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Burnt taste


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When using a new coil it's important that when you first add e-liquid you allow it so sit for a moment and soak. Failure to do so will result in burning the coil up right off the bat. Additionally you'll want to make sure you are using a high quality e-liquid. Finally I make sure if it's a high PG liquid that you're not running the voltage too high. (The higher the voltage, generally the higher the VG ratio needs to be) 

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Another thing to think about is this... once you burn a coil, the burnt taste will be passed along to the remaining juice in the tank.  Simply replacing the coil will just continue to wick burnt-flavored juice into the new coil.  When you get a burnt taste, sometimes it is best to dump the tank, clean it, and start fresh with clean tank, fresh juice, and new coil.

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