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My brother sent this article to me. He currently is a fireman and was doing some research on fire investigation. He thought I might like to share this with the community.


Please keep in mind this is an informational article for emergency responders and not meant to be anti-vaping propaganda or regulations.


What my brother was trying to stress, by sharing this article, is to charge the battery with only manufacturer supplied chargers and ensure the device is in a safe location away from combustibles while charging.




Thanks for the read... and your brother is one smart cookie for knowing the meat of the pamphlet has to do with the possible cause of fire due to Li-Ion battery charging issues...   Sadly, the pamphlet is written with a ton of info from WHO, FDA, FEMA, and other politically oriented organizations that slanted a lot of the wording and data to show e-cigs as a demon to be eradicated (or at least sin-taxed).


I understand the need of fire personnel and investigators to know the potential issue with Li-Ion batteries, but how does this info assist a first-responder?  Other than to aid the propaganda-machine to now blame all fires in the homes/vehicles/work-places where vaping gear is found... on the vaping gear!


This is just like how the doctor listed the cause of death of my grandmother as "smoking related", even though she died of passive heart-failure in her sleep at the age of 97 (just because she smoked 2-packs a day).  She also drank 2-6 beers every day of her adult life, but they didn't list her cause of death as alcoholism... because that doesn't fit their agenda!


At least the article is fairly honest with regard to source. It clearly names WHO as the instigator and driving force. It also gives factual data on the number of incidents and the dangers of consumers misusing the equipment. There are some positives there. But as Earthling states there is an agenda and this is the beginning of legitimizing the "war on vape". It only goes downhill from here, sad to say. There is a ton of tax money and government job justification in the balance. And we know how that plays out. Best we can hope for is to delay the inevitable. I hate to be so cynical but history has shown this is the way it goes. :(

Agree with Earthling the same applies to laptop and tablet-cell phone batteries.

I bought one of these and no longer worry about it


I havent even looked yet - is that a crab pot? :)


And on a related subject -

I don't know what it's like anywhere else but in California when there is a fender bender you you get 3 cop cars and a firetruck minimum, lol. Just an example of the bloated bureaucracy that can take place. Of course I'm sure there are other factors involved - possible liability and litigation and so forth but it really is approaching the ridiculous sometimes...


Bebop, I had to call the police the other night for something. 6 flipping cars showed up with lights flashing.

One cop could of taken my report and defused the whole thing.

But NOOOOOOO!!!! They had to bring the whole damn county with them...


And on a related subject -

I don't know what it's like anywhere else but in California when there is a fender bender you you get 3 cop cars and a firetruck minimum, lol. Just an example of the bloated bureaucracy that can take place. Of course I'm sure there are other factors involved - possible liability and litigation and so forth but it really is approaching the ridiculous sometimes...


Yeah, it's much worse in CA (and many big cities in other states), where the lawyers have made it impossible for anyone to flush a toilet without three letters of intent, a waiver from your cardiologist that it's safe for you to be pushing the handle, and $50M in liability insurance!


Here in KY, (in the larger cities) it takes 4 fire trucks to get a cat out of a tree, but a fender-bender takes 30-min for a cop to show up... an hour later, you'll get 2 ambulances, rescue-squad, at least 2 fire trucks, and half a dozen cops.  BUT, in the sticks where I live, you can call the Sheriff before you axe-murder a whole bus-load of nuns, and have time to dispose of the bodies and concoct an alibi before ONE cop shows up :)


A fender bender in Malaysia is usually settled there on the spot with drivers saying things like oops I didn't see you, sorry, and the victim saying, never mind it's a small matter.  But if someone wants to file a police report because they can't resolve on the spot, you have to go to the nearest police officer station because the cops drive right by.  At the police officer station you have to fill up form and forms and more forms and have them stamped as official and better yet produce 8x10 colour glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back or each one..... but I digress.  Then you have to wait whilst they finish their tea and then go to the mosque to pray for an hour or so before they assign fault and then you can go on your merry way. 


And on a related subject -

I don't know what it's like anywhere else but in California when there is a fender bender you you get 3 cop cars and a firetruck minimum, lol. Just an example of the bloated bureaucracy that can take place. Of course I'm sure there are other factors involved - possible liability and litigation and so forth but it really is approaching the ridiculous sometimes...

Yep. I can relate. Had to sit in bumper to bumper traffic that was almost stopped for 45 minutes today for a fender bender that looked like minimal damage. Two California Highway Patrol cars, a CHP motor unit, a Sheriff's unit and two Border Patrol Units.

I have a sneaky feeling there was a partridge in a pear tree lurking somewhere as well.

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