else yet..Hope this helps you out, any more questions will be glad to help!!






I tried going to www.vaporking.com and that site does not exist....I did however find www.vaporkings.com *with an S*....is that the site you are referring to? I believe it is, but just posting for clarification.


I tried going to www.vaporking.com and that site does not exist....I did however find www.vaporkings.com *with an S*....is that the site you are referring to? I believe it is, but just posting for clarification.

vaporkings - with an "s". :)


I placed my order with vapor4life. They were a little more expensive, but had a better selection (wifey wanted blue). :) Hopefully this will work for her. I went with the Ultimate Ultimatum Manual Kit. Comes with the PCC and case, USB PT and charger of course. Got 4 different flavors to get her started (she picked them).

Thanks for all the advice and thanks to Stubear who initially sent me in this direction for my wife.


I tried going to www.vaporking.com and that site does not exist....I did however find www.vaporkings.com *with an S*....is that the site you are referring to? I believe it is, but just posting for clarification.

Sorry about the typo yes its VaporKings.com


The reason I'm asking is because I'm looking for the easiest way to get my wife switched over to ecigs. I started with a 510, now a Spade and I'm direct dripping. That's the way for me, but I know she won't want to fool with all that, no keeping paper towels handy, no refilling, no juice on your hands, etc. I'm just looking for the easiest method. If anyone has tried this, or has any other suggestions for me to help my wife, please let me know.Smoketip

I don't think carts are easier. I think they are a pain in the ***. Until they invent a new cart I think you should just try to get her to start with the 510. A couple weeks ago, my fiance thought e-cigs were stupid. I would put in different flavors and talk her into trying it. She likes menthol and says it feels like she brushed her teeth. Every once in awhile she asked,"Can I hit your e-cig?" After I bought my Spade she said about my 510,"Hand me MY e-cig! :rolleyes2: I don't think it can be much easier than this. You take off the cart, drop three drops, and then you're vaping away again. I don't think just buying the easiest looking devise for someone would work. You have to get them to try something enough to like it. Also, that e-cig on your link looks like a big steaming pile of feces! It looks like they put their logo on a Chinese box(I've seen that box somewhere before). I guarantee you would just be paying for them to put their name on it. :thumbsdown:

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