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So, would it be better to have an iStick or a Subox Mini?
If i get the Kanger, ill only get one 3100mAh battery to compliment it. I would charge it within the box mod. 
If  i get the iStick, i would probably get the tank that everyones been recommending to me, which is the Aspire Nautilus. 
I dont know which one to get.

My vote would go for an iStick 50W and Nautilus BVC. Whatever you end up getting, make sure you order more coils to go with it.  :)

Whats the differences between the coils? Like...which is better, the .5 or the 1.5?


I don't have a istick 50w but I do have 3 subox minis, haven't had any trouble with any of them. A 50w mod is a 50w mod, what's important is the tank, the nautilus uses standard coils, the subox mini kit comes with a subtank mini, which includes a RBA if you think you might want to try to build your own coils go with the subtank, if you are happy just using stock coils go with the nautilus, keep in mind the stock coils for the subtank cost more. Its all about what you want to do.


Whats the differences between the coils? Like...which is better, the .5 or the 1.5?

Which is better? There's really no such thing, it's more "Which one will I like better?" And the only one who can answer that is you. The .5 will be a hotter vape, the 1.5 is a little cooler. My personal preference is a 1.8 ohm coil. With the Nautilus, I believe you have the choice of a regular coil or a vertical coil. I like the 1.8 ohm vertical coil better. You'll have to try them for yourself to see which one works best for you.  :)

Whatever you get, remember to start at a low power setting, vape. If it's not what you like, turn it up a little. Vape. Repeat until you get a slight burnt taste or a harsh vape. Then, turn it down just a bit and you should have found the "sweet spot" for your coil and juice combination.  :)

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