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Second Ultrasound Question


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I really do appreciate all the replies, and I know that you are only trying to help.

I am new here, and of course do not wish to make waves at the onset of my journey here at the forum.

However, I would only like to receive replies from those that actually use ultrasound to clean attys, otherwise if you do not use ultrasound,

you will be guessing the same way that I am guessing.

I understand the pros, and cons of using chemicals,

however, the chemical I do use is being used by dental offices, medical offices,etc. so I assume that they understand that it will be ingested.

I was also wondering if using something like H2O2, or Simple Green, or something to that effect could be used.

(Of course with a rinsing in Distilled water)

I know that I shouldn't use any acids like vinegar, as it could ruin the stainless steel in the ultrasound machine,

and water alone in the ultrasound does not normally produce effective results especially with nicotine which is very hard to remove.

This is why I would like to ask anyone that actually uses ultrasound to clean attys, what they use besides water, if anything?



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I really do appreciate all the replies, and I know that you are only trying to help.

I am new here, and of course do not wish to make waves at the onset of my journey here at the forum.

However, I would only like to receive replies from those that actually use ultrasound to clean attys, otherwise if you do not use ultrasound,

you will be guessing the same way that I am guessing.

I understand the pros, and cons of using chemicals,

however, the chemical I do use is being used by dental offices, medical offices,etc. so I assume that they understand that it will be ingested.

I was also wondering if using something like H2O2, or Simple Green, or something to that effect could be used.

(Of course with a rinsing in Distilled water)

I know that I shouldn't use any acids like vinegar, as it could ruin the stainless steel in the ultrasound machine,

and water alone in the ultrasound does not normally produce effective results especially with nicotine which is very hard to remove.

This is why I would like to ask anyone that actually uses ultrasound to clean attys, what they use besides water, if anything?



I've heard of people using things like denture cleaner as well. I personally stick to distilled water. Just remember a combination of chemicals that is safe in liquid form may not be so safe once it's vaporized and inhaled. Honestly I think you're making it a little harder on yourself than you need to. Atomizers will eventually die no matter how well you care for them, with their current designs I doubt that any specialized chemical cleaner will keep them running indefinitely. I say play it on the safe side, use distilled water and replace them when they finally stop working to your satisfaction. Ordering in bulk will help cut costs on them as well. Just my 2 cents.

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I've heard of people using things like denture cleaner as well. I personally stick to distilled water. Just remember a combination of chemicals that is safe in liquid form may not be so safe once it's vaporized and inhaled. Honestly I think you're making it a little harder on yourself than you need to. Atomizers will eventually die no matter how well you care for them, with their current designs I doubt that any specialized chemical cleaner will keep them running indefinitely. I say play it on the safe side, use distilled water and replace them when they finally stop working to your satisfaction. Ordering in bulk will help cut costs on them as well. Just my 2 cents.

Denture cleaner, of course!

That sounds like a winner.

No I am not trying to make the impossible take place and try to make an atty last for Months, and Months,

all I am interested in doing is routine maintenance which will keep it working well while it is in use.

You are making it sound as if I am the only one that wishes to clean an atty?

I am seeking to do nothing else than what hundreds of others are seeking to do, routine maintenance on the atty.

Except I wish to use an ultrasound machine instead of coca cola, or some other such nonsense.

I have the machine, and I know its capabilities in keeping things clean,

so rather than blowing the atty out, or placing in boiling water, or coke, or any other way devised to clean the atty,

I want to use the ultrasound, as I know it is far superior in its cleaning.

Thank you for the suggestion on using denture cleaner, that sounds like the solution to use.

I now know what I will do, first a cleaning in denture cleaner, followed by a cleaning in distilled, that is the Road I will travel.

I am not trying to make things harder than what they are, I am trying to make things better than what they are is all.

I have no problems in spending the money on a new atty once a Month, I only wish to keep it clean, and functioning as it should while I am using it,

in the meantime if by keeping it very clean it does last longer than normal, why not go that route?

Thanks again,


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However, I would only like to receive replies from those that actually use ultrasound to clean attys, otherwise if you do not use ultrasound,

you will be guessing the same way that I am guessing.

I have to violate your request, I apologize.

I posted in your first thread on the subject.


Basically I'm concerned that you say you understand the chemical issue but seem to think something intended to be ingested orally can in all circumstances, be vaporized and breathed into your lungs. I can assure you that is not the case. GDUB has a similar warning as well.

Edited by FTJoe
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You are making it sound as if I am the only one that wishes to clean an atty?

Hardly the case. I am merely suggesting that distilled water in an ultrasonic cleaner has worked fine for me. My attys come out as clean as I could hope for (I haven't dissected one after a cleaning to get a good look at some of the harder to see parts, but everything that is immediately visible looks shiny and new) and I have the peace of mind knowing that chemical residue is not at all an issue. Also I should mention that I have only tried it a couple of times as I just borrowed a jewelry cleaner to try it for a week. I am equally pleased with the results from rinsing them out with boiling water, so take that for what it is worth as well. As to the air compressor, I use the compressed air to blow my attys dry after I clean them with my method of choice. Just a good way to dry them off quickly, that way I don't have to let them dry overnight.

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I have to violate your request, I apologize.

I posted in your first thread on the subject.


Basically I'm concerned that you say you understand the chemical issue but seem to think something intended to be ingested orally can in all circumstances, be vaporized and breathed into your lungs. I can assure you that is not the case. GDUB has a similar warning as well.


You have to violate my request?

I will violate your request, I don't need this forum at all.

You can kiss my a..!

Edited by Deko
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The only thing that we recommend is using water to clean atomizers. Nothing else.

Members are only trying to warn you that using other chemicals could have other implications and they didn't mean anything by it.

Regardless please watch your language on the forums.

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