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First Mouth Full


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Ok - so I got my first good taste of juice today. I'm direct dripping and it's been going great! Anyhow, I was vaping away, then added a few drops and took a couple of hits... all good. Then all of a sudden on about the 3rd or 4th hit I got a mouth full! After what I had read on here, I rushed to the sink and rinsed my mouth out and washed my lips. No harm done. I know the atty wasn't flooded and I didn't have to much juice in it, so I figured it had just built up in the cart somehow. Decided to wash the cart... ran it under hot water. Filled with hot water, I figured I'd blow the water thru backwards to flush it out real good. My cheeks nearly exploded and I could't blow through it backwards. :huh: Is there some type of backflow device in there? So, stupid me dumped the water out, turned it over and sucked on it and got another mouthful of some nasty tasting... uh... stuff. :blush: Not my brightest moment, didn't figure there could be anything in there after rinsing it out and dumping the water out. Guess I'm going to have to develop a cleaning ritual for the carts every couple of days. Another lesson learned.

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LOL ! Been there , done that, got the tee shirt ! really not sure on the backflow, but seems logical that there would be. Me, personally, I dont do acleaning ritual every couple of days. Im a FIRM believer in " if it aint broke, dont fix it ". And its worked out well for me. Getting juice on your lips every now and then is just the small price you pay for direct dripping. You would have to CHUG a bottle of juice to even remotely cause harm. So - dont chug, and just keep a towel handy, is my motto. Actually, I wish I COULD chug the Dulcis, it tastes kinda good ! :dribble:

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Getting juice on your lips every now and then is just the small price you pay for direct dripping. You would have to CHUG a bottle of juice to even remotely cause harm. So - dont chug, and just keep a towel handy, is my motto. Actually, I wish I COULD chug the Dulcis, it tastes kinda good ! :dribble:

Yea, I wasn't complaining, just sharing. I'me really loving this... smoke free for 2 days! Yeeehaaaw. Just tried Dulcis for the first time tonight... very nice. However, I think I'm hooked on the tobacco. It tastes like the 555 I got. Like them both. Definatley think that will be my staple.

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I just put in the video section a video on how to clean the cart on the 510 after you get juice in the mouth.

Just as I didn't know about it either, I found out by accident.

Check it out when it gets published. (its an old one and out of sync, sry.)

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I just put in the video section a video on how to clean the cart on the 510 after you get juice in the mouth.

Just as I didn't know about it either, I found out by accident.

Check it out when it gets published. (its an old one and out of sync, sry.)

I'll be watching for it. Thanks!

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Yea, I wasn't complaining, just sharing. I'me really loving this... smoke free for 2 days! Yeeehaaaw. Just tried Dulcis for the first time tonight... very nice. However, I think I'm hooked on the tobacco. It tastes like the 555 I got. Like them both. Definatley think that will be my staple.

555 WAS my fav, untill I tried traditional Tobacco, now known as Keenans private Stock ! i asked Chris to start selling it by the keg. :thumbsup:

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Yea, I wasn't complaining, just sharing. I'me really loving this... smoke free for 2 days! Yeeehaaaw. Just tried Dulcis for the first time tonight... very nice. However, I think I'm hooked on the tobacco. It tastes like the 555 I got. Like them both. Definatley think that will be my staple.

Welcome!! You have 1 day on me!! I'm wrapping up my first smoke-free day! I didn't think I could do it, even ONE day, lol.

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