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ROFLMAO, du du di du du. Roflmao du du di du....I freakin' love that video.

As we spoke about before, Keenan, when it's all said and done we're on the same side, you and I. I have no reason to disagree with you. In fact I also have some comments about the IRS I could share with you too, lol.

I fear mostly that I might come off as a bit of an extremist, or even a conspiracy nut job. Believe me when I say that I'm actually pretty moderate in my day to day life and have a long history of conservative voting. However, the past couple of years has really caused me to change the way I look at our government and I'm afraid this current economic crisis has a lot to do with it.

Have you looked at the website from my original post yet? If you haven't, I should warn you, Bud. It does have some pretty inflammatory stuff on it. Some of it I don't particularly agree with. I named this topic "The Obama Deception" because thats the video I think is most pertinent to the conversation here and on your topic about change now. I also like the video entitled "Freedom to Fascism". I hope you check them out. Also, the first video in the series is a lesson about world government and kinda puts us all on the same page when discussing different forms of government. I was really hoping to hear comments regarding these videos and get your take on them.

The current economic crisis we're in, and the ugly way in which banks seem to be getting away with things these days is exactly what angers me most of all. Thats why I'm so concerned with ending the federal reserve. Criticism of the FED

OK, so how about that IRS, huh? You may already be aware of this, but there has been a running debate about the laws surrounding federal income tax for years. Did you know that there is no actual law stating that citizens are required to pay federal income tax, or that you have to file at all? In fact, the constitution actually guards against it, according to some. Just google IRS law. You'll find it. You may not know about this, though. Federal income tax has been levied several times during the history of the US but mainly only during times of war, like the war of 1812 and the civil war. In 1896, the US supreme court ruled that income tax was unconstitutional, because it was not apportioned among the states. But it was later re-enacted with the 16th amendment. And guess what year that was. It was 1913. The same year of the federal reserve act. 1913 was a tough time for the USA. We were going through EXACTLY the same type of crisis we're going through today....


"But it was later re-enacted with the 16th amendment. And guess what year that was. It was 1913. The same year of the federal reserve act. 1913 was a tough time for the USA. We were going through EXACTLY the same type of crisis we're going through today...."

Why O Why does the government think raising taxes in an economic downturn is a good idea. It just doesn't make sense. I work for a small government agency and we cut staff and expenses rather than raise taxes on the community. Believe me it hurt to see co-workers laid off but there was no ther way. The feds should do this also. We also are required to have a balanced budget that we stick to just like every average citizen. We can't print money like the Feds, and we don't have a unlimited credit card account. If there is a bad economic forcast we adjust our spending accordingly. This isn't rocket science I learned about balancing a check book in my high school Home Ec class. This is getting out of control.



Great response, Jeff!! Exactly my point!

Many critics of the FED have this theory about 1913. In 1913, the US was broke. The federal reserve was created because of fear that we couldn't pull out. FEAR!! Probably the WORST cause for government to jump to hasty decisions.

OK, so when the FED was created (with a private banking system running it), the US needed a way to pay back the reserve. So it ratified the constitution in order to enact and levy an income tax. The first income tax, and a great deal of it today, goes to pay back a private bank! And that bank charges interest. Your income tax goes to to pay interest on debt. And now we're bailing out other banks too!!

The Federal Reserve is a private entity. Many people think that it is like Fort Knox, or something. Like it's run by the government. It's actually a private banking cartel!! There's absolutely nothing Federal about it.

I call this form of economics "shotgun economics", because when you figure out what it's all about you want to put a shotgun in your mouth....

Posted (edited)

Speakeasy said

"I fear mostly that I might come off as a bit of an extremist, or even a conspiracy nut job"

Absolutely NOT Speakeasy. You DO , however, come off as an extreme nut job ! (jk ) :whistle:

(That was WAY too easy )

Edited by keenan

Been to that site before, I find some of the videos offensive. As far as abolishing the Fed, I believe I've stated I've never understood why they make AND execute monetary policy. I'm not sure simply abolishing it is as simple as it sounds. I'd rather start by having some type of organization responsible for a check and balance on the fed. Same for a gold standard, where's all that gold going to come from. I guess 20 years ago is when I think these kinds of changes would have made sense, but now that we've let then banksters in charge and they've made such a mess of things any change now would probably initiate the anarchy I'm afraid is coming anyway.


Wow, I guess I should have gotten into this topic earlier. The video of the same name was created by Fox News and aired last year I believe. It can be found on youtube in it's entirety. It's almost 2 hours long, but worth watching.

I will also agree with speak about the war on terror being a hoax. Now let me clarify, I don't mean our presence in Iraq or anything of that nature. I don't even mean the war its self. I mean that the "war on terror" is being used to implement policy that has nothing to do with the actual war on terror and it's being used to take away our rights.

Make no mistake about it, our country, and most of the countries in the world, are run by bankers behind the scenes. To their credit, man are they sharp. They dupe the Government into giving them money, then they turn around and LOAN OUR money back to us, with interest of course, and those in Washington fell for it, hook line and sinker.

Posted (edited)

"I fear mostly that I might come off as a bit of an extremist, or even a conspiracy nut job"

Speak you sound like Glenn Beck, who scares the heck out of me cuz he might be right.

IMHO that biggest reason the war is a joke is becuz it wasnt fought right from the start. When we needed our leaders to kick rearend they were too afraid to do it right. Insteaad of making a point they made us look foolish.

ok but hear is my hope that people will see that the puppet has too many hands up his butt and be more williing to go with someone like thompson or even romney. They may need the bad before they want the good.

