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It's been a while, I couldn't figure out my password, and realized it's because I use Facebook to log in. Haha, so I've been locked out all this time.

Anyways, I received my DJI Phantom 3 Professional about a week ago and it's a blast. I'm in Moab, Utah and the scenery is stunning, especially from the air.


I bought my son a small one... Syma? so he could play with it... and I could too...  It has a camera and about 15-min flight time with decent range.  He really wants one of the bigger, pro models, but like gag8tor, I'm not ready to drop a minimum of $500 on a toy, especially when I've got other projects that require cash (like the bathroom I was supposed to start remodeling 3-months ago :sofa: )


I have the phantom 3 pro $1'300 the phantom 3 advanced is $999 phantom 2 vision + is around $700. I recommend any DJI PHANTOM model. I'll find some pics to show you guys :)


If anyone would like to see some of my drone photos, they can be viewed on facebook right Here . The group is called The Bird's Eye View Photography :)


You don't see a black button on the right hand side with a white heart and "Like this" written in white letters?


The like button has disappeared. So, nice pics.

​This is controlled by TapaTalk. Their software hasn't caught up to the update yet. (Nothing that we can control) However I spoke to the devs and they have another update due to roll out, once it's out I'll apply it and hopefully it'll restore anything that seems to be missing. 

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