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Lemonade And Menthol/tobacco From Tasty Vapor?


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Anyone tried these and if so what were your thoughts? I'm very curious about Lemonade in particular. I'm not really into the 'sweet' flavors, but I was thinking that lemon would be an interesting vape sensation. After searching around a bit I saw the Lemonade juice and was intrigued.

On the tobacco/menthol I was just curious if this was more minty than menthol-y. I've been looking for a juice that combined the tobacco and menthol flavors though, so I'm all ears. I've got some juice on order from the VT store and was going to try blending the Mentha and Exotic Tobacco flavors myself, but thought this would be interesting as well.

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I have only tried the TV coffee flavor and I like it a lot.... Geoff is a great guy to work with. I often vape just the doubler for 0 nic (Recommended by nana)... Also great !

Let me know how the lemonade is..... I love lemons and didn't know he had it !!

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I will often mix flavors, instead of going through the hassle of mixing them in a container I just drip two drops of one in the atty and then two drops of the other and vape. Not into Menthol though, can't help you there. I like lemon but I'm not sure of how it would vape?

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This is one that I do know something about. I have ordered from Tasty Vapor. I started with the Atomic Fireball and Chocolate in 12mg nic. At the same time I got Cherry, Cinnamon, and Orange in the 0 nic. I love the Atomic Fireball. It's great. The chocolate is so-so. I mixed the cherry 0 nic with the chocolate 12mg and got a wonderful flavor that tastes a bit like chocolate covered cherries - which I happen to love. I don't vape that all of the time, but it's good for something different. Of course by mixing (half and half) the 0 nic with the 12mg nic, I'm actually bringing it down to 6mg nic, but that's what I wanted to do. I'm working on getting down to 0 all the time.

I have vaped all 3 of the 0 nic flavors alone and they are good. The orange almost has a chemical sort of taste to it. I'm not sure how to explain it. It does taste like orange, but I don't care for it as much alone. I'm trying to decide what I could mix it with to improve the flavor, but haven't come up with a good idea yet. I haven't been able to vape all day with 0, but have gone up to 3 hours on it. Then I have to have some nic again.

Since I liked and could actually taste these flavors, I ordered the Almond in 12 mg nic and the Cherry Lemonade in 12 mg nic. The Almond tastes just like Almond, but isn't a great flavor to vape. At least not for me and not by itself. I want to mix it with something else, but haven't done it yet. I'm thinking it would be good with the Cherry. I was really anxious to try the Cherry Lemonade because it sounded so good. I really like both Cherry and Lemon flavors, so it seemed perfect to me. But...I really dislike it. I mean REALLY dislike it. I would say it has a chemcial taste to it. It smells like a cheap air freshener to me. This isn't to say someone else wouldn't like it and I am in no way knocking Geoff. I've had a very good experience with him, he's awesome to order from, and has great service. It's just that I don't like this one. I don't want to waste the juice, so have tried to mix it with something else, but so far nothing is working out for me.

Another thing for me is that up until I got my first order from Geoff, I couldn't really taste a difference in any of the flavors. Still really can't. I could tell a difference in the feel. JC felt creamier, Awesome Vapor felt thinner or lighter. I know that probably doesn't make sense, but it's the best way I can explain it. I can still tell a difference in the juices, but it's still more of feel than a taste. And I do switch back and forth between them to see if I can taste yet. And so far I've been able to taste all of them I have from Tasty Vapor. It's just the Cherry Lemondade one that I don't like. I have wondered if my taste buds are changing again and maybe that's why I don't like the new ones as much. But the first ones still taste the same to me, so that probably isn't it.

I think the only thing a person can do is try them and see. I would recommend Tasty Vapor overall, but I can't recommend the Cherry Lemonade flavor - but only because I don't like it. It could also be that his flavors are stronger than any others I've tried. Since my taste buds aren't great, that may be why I can taste the stronger flavors. That's just a thought. I don't know that they are actually stronger. But if they are, and if someone else can taste better, these might be too much for them. But you could always mix them with something else to bring the taste down, too.

These are just my thoughts and experiences with Tasty Vapor. Probably no one else would feel the same way about them that I do. I just thought it was something I could share.

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Just for the record, I am not even close to 80 yet. Well, closer than I want to be, but not close yet. My parents aren't even 80 yet. But I do have a 92 year old grandmother. It does seem a bit odd to have people from this forum call me Nana, but I didn't know what else to use for a name. I looked around before I joined and no one seemed to use their real name, so I didn't either. I didn't know how these things worked and couldn't think of anything, so I just used what my grandkids call me. That's Nana. Now it seems like a not so bright thing to do, but....

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Just for the record, I am not even close to 80 yet. Well, closer than I want to be, but not close yet. My parents aren't even 80 yet. But I do have a 92 year old grandmother. It does seem a bit odd to have people from this forum call me Nana, but I didn't know what else to use for a name. I looked around before I joined and no one seemed to use their real name, so I didn't either. I didn't know how these things worked and couldn't think of anything, so I just used what my grandkids call me. That's Nana. Now it seems like a not so bright thing to do, but....

Don't ruin my virtual image of you. I have you pictured as a sweet little grayed haired lady sitting at the comp with your lacy sweater on with a fire in the background.... nevermind you get the picture. :)

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Thanks nana, that was a great review. I definitely could see how that combo could taste chemical-ly...sort of like vaping lemon Pledge? I may still give it a try just to see. Maybe without the cherry it would be OK.

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Well, Jeff, I really hate to spoil that image, so I just won't mention that I am only 4 1/2 years older than you are. Okay? Oh, I am starting to get a few gray hairs though. I'm trying to picture the lady you picture walking my Great Danes down the street. It's an interesting picture.

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LOL No, but I'm vaping my new pumpkin pie juice from Wordupecig. (and I can taste it! - slightly)

If it makes you feel any better, I had my kids very young. I was a grandma for the first time at 38. And it's all my fault for using Nana for a nickname instead of something clever and witty. LOL

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  • 7 months later...

Wow, this "was" a very funny thread, I was reading along (and laughing) that Jeff and Nana must be really old, lol!

Then I did a little investigating and found out Nana is a (gray) hair younger than me!!!! :wallbash:

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