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had 2 eleaf 20 watt batteries. Both of the connections ended up stripped. So I went to my little aspire vv batteries. Then I completely busted both of my nautilus mini tanks. Forgot you could replace the glass so I chucked them. So I had to go to my evod tank, lol. Got enuff money to buy an ipv mini 2 and got an aspire tank that looks like an evod but is better. Only thing I don't like about the tank is no airflow control. Waiting for money to get a better tank. And at the moment I have liquid I'm not really digging. Funny part is the Vaping roller coaster sort of represents my life right now too. Wtf? I've reverted back to smoking a little. Think the tank is what is screwing me up not to mention stress.

Posted (edited)

I know other people are going to tell you this so I will first. Get a Kanger protank 2 or 3 I prefer the 2 they are workhorses and very dependable.


Also get a airflow control for that KPT, they are sold separately.

Edited by FXRich

unfortunately that is the life of vaping, sometimes everything possible goes wrong.  At least you have enough to get you by for the moment.  Liquid you don't like isn't ideal, but better than nothing.  smoking for a bit will help you get through this period. 

sorry about your bad luck!!


I know other people are going to tell you this so I will first. Get a Kanger protank 2 or 3 I prefer the 2 they are workhorses and very dependable.

Also get a airflow control for that KPT, they are sold separately.

Totally agree with you, Rich. A Kanger Pro Tank 2 with an airflow controller is hard to beat. The 1.8 ohm single coil is a very good flavor carrier and can give off some good vapor even with 50/50 juice.  :)


Personally, I prefer the Pro Tank over my Nautilus mini. The KPT is easy to use, it's inexpensive, the coils are very inexpensive, it just works... and keeps on working. The Nautilus, on the other hand, has more expensive coils, is very difficult to remove the bottom to fill with juice... Just like in everything vaping, it's all subjective but if you want something that keeps working and is dependable, the KPT is very hard to beat.  :)


That depends on what you are looking for. The coils for a KPT are cheaper, and from what I hear on here the nautilus requires more maintenance, The  nautilus will give you bigger clouds, but the KPT is more dependable.


That depends on what you are looking for. The coils for a KPT are cheaper, and from what I hear on here the nautilus requires more maintenance, The  nautilus will give you bigger clouds, but the KPT is more dependable.

I don't know about the Nautilus giving you more clouds. I'm getting some pretty thick, dense "clouds" without trying with my KPT 3 mini, 1.8 ohm single coil and some 40/60 juice right now. Got the KPT 3 mini for around $10 bucks, a 5-pack of 1.8 ohm coils for around $5 and the juice. Not too bad. The Nautilus mini goes for around $27 with a 5-pack of coils for $13 and juice.  :)


Maybe I'm thinking of the Atlantis. So many out there that I don't have. I tend to stick to Kanger. I tried Aspire about a year ago but went back to Kanger,


The Aspire tanks I've tried work well, they're just more expensive and slightly higher maintenance than any of the Kanger tanks. The Kangers have all been very dependable and much cheaper without giving up on quality from my experience. The jury is still out on the Kanger subtank mini, however.  :)


I'm sitting here looking at my tank rack, and the majority are Kanger (KPT2, Aerotanks, KPT3mini, subtank Nano and mini), and the rest are RTAs (mostly Russians and clones).  I've tried the Nautilus, and prefer my Kanger tanks.  Like Tam said, they are cheaper to buy, cheaper to operate/maintain, and they just WORK!  Aside from a couple of coils in the past year that failed early, I've had zero issues with my Kanger products.

When I recommend a reliable tank to a Noob, or veteran looking for reliability, I always recommend the KPT2 or an Aerotank (V1 or V2), and feel very confident in the recommendation :D


I prefer the Aspire Davide using 1.8 KPT single coils over the Nautilus or Pro Tank. To me it's like a KPT with airflow valve wide open without dealing with the airflow base that I am not a fan of.


Yup! When I slip up and have a smoke, the first thing I think after lighting it is "how did I actually enjoy this?"

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