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Yes, Tam... my criteria was $40 or less, and $39.99 qualified :)  So, I have a black one on the way... along with another IPV-mini2...


I know, I know... but I swear, it's not for me... I'll just be holding it for a friend :evil:


Yeah, me too on the third iStick 50W on its way to me soon-ish.  :D


I think Im going crazy Got my 50 tonight  Used same tanks/volts/watts I been using on my i23  but I seem too be getting better flavor/cloud from the I50  Can this be possible ??


I think Im going crazy Got my 50 tonight  Used same tanks/volts/watts I been using on my i23  but I seem too be getting better flavor/cloud from the I50  Can this be possible ??


Yep. What do you think I've been saying all this time??? I don't fall in love with inferior products. Ever.   :lol:


Just seems weird everything the same except the batt Im glad you all finally talked me into it :yes :yes


Just got my wife a Istick 30 from the local B&M. It seems to be awesome with the IC 30S. I would go for the 30 myself or possibly the 50, but I am hooked on the "compactness" of my VTR for a daily carry for me.  I fits in my shirt pocket not sticking out. I like the lack of mass the istick has, but with the tank on top it's just too tall for me.

I am almost scared to put the Nautlus mini on the istick to try because I think it will be better than the VTR, but I need the fit in my pocket. I am seriously contemplating the xostick (spelling wrong I am sure), but the $225 price has stopped me from ordering it.


I am almost scared to put the Nautlus mini on the istick to try because I think it will be better than the VTR, but I need the fit in my pocket.


My Nautilus mini is certainly much better on my iStick 50W than in my VTR. Just sayin'.  :D


How many Watts do you guys with a Nautlis mini on this I know if depends on Juice ratio and sweet spots I was just curious what you guys use for wattage


I never run my nautilus above 9.5w

A lot of things I found with the Google say the Nautilus works good at higher watts I gave it a try or two at 20 watts made a better cloud lol and flavor was still good


I wasn't saying it won't handle higher than 9.5w that's just where I like it before I start getting a burnt taste


I wasn't saying it won't handle higher than 9.5w that's just where I like it before I start getting a burnt taste

I know :)  thanks


How many Watts do you guys with a Nautlis mini on this I know if depends on Juice ratio and sweet spots I was just curious what you guys use for wattage


I have a full-size, running 1.6 Ohm BVC, and depending on the juice (of course), I run it between 8 and 12W... usually in the 8-10W range.


A lot of those devices have a ton of safety features to prevent overheating and what not


A lot of those devices have a ton of safety features to prevent overheating and what not

Cool Thanks Tug


I have a friend who has one and he said his fire button sticks sometimes,has that happened to you at all?

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