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So, this is what i am working with now. Ive got an itaste vv v3, an istick 20 and 30w. Tanks are a subtank nano, naut mini, atlantis and an et-s. I love the isticks, but am looking for something that doesnt have a usb charger. Like the idea of grabbing a box that uses batteries instead. That way i can have batteries to toss in whenever i need em. So far, ive looked at sigelei, the ipv boxes, and cloupor. Am looking for good balance between value and performance. Mostly though, just want your thoughts. Is there a clear cut winner for you here? Can definetly be something i havent mentioned too. Thanks for your help.


For APVs that use external batteries, I love my IPV mini and IPV mini 2. They're both solid workhorses and not bad to look at, either. We all have our favorites. Others will be along shortly to share theirs.   :)

Posted (edited)

Thank you for that introduction, Tug :D


Tam is spot-on with the IPV-mini V1 (30W) or V2 (70W).  Both are the same physical form, and both perform very well.  They also fit nicely in your hand!  The IPV-minis are also only Variable-Wattage mode... which is fine for the majority of us.


The Cloupor mini is my daily rig that goes to work with me, or traveling... it is the exact same physical size as the iStick 20W, without the rounded back, but it's heft and dimensions feel much better in your hand than the iStick.  The Cloupor also allows you to flip the screen so it can be read to the left or the right.  They also are Variable-Voltage or Variable-Wattage modes.


Prices... the Cloupor mini has my vote, as you can get them for $30 (plus shipping) from VapeNW.com, and they are available in black or silver.  The IPV-minis are $45-55 for the V1, and $60-70 for the V2.  Color options are black, silver, gold (champagne), blue, and hot-pink.  The finish on the IPV's are not quite as durable (at least my black one isn't wearing that well) as the Cloupor... daily use of my Cloupor shows almost no wear!


There are other good options out there, especially if you want more than 30W of power... but the best bang-for-your-buck will be the Cloupor mini, IMO...


BTW, I may push the Cloupor (I have two of them), but I also own four of the IPV-minis (three V1's, and a V2)... so I use all of them equally... I just like the portability and price (a well as the function) of the Cloupor... the IPV-minis just feel great in your hand.  I carry the Cloupor's to work because if I'm going to damage one while away from home, I'd rater it be the cheaper one!

Edited by Earthling789

Imo i would suggest a sigelei 100w plus...just did a review on it earlier today. It is a little bit higher on price, but it works great...this is just my opinion.


Yes, for the price, and the quality of device, the Cloupor is on the top of my suggestion list.  The IPV-mini is just so darn comfortable and a solid-device :)  Put one in your hand, and you'll see what I mean!  I'm using one right now with my Russian 91% @ 1.3 Ohm and 12.5W... and the flavor is amazing ;)


For the tanks you listed above, a 30W device will service you well, but I won't knock the 70W IPV-mini either... if you use the 0.5 Ohm coils with the Nano or Atlantis, you'll eventually want more than 30W of power, depending on the juice, that is.


To me, 30W devices handle the needs of the masses... probably 95-98% of all vapers.


50-70W devices are for those who have that at least one RDA or sub-ohm tank and regularly build (or use coils) below 0.8 Ohms... The exception here is the iStick 50W... many people that buy it are not looking for 50W power, they are looking at the 4600mAh battery!!


70W+ devices are for the cloud-chasers and super-sub-ohmers that regularly build below 0.5 Ohm rigs.  I've built my RDA @ 0.3 Ohms and pushed it to see how far I could go before the juice tasted like burning trash... and that happened just after 55W.  At 40W, it wasn't bad on flavor, but was a tad too warm for my liking, lol.

Posted (edited)

Wow! Could not have asked for more detailed info. Sounds like you know a "thing or two" about box mods Earthling [emoji6] haha. Much appreciated!

Edited by vapestateofmind
Posted (edited)

I think if money was no object, these are the ones I would get, and in this order:



SX mini M class:






Vapor Shark rDNA:



Of course these are just the mods that are on my, "If I win the lottery, which I don't play" list...



Thank God nobody has a Layaway plan for electronic box mods....I would be even more broke than I am now.

Edited by jasonculp
Posted (edited)

Oohhh so shiny!! Think ill grab a cloupor now, as per earthlings suggestion, but look at that SX mini M Class! Im going to be dreaming about that one tonight.


I don't think you will go wrong.  Earthling has a few Cloupor Minis and I also have a couple.  They are great mods.  I would also recomend if it hasn't been suggested pick up a few Samsung INR18650-25R batteries and a Nitecore charger from a reputable dealer.

Edited by jasonculp

I don't think you will go wrong.  Earthling has a few Cloupor Minis and I also have a couple.  They are great mods.  I would also recomend if it hasn't been suggested pick up a few Samsung INR18650-25R batteries and a Nitecore charger from a reputable dealer.


Oh, I second and third the suggestion of Samsung 25r batteries and Nitecore charger!  For the charger, I would suggest spending the extra $2-4 on the i4 (four-bay) charger, rather than the i2 (two-bay).  And they make a digital version, which is fancy, but doesn't charge any better than the standard i-series!


I think if money was no object, these are the ones I would get, and in this order:



SX mini M class:






Vapor Shark rDNA:



Of course these are just the mods that are on my, "If I win the lottery, which I don't play" list...



Thank God nobody has a Layaway plan for electronic box mods....I would be even more broke than I am now.


Great CALL ,,,I love em all

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