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So this has just been one of those days that I want to go back to bed and get a re-do on.  the bright part of the day was I got my brand new FUhattan clone and a new Omega dripper for it.  loaded it up with a purple Efest and was really enjoying it.  The wife has been harping on me for a few weeks to move the woodpile that was at the end of the driveway to the back of the shed where we store wood for the winter.  No problem. I slipped my new mod in my back pocket and went out to work.  about 2 hours later I was done with the small pieces and had a number of large pieces I needed to split.  grabbed my 20lb Splitting maul and a wedge and took after the splitting.  And thats when the Universe said "NOPE!"

As I was swinging the maul for all I was worth my foot slipped o a piece of wood underfoot.  Swing went off and the maul glanced off the edge of the wedge.  I managed to yank my leg outta the way but saw my new FUhattan on the ground...  A split second before my Maul made contact....  Huge dent and hole in the side of it right near the middle.  I heard a hissing and crackling and knew the battery was doing bad things.  Kicked the mod into the center of the gravel driveway and watched as it lit on fire. Not as spectacular as I would have liked to see, but the mod and dripper are totally trashed.

And to top it off my neighbor was watching and said "Yea, those things are never safe.  Only idiots use them."  I asked him to get me any of his "Safe" battery powered devices and to let me smash it with batteries in it and we would see just how safe HIS things were.  His wife threw a can of soda at him and told him to shut his mouth and get inside then asked me if I was ok.  I told her just my pride was hurt...

So yea, this is just one of the things from today...  Can I please have a do-over?

Edited by EverPresentNoob

That blows man,sorry to hear.I busted a brand new nautilus in my pocket once it was full of juice too lol.Luckily all I had to do was buy a new glass piece


You did some fast thinking to kick the mod onto the gravel. I'm very glad to hear that it was only the mod and not you that was hurt.


Sorry to hear about your bad luck. It totally sucks but its better the mod getting destroyed than your leg. I hope your setup didn't cost you too much.

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