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Cleaned Vape


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I have a Vision spinner 2 that had some black gunk stuck in it, so i cleaned it out with a little water and Q- tip. I also cleaned my Aspire K1 tank out with water (which ive done before) I let them dry for awhile to make sure it wasn't wet. I cleaned everything off with just water and q tip, like fully took it apart and now it tastes really weird when i smoke on it. For some reason it feels like "smoke" is getting stuck in the back of my throat super thick. Its not the liquid its self coming through the mouth piece either. Did i do something wrong? Please help :(

I was thinking maybe cleaning the coil made it taste that way not sure. 

Edited by xlizzi
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Try adding a new coil. It could be you are getting the taste of the gunk from the coil. It is always best to add a new coil when you clean your tank. Soak the old coil in Vodka for 24 to 48 hours to clean it. Water alone is not enough to get a coil clean.

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Idk every time i even try to hit it (ive taken it apart again) it almost tastes like all the stuff is going straight in my throat. I dont get it. 

Did you try a new coil like comp suggested?

Edited by cany
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Always have back ups of your gear.

Then, go get back ups of your back ups.

When you have those, get back ups of your back ups of your back ups.

I'm not joking. You can never have too many back ups so you're never without when something goes wrong, goes out, stops working, isn't charged...  :)

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I knew you would do the Back-up lecture Tam! :D It is Vaping 101 to be sure.

What Tam said x100. :) When you have that chance, get two or 3 packs of 5. When you think about it, it will save you money and time. :)

They never believe we're serious about the back ups... until they run out and find they have a real need for them. Then, it's all, "I thought you were kidding about the back ups thing but... I'm going to go get some now!"  :)

When you get a chance, also get another battery, another tank, another charger, and some extra juice. You'll never be sorry you did.  :D

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