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Want opinions on the longest lasting best battery for nothing lower than 1.5 ohm vaping,i know its a subjective question but would like to hear from other people



How many watts should i put to a 1.5 ohm coil?


How many watts depends on a lot of different factors: what tank you're using, what juice, how much nicotine, your PG/VG levels, etc.


Short answer? Start at the lowest setting, vape. If it's not what you want, turn up the watts a little, vape. Repeat until you get a harsher hit than you like or you get a slightly burnt taste to your juice. Lower the watts a little. That should be the sweet spot for that flavor. Some flavors like fruits like it cooler. Some like bakery flavors prefer hotter. It all depends on what you like but start low and work your way higher. If you start high and burn your wick, you'll need to change to coil because that burnt flavor never comes out...  :)


Would this battery be overkill i use a genitank and an aerotank with 1.5 ohm coils i really dont want sub ohm,and i see a wide variety of prices for the eleaf istick 50w what is an acceptable price range?


Just because you car's speedometer registers to 140, doesn't mean you have to do 140 out of the driveway, through town, or on the highway :)  Just because the device will do 50W, doesn't mean you have to use it at 50W for every tank / situation.


It will function perfectly fine at 8W, 10W, 12W, etc for your Aerotanks or any others.


Prices right now are ranging from $40 to $60, and the best price is the price you're willing to pay :)

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