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Hi! I am fairly new to vaping. I started about two months ago. I started with a spinner. I didn't like that to well, and went to the eleaf istick mini and an aspire nautalis mini tank. I was a smoker of menthol cigs for years and thought to stick with menthol flavors and was not really happy with those, so I branched out a bit. Since I started vaping, I have weaned myself off cigarettes and haven't had one since the 5th of August. However, I am having a really hard time finding a juice I like that tastes the same at home as it did when I tried it.  I am currently using cosmic fog church, I really do like it, but this time the bottle I got tastes off for some reason. (Even after a new coil)  I tried pin up marilyn in the store and loved it.. not so much when I got home. I am so frustrated with finding that right flavor! I also tried one called salt, carmel and cream, loved it in the store, not so much after I got it home and tried to use it. I did like vagabond scout... but I haven't found that flavor that makes me say, yes!, this is the one for me.  What am I doing wrong?!


Hi Karen, and welcome!

When you taste flavors in the shops, they are typically in a specific tank, like the Kanger ProTank3-mini or something similar.  The type of tank and coil you use does affect the flavor, not to mention the longer you're away from analogs, the more your taste buds will change (for the better), so things will constantly taste different from day to day for several months.

I would suggest you try using the same tank and coil resistance the shop uses as their testers.  It will make replicate the flavor profile the same.

Also, the iStick mini and iStick 20W are ones I would avoid, as they fire much hotter than they specify on the display.  Move up to an iStick 30W or 50W for better performance, or switch to a completely different battery all-together.  Read the reviews posted here, and you'll get a good idea of what works and what doesn't.


I just got an istick 30W on Friday after I tried an ijump2 sub ohm.. I found out really fast that I am not ready for sub ohm- ing yet!! At least not one that you can't adjust anything on!! I really don't know what to use or what to go to.

As far as trying to use same tanks as the vape shop I go to.. most of theirs are in a cheaper plastic that is very similar to the aspire dual tank (which I do have two of).

Maybe I am just being way to picky... I don't know what my issue is!



Many of the testers at vape shops have little or no nicotine.  If you then are buying a flavor that has more nicotine you are definitely going to taste a difference. Since it is happening with so many juices you have mentioned that is my first guess as to what is going on.  


What nicotine level are you vaping?


Your "issue" is that you just started vaping not too long ago and there are way too many choices of everything out there these days. It makes getting started much harder to do for a new vaper.  :)

That said, I'm going to make some "easy" recommendations for you. Get either a Kanger Pro Tank 2 or a Kanger Pro Tank 3 mini. The first is the full sized tank and the second is a smaller version of it. With this tank go with a 1.8 ohm single long stem coil (at least a 5-pack). The Kanger Pro tanks and minis are solid workhorses yet simple to use. They're great for beginners and won't break the bank.

Then, once you get settled on the tank, you need to go juice hunting. If you're testing flavors at your local B&M, ask them what nic level (if any) are in the testers. Why are you at 3 mg of nic? Just curious. Most former smokers who went through about a pack a day usually go for 18 - 24 mg of nic to get them off cigarettes. Once that is done, they may gradually lower the nic level. Too much too soon sees many going back to cigarettes. There's really nothing bad about nicotine other than being addicting. Yes, it's a cardiovascular dilator. So is caffeine. It's the 4000+ carcinogens in the cigarettes that are bad for you. Vaping is less harmful (notice I did not say "completely safe").  :)

You can also buy small batches of samplers that are relatively inexpensive. For trying a lot of different flavors I like EC Blends. They sell 5 ml bottles and customize to whatever you want. Select the flavor, the nic level, the PG/VG level (if you're not sure, go with a 50 PG/50 VG to start), stay away from adding any extra flavorings in the beginning so you can figure out what you like and what doesn't do it for you. A 5 ml bottle will cost around $2.50 with any additions to add a little more. Use coupon code: 10020 for 20% off the order. Go a little nuts and find out what rocks your socks off.  :)


Thanks Tam. My shop started me out on a12...to much of a throat hit for me with what I started out with (equipment). I went to a different shop looking for other favors..that's when I tried cosmic fog's church. The shop only had 3mg in stock, so I bought it. I've tried to stay between 3-6 so I don't choke!! :) my biggest problem to date is that knock your socks off flavor! My last real cig was August 5th. The hubby is still smoking and when I smell his smoke I don't even want a real cig. ( I have turned into one of those people....lol)  I have smoked menthol 100's for about 15 years...never found the right menthol flavor..wasn't into the perfumey tasting, so went to dessert type ones. I realize everyone has different tastes, and after trying several flavored right after the one before..they seem to all taste the same. I'm not giving up!! I have gone to long cig free to go back now! Everyone that I have met in the vape  world has been awesome with advice and help....now I just need to go out and find that flavor!!! There are just so many flavors!


As a former menthol smoker I found myself in the same situation - I finally found a UK based site that does a very satisfying triple menthol flavor juice that vapes great. As for Nautilus, I originally got a mini and loved it, but when I got an original I found it vapes even better (despite using the same coils which is odd).

Also, you said iJump2, did you mean iJust ? I've been watching reviews for the iJust2 as i'm interested in trying sub ohming when my istick 50w turns up

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When I first started I used General's Juices - Major Menthol. If you're looking for a straight menthol hit then that's what I'd recommend, its a very strong with the cool aftertaste, very easy to Vape all day. I found the flavour was better at high Wattages but, that's all your preference.

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