Edited by Gazoo

Wow, I guess I should have gotten into this topic earlier. The video of the same name was created by Fox News and aired last year I believe. It can be found on youtube in it's entirety. It's almost 2 hours long, but worth watching.

I will also agree with speak about the war on terror being a hoax. Now let me clarify, I don't mean our presence in Iraq or anything of that nature. I don't even mean the war its self. I mean that the "war on terror" is being used to implement policy that has nothing to do with the actual war on terror and it's being used to take away our rights.

Make no mistake about it, our country, and most of the countries in the world, are run by bankers behind the scenes. To their credit, man are they sharp. They dupe the Government into giving them money, then they turn around and LOAN OUR money back to us, with interest of course, and those in Washington fell for it, hook line and sinker.

Ahhhhhh - is that what was meant by it being a hoax? Okay - but the wording is terrible. In other words when dopey said they've found WMDs, and they really didn't. And the concern that they use all the scare tactics to allow themselves to skirt the constitution etc? I'm down with that, just don't use the word hoax (if you could). It's inflammatory and kind of offensive as it appears to dismiss the actual terrorism that does exist. In fact, one could argue the mis-direction is actually a help to the real terrorists.


Ahhhhhh - is that what was meant by it being a hoax? Okay - but the wording is terrible. In other words when dopey said they've found WMDs, and they really didn't. And the concern that they use all the scare tactics to allow themselves to skirt the constitution etc? I'm down with that, just don't use the word hoax (if you could). It's inflammatory and kind of offensive as it appears to dismiss the actual terrorism that does exist. In fact, one could argue the mis-direction is actually a help to the real terrorists.

I agree FTJoe. The war on terror is misguided. The war on terror is off track. The war on terror took a wrong turn. I agree wholeheartedly with that. I back that 100%. But a hoax? A joke ? I just cant buy that. I will even go as far as to agree that it turned INTO a hoax, a shell-game. But I dont believe for one second that our intentions were less than honorable at the start, on Sept. 12th.

Posted (edited)

I agree FTJoe. The war on terror is misguided. The war on terror is off track. The war on terror took a wrong turn. I agree wholeheartedly with that. I back that 100%. But a hoax? A joke ? I just cant buy that. I will even go as far as to agree that it turned INTO a hoax, a shell-game. But I dont believe for one second that our intentions were less than honorable at the start, on Sept. 12th.

In my mind there are two war on terrors, the original one, which we all supported and still do, and the one that is played to the public eye in the interest of furthering political goals. The second one isn't a war on terror, it's simply labeled that because they recognized that Americans will rally behind our leaders in the fight against terrorism. They need the ability to wire tap people without a warrant to fight terrorism. They try to use it to position lists of "potential terrorist" based on who knows what grounds, and they want to use this list to take away the rights of any American that they put on this list to own a firearm. They can put you or I on this list at any point just because they want to. Keenan, you said you were a vet, so you may already be on one of their lists, since according to the Obama Administration vets are a security risk to this once great country.

If people really want to know who is actually pulling the strings of the Obama puppet, and even the Bush, Clinton, Reagan puppets that came before, Google bilderberg group and do some reading. A group that tries to remain obscure, holding secret meetings with the worlds powerful and elite is enough to make me wonder. There are times I start digging around looking for the truth, knowing I'm not going to find it, as these people are good at keeping things hidden, but then I wonder, do I really want to know, or is ignorance truly bliss?

Edited by Travis798
Posted (edited)

I watched the first 3 videos on the link that Speakeasy gave. The first one, I actually watched on PBS, but it was good to watch it again. The other two I have not watch before and they basically repeated what the first video said. I now have a better understanding of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury and what roles they play in our system. As time permits I am going to go back and watch the other videos. I am very curious about the Obama Dececption, I knew of this video before.

I don't want to give my opinion, mostly because most of you have covered everything. But I am sure stinking mad at the current status of our country.

I am going to give you link to a website that is constantly watching the on going saga of our current government. I have been keeping track of this fellow, Alex Jones, for several years. I do feel that in the past he was a bit too far into the conspiracy idea. Something about politicians being lizards and some silly ceremony involving an owl. Enough said about the weird stuff. But his current information is quite interesting. You have to give him points for putting up such fuss. He is monitored very closely by the White House. Hmmm...makes me wonder if he is on to something.

Don't judge me. I am not a nut job and I don't fall for the whole conspiracy thing, but I do find some fascinating information on this website and a bit of fun too. It takes balls to have a contest, giving away $1000 for posting pictures of the Obama Joker in your town. Info Wars

Edited by BirdDog
Posted (edited)

But a hoax? A joke ? I just cant buy that.

That was my point, I think people get confused when the word hoax is used. I think we do all agree as stated above there are two wars on terror, the real one and the political one.

Edited by FTJoe

I have been watching these videos for the past few days now, and they are very informal. As for the war on terror being a hoax, it isn't. Simply because whichever way you put it, we are fighting in iraq and afganistan, as well as our gov't has waged a war on us the people of this country, trying to make us the terrorist. Trying to ban us from our god given rights. In one of the videos that I watched they said that any one who "recites the constitution or their constitutional rights are in an incorrecet state of mind and must be medicated". Now forgive me for I am not a vet of any military (not accepted by any branch due to medical reason) but this country has not been american and majority of people in this country have been so brainwashed and dumbed down to where they arent aware that anything is even going on and to save our country we need to take it back and make it the REAL U.S.A again!!!!.

(sorry not trying to offend any one!!)

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