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Hi I am very VERY new to vaping. I  just bought an Aspire ESP 30w vaporizer with an Aspire Atlantis tank and I'm  wondering what type of E-liquid with what nicotine levels will help me achieve that hookah high. I am not a smoker and have never touched an actual cigarette, so I am unsure if I even need nicotine. I just don't want to buy an e liquid and its pineapple air and does nothing for me. I want the clouds and the hookah high. Please help if any of this makes sense to you. Thanks

Posted (edited)

You can actually buy Hookah vaporizers..which I guessing will be closer to what you looking for, in fact I was looking at few the other day in eBay ..and they look tempting.

Edited by cesar

Whats a Hooka high

Its almost like a weed high. You kind of have a light headedness after a few puffs.

You can actually buy Hookah vaporizers..which I guessing will be closer to what you looking for, in fact I was looking at few the other day in eBay ..and they look tempting.

I've seen the hookah pens which I am not the biggest fan of and I've seen the big electronic hookah hose which is too big for taking outside. I was hoping I could get the same effect with the aspire vaporizer.


The problem is that normal tanks don't generate enough vapour for what you looking for..isn't a problem with power..is the actual sides of the tank, and the length of the pipe... maybe is a tank big enough around, but not that I know about.

Posted (edited)

Most of the Veterans here are more into "standard vaping" and not getting Hookah High from it  (Im ASSuming here). Looks like Cesar has you covered on this


Edited by cany

Hookah is a marinated tobacco product. Flavored tobacco. The "high" is oxygen deprivation (lots more CO2)  and chemical inhalation. Probably comparable to cigs in chemicals and depending on the method, more CO2. (carbon dioxide). 

Anyone who has smoked non filters knows this "high"....


Hookah is a marinated tobacco product. Flavored tobacco. The "high" is oxygen deprivation (lots more CO2)  and chemical inhalation. Probably comparable to cigs in chemicals and depending on the method, more CO2. (carbon dioxide).

Anyone who has smoked non filters knows this "high"....

Is it possible to get that same feeling with the aspire 30w vaporizer with the atlantis tank??


What?  You're not using the Atari joystick like the rest of us?? 

Mine broke beyond repair quite a few years ago and I was forced to settle for the ergo touchpad. *sighs*

Posted (edited)

The last wireless mouse I had the cat kept running off with it.


At least he would knock it onto the floor where I stepped on it one day.

Edited by FXRich

The only mice my cats get are the furry ones with black eyes. They like bringing them in the house for play toys. They just don't get the concept that they are outdoor toys only. LOL


Is it possible to get that same feeling with the aspire 30w vaporizer with the atlantis tank??

sorry to abandon you like that. Hit a busy spell....


ok, I'm a little uncomfortable trying to help you get "high" lol. But here's the deal:

vaping or vaporizing liquid is not like smoking.  Hookah is smoking.  In vaping there is no combustion. There is no smoke. So you don't have the chemical properties associated with combustion and you don't have the tars and other particulates you have with smoking. In short, I think you're going to be hard pressed to get that feeling from vaping.


besides, it's not good for you man.  Your body and your brain need oxygen. To deprive yourself of that is not a good idea.  It probably won't kill you right away but over time, not good.  Not something I recommend getting in to.  Honestly, I just don't think vaping is for you.  Sorry



Not to rain in your parade or anything... but you can also use Hookah Stones to generate steam instead of smoke, I guessing that's what the OP meant..considering that he said he's not a smoker...:rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Anyway..I been experimenting a bit again, and surprisingly setting the power as low as possible will allow you to take longer inhales, and it gets very close to that highs you talking about, not the same thing, but similar. It only works with the Aerotank thought, with the minimum amount of air possible..just enough to get it going.


Edit; Just don't over do it thought...i'm pretty sure isn't very good for you... but it definitely works...:blink:

Edited by cesar

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