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My wife wants my tanks......(sub tank minis)


what at should I do?:lol:


Tell her about the pink subtank nano, and tell her the subtank mini is made for men only. If that don't work do like Comp says and hide them.


I knew my rising vape budget was gonna come in to this :lol:


Tell her about the pink subtank nano, and tell her the subtank mini is made for men only. If that don't work do like Comp says and hide them.

Hey!  :angry:

Bebop, take it like a man and go get your lovely wife her very own subtank minis. If you don't you'll just lose yours anyway... What's mine is mine, what's yours is mine... Isn't that somewhere in the wedding vows? I could've sworn it was in there.  :evil:

Posted (edited)

Sounds like a good reason to increase the vape budget, as long as its for her she won't mind.

Add in a few things for yourself too

Edited by FXRich
Posted (edited)

I like the way you think, Rich. :lol:


looks like we're going "shopping" this weekend...

Edited by Bebop

First, she distracts me

"honey, fix my tank. It's not working for me"

"well when was the last time you changes  the coil?" 

"I don't know" (translation: 3 weeks)

"okay, let me fix you up". 

So while I'm putting anew coil in for her I hear this sound.  It's familiar in a strange kinda way....HEY WAIT A MINUTE! That's my rig firing!

the look in her eyes was priceless. She looks straight at me. "I want this", she says. 

Yep, next thing I'm building her a fresh coil in one of my sub tanks (translation: her new sub tank).  Fill it with her current favorite peach soda.  OMG, you should have seen her eyes glaze over.  Yeah, her tanks are history.  Classic.  :lol:


Well at least she only took one so far, and you won,t have to buy coils for her tanks anymore, more money in the vape budget.


B, I feel for you... I really do... but I'm in the same boat :)  All of my back-up eGo's, KPT3-minis, KPT2's, Nautilus, and my subtank-nano have found their way into HER rack of vape-gear, :D ... and she has her eye on my Cloupor minis, too (because their so cute and small, lol).  But hey, how can we say "no" when they smile so pretty and bat a few eyelashes at us? (makes me melt)

I guess I'll be ordering a couple Cloupor minis (for her) or the new mini-plus (for myself), and picking up a couple of Subtank-minis this week, too...



Yeah. It's good and I'm not a big peach fan

Where do you get yours, Bebop? I'm looking at Beyond Vape right now.


Yep. Beyond vape

the mango is really good too. 


Beyond Vape is really interesting.  They have a lot of juice I have never heard of.  But happy so far and prices are reasonable for quality Ejuice




My d-i-v-o-r-c-e becomes final today...... Me and t-a-n-k mini will be goin' away........I love you both and this will be pure h-e double l on me........


Now she wants pink o-rings for the sub tank. Will it never end? :lol:


Jonnoh - I think a blues song is called for....


Dah dada dah daht....

Used to have a sub tank

Dah dada dah daht

It was a version 2

Dah dada dah daht

Aint bad enough it's gone

Dah dada dah daht

She wants to make it pink too!

Oooo oooh ooohI got them subtank blues

(wheedley wee wee wha wha whaaaah)



They do make a pink nano, but it only takes the stock coils. No RBA for the nano. I ordered some of the horizontal subtank coils from fastech last week just so I could rebuild them easily. Been thinking about getting a Nano, but not pink.

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