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Hello everyone.My name is 

Monica.I like to vape on liquids that have a cigarette taste.I have bought so many liquids.When I smoke I prefer

marlboro mediums.Does anyone know of a liquid that tastes like marlboro?Thanks for any replies.

Posted (edited)

Welcome Monica!


When I started, I did the same as you.  I never found a good Marlboro flavor.  I had a smart lady at a local vape shop tell me if you can find one that tastes like you want it....go totally the opposite direction.  She sent me away with a fruity flavor in 24mg, told me to drink plenty of water, and you will stop smoking...  It worked!  I still enjoy the fruit flavor, and can not stand anything that tastes like tobacco.  Pretty weird for a guy who doesn't eat much fruit and smoked 2+ packs of Reds a day for nearly 30 years!

Edited by jasonculp

Because vaping is different from burning tobacco and paper, you'll not find anything that tastes exactly like a cigarette. That said, when I first started vaping, I wanted something so completely different from tobacco and went with a fruit flavor -- I think it was orange cream like a dreamcicle. Might give other flavors a try to see if those will satisfy?  :)


I smoked Newports for over 25 years and was looking for that "cool" sensation from menthol cigs. The B&M down the street from where I work suggested everything but tobacco and/or menthol. I was hesitant but they hooked me up with an amazing house blend of lemon and added a hint of menthol for me. Now I'm after anything but menthol or tobacco flavored.

Give it a shot as others have suggested. It has worked wonders so far.


If you're not trying to imitate/match the flavor of tobacco, you're not trying to compare an apple to a potato. You'll get more satisfaction and enjoyment out of new flavors. Really! :)

Doin some Charlie Noble Poseidon's Punch (decidedly NOT tobacco or menthol flavored) in the infield at Auto Club Speedway right now. Trying to convince some of my fellow California Rednecks to give up the analogs and start vaping. They may or may not listen to me, but I'm having a blast impressing them with my mediocre clouds. The Poseidon's Punch is an 85/15 VG/PG blend.



I'd only like to add - my first flavor was a tobacco wanna be. It was ok and it got me off cigs right away. I tried fruity sweet flavors but they were so "different" that I rejected them immediately. About 2 weeks in I found a couple of coffee flavors and BAM, I was hooked. I loved the subtle rich flavor without the "candy" overly sweet taste. For me, the more savory flavors, coffee, nutty, peanut butter, almond and some bakery flavors did the trick. Today they remain my go to flavors although I have broadened my horizons with some fruit flavors and Fadora Vapors makes a couple of fantastic mints and a lime margarita that kills.

Somewhere about 3 months in, after I detoxed out of tobacco you couldn't pay me to vape a tobacco flavor, I was officially done and I never thought I'd say this because I "loved" my tobacco.

Moral to the story: you gotta find what works and don't be surprised when it's a flavor you never imagined you'd like. :)


Why do you suppose that is,Bebop? I used to smoke menthols but I can't stand to vape it.I hate eating banana laffy taffy but I love to vape it.Weird how that works


If there's anything I've learned in the couple of weeks I've been here...other than SAFETY FIRST!!!!...it's that each person's perfect setup is whatever is perfect for them. Palates (taste), throat hit, amount of vapor...whatever makes you happy is what matters most...as long as you remember...SAFETY FIRST!!!

Posted (edited)


kychyck,, I was a ZigZag roll yer own fer years & the closest juice to it I've found is

>>> Dekang Tobacco 24mg <<<

I'm not into flavors & only toot this juice,, its in ALL my devices..

it tastes different in each device but still has the GREAT Roll yer Own tobacco taste...

it fully satisfied my tobacco craving & suggest it to everyone I meet that asks about tobacco flavors,, then I hand'm a NEW drip tip condom in plastic (in plastic pkg for safety) & let'm take a few toots..

my local B&M cant keep it in stock...

he says I know tooooo many people but takes the money I send his way!!!

Edited by HOOKER

Welcome Monica. What everyone says here is true. I wanted a good tobacco flavor as I too smoked Marlboro reds for nearly 30 years. I never found that perfect tobacco flavor and quickly gave up the search for it.


Moral to the story: you gotta find what works and don't be surprised when it's a flavor you never imagined you'd like. :)



This is totally correct!  Like everyone above said, it a highly personal, individual experience.  It can be frustrating at first, too many flavors, too many ratio's, different equipment.  I feel this is part of the vaping experience that makes it far superior to all other quitting methods.  You can tailor it to fit what you need/want.


Why do you suppose that is,Bebop? I used to smoke menthols but I can't stand to vape it.I hate eating banana laffy taffy but I love to vape it.Weird how that works

It's a mystery..... I don't know, Tug. I don't like butterscotch AT ALL but it's an awesome vape. :)


Omg,I love butterscotch anything lol...Have you tried Vape Dudes Butterscotch Pudding? It is incredible.I have three flavors I get there.Apple Jaxx,Butterscotch Pudding and Strabango


Thanks to everyone for answering.I am sure I will find what I like sooner or later. :hope:


Thanks to everyone for answering.I am sure I will find what I like sooner or later. :hope:

It doesn't happen overnight,it took us all a while to figure out what we like.Thats the fun of it!

Jason is spot-on with the smaller bottles... it may seem like you're spending a lot on tiny amounts, but since maybe 7 out of 10 bottles will sit on the shelf after you tried them once, you have to think of it this way... you didn't WASTE money buying 30ml of something you don't like :)  The only time I'll buy 30ml of something new is if the price is only $1-2 more than the 10ml bottle (or it's on a huge sale)... if I don't like it, I can always give it away to someone else....

Posted (edited)

As too whats already been said I started vaping a lil over a month ago and I wanted that cigarette flavor  :wallbash:  After a few non cig flavors  the last thing I want is that old cig flavor. Theres a whole new world of flavors out there why try the same thing Im trying to kick   :yes

Edited by cany
Posted (edited)

Hi Monica!
I am newish here too at VaporTalk :)


I have tried a few tobacco liquids, although I do prefer fruity flavors I rather enjoyed the Black Cherry from JuicyeJuice. The flavor is rich with just the right hint of sweet! Mmm! Hope you find something you like!

Edited by Tam
Removed spammy link.

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