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What kind of cereal are you looking for? As always, taste is subjective, so even if I think it's "da bomb", you may think it tastes like a pile of moldy straw...  :)


I recently tried ANML's "Looper". I was skeptical at first because I ate a lot of fruit loops as a child, but this flavor is amazing! It even finishes with the sugary coating on the fruit loops. It's a spot-on recreation, in my book. 


Thanks yall, And Tam I don't know of a cereal I don't like. I guess my favorite was captain crunch with crunch berries. What got me thinking about it is Vapor Girls have a new line that are all cereal flavors but their max nic is 6mg and I vape 18 if I can get it. I appreciate the help


Thanks yall, And Tam I don't know of a cereal I don't like. I guess my favorite was captain crunch with crunch berries. What got me thinking about it is Vapor Girls have a new line that are all cereal flavors but their max nic is 6mg and I vape 18 if I can get it. I appreciate the help

Try Lost Art Kapain Krunch


Have you tried contacting them to see if they would make an 18 mg version?

No Tam, I did not even think a juice company would specialize an order like that for just one order but it's worth a shot. Thank you.


No Tam, I did not even think a juice company would specialize an order like that for just one order but it's worth a shot. Thank you.


Some companies will, others won't, but it never hurts to ask. They might just say, "yes."  :)


There are a couple of great flavors I found a last fall, which were only in 3 or 6 mg, because they were marketed as "dripping juices" (max VG). I asked if they would make a 12 mg, but they declined... So, I thinned them a bit with PG based Nicotine and they worked out very well in a tank. Might be something to consider?


That's a good idea Earthling. I have a bottle of nicotine and I can just add amount needed to each bottle. The person who gave me the nic sent instructions on how much to add. I just need to order me a marked syringe, Thanks for the advice.


You're welcome! 


It's a quick-fix to adjust nicotine levels when you can't get the mg you want, to thin-out a thick juice (using PG), or thicken-up a thin juice (using VG).

Just be aware that it may mute the flavors a bit, but sometimes that can work to your advantage, too?


If you can't find a good syringe to use... you can always get a medication syringe from the local pharmacy.  They won't have a needle-tip, but you can get them up to 10ml, and they come in quite handy.  Are they accurate?  Meh, close enough...


Cereal milk by kilo is pretty good, kind of tastes like captain crunch. It's in my tank right now. Fruity rings by Dr. Crimmy is also pretty good, but it needs to sit for s couple of weeks to let the citrus flavor blend in with the other flavors instead of standing out.

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