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Apparently, I'm known as the "authority" on vaping at work :)  A co-worker tracked me down today and told me he was ready to make the switch to vaping (per his doctor's recommendation), before he ended up with the stroke or heart-attack his doctor is predicting for him in the next 5-years, and he heard I was the guy to talk to (which was news to me, since I don't have a sign on the back of my chair, lol).


Anyway, he said he had $200 to spend, TODAY, and wanted to get started.  He knew prices were going to be better online, and he'd get more bang for his buck that way.  He had tried with a basic eGo and Ce4 years ago, and gave up on it quickly because of the poor life of the clone batteries and he didn't care for the hot vape of a top-coil.


Sooo... we went shopping (and educating) :)


I talked him into buying an iStick 50W (but he bought two), and he also bought two AnyVape Davides and two AeroTank V2's... and of course a 5-pack each of single and dual-coils for the tanks.  All together, he still didn't spend all of his $200... barely broke $150.  After work, I took him across the street to the local vape-shop and helped him pick out some juices (he bought 4 bottles (and a sampler-pack)... and the guy behind the counter gave him a KPT3 mini and EVOD twist (clean, used equipment they keep for those in need) so he would have something to use until his vape-mail arrived (hopefully on Monday).


I wish more doctors would recommend vaping to their smokers... but at least his doctor has some common-sense and suggested vaping as an alternative (to save his life).




Great job  I hope he doesent ask you as many questions as I did when I started :blushing: :blushing:


Great job  I hope he doesent ask you as many questions as I did when I started :blushing: :blushing:


It's what I live for :D


Great job  I hope he doesent ask you as many questions as I did when I started :blushing: :blushing:



It's what I live for :D

Im thankful for it :thumbup: :thumbup:


Like you, I'm the resident "expert" on all thing vaping at my job. So far, I've converted over a half-dozen co-workers (as well as a couple of wives) from smoking to vaping, and also created quite a few ex-smokers in my general area. Other smoking co-workers see the converts vaping and now they're coming to me and asking questions, so it looks like I have my work cut out for me. It really is a good feeling to have the means to help people finally get free from cigarettes. :yes


Seems those of us who vape are all getting the reputation of being the person to go to for information. So far, all the people I've gotten started on vaping are all still analog free.


Go you, Earthling! It's stories like these that make answering all the questions worthwhile. :D


I vape openly almost anywhere in any of our buildings and allow the employees to do the same and have not had a single issue in over two years. I know what you mean there are 9 people at work that I got started but a couple still smoke too. It's rewarding to watch the others regain their pre-smoking lifestyle and am always happy to answer any question. Boaters and vapers are two of the most helpful to each other of any subsets of society I know!



Go you, Earthling! It's stories like these that make answering all the questions worthwhile. :D

I'll second that!

My wife and I have a pretty high success rate on conversion. I think we've converted a dozen people in the last couple years (we're running out of smoking friends!) one guy was a tough nut to crack but he's been analog free for months and months and he's happy as a clam now. It's really rewarding getting people off the analogs. And one for one they still rave about being so glad to be done with the nasties. It really is a life changer for people.


200 dollars and solid advice from an expert is certainly a great start to vaping. It's nice to be able to help

New vapors avoid the trial and error , not to mention wasted dollars , that we long time vapors went through , great story !




I so agree with that.  I can't believe the propaganda I hear around school and the pubs and coffee houses that vaping is worst than smoking.  I have no idea where they hear these things but the stories are so ridiculous.  Doctors need to get on board with this because it's certainly better than all their other completely ineffective tools like gum, patches, anti depressants or whatever weird drugs they now prescribe.  And fun too!

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