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This may seem like a silly question but I'm going to ask it anyway. I'm having trouble sleeping at night and I often wake up wanting to take a few puffs before going back to sleep. What are anyone's thoughts on zero nic at bedtime and during the night if this continues? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Using zero is ago idea to use right before bed or if you should wake up during the night. At least 1/2 hour before retiring for the night. I made this mistake last night by vaping in bed and watching tv. I had the hardest time falling asleep. Good luck. You may have to play around with the schedule and find what works best for you.


Thank you! I thought it seemed like a decent idea but wanted to get some input from other people as well


sorry to hear about your loss of sleep,,

I'll possibly open a box of hornets here,,

I think your loss of sleep is from your body looking for nicotine,,

I used to wake up several times each night when I 1st started vaping,, take a toot or 2 of 24mg & go back to sleep for a couple of more hours...

I have since went to a WakeUp/Bedtime tank,, it has 36mg in it,, it wakes me up in the a.m. & keeps me asleep all night..

I was a 40yr non-filter smoker is why soooo high mg of nicotine..

others will chime in with different opinions I'm sure but this I feel helped me...


And that makes sense as well though. And you m may be right, it may be more of a lack of nic. It's just gonna be trial and error i suppose. Thanks for your thoughts on this :)


My regular juice had 12 mg of nic in it. Went down to 6 mg for a few hours before bed and started sleeping much better. After a month or two I took it down to 3 mg before bed. My regular is now down to 6 mg during the day. This works the best for me. Good luck finding your balance.  :)


Well I try to look at it this way.  When I was smoking and woke up I had to make the decision to either get up, put on something that won't shock the neighbours, go down stairs,  disable the alarm, open three locks, try to keep the dogs from getting excited, and convince the cats it wasn't yet breakfast time, and smoke. Or just watch a boring youtube video and fall back asleep.  The smoking won out more times than I care to admit :)  Now I don't wake up as often as when I smoked, but I now put on the boring youtube video and take a hit or two and pass right out again.  I'm continuously using 18 mg nicotine because that is mainly what my supplier in Sarawak has in stock. 


my method might not work for everybody,, a higher nic level can/will upset your stomach

if a particular method doesnt work after a couple of nights change it up a little & try again...


I noticed this a few months ago...   I was vaping 18mg right up to bed-time and had restless sleep and woke up with headaches (Nicotine withdrawal).  So, I started vaping 12mg in the evenings, and switched to 3mg or 6mg about an hour or so before bed.  I slept MUCH better through the night, which also meant that I was able to achieve the same "rest" in fewer hours.  Now, 5 or 6 hours of sleep feels better than what I was getting in 8!


Also, your hydration level is paramount to a good sleep, too... be sure you are drinking enough water, especially before going to bed!


exactly.. EVERYBODY has different needs & preferrs different methods..

just experiment til you get where you need to be...


I use between 24mg and 36mg all day and night. Slept 14 1/2 hours yesterday without waking up a single time. My problem is stress related 100%. I dont think I have ever slept that much.

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