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Not even gonna fib.....LOL!!

I'm still on the fence with this. Went from a Vaper-x to a Spinner to a eGo One. Had intended to quit smoking but then life happened, and happened some more.....so am half-vaping but still smoking. Quit for 3 months tho so it's not all bad. 


Would have been nice if I'd known there was required maintenance to vaping, like cleaning tanks and changing coils, but that's 1 3/4 yrs behind me now. grins! 


Now I'm just confused. 


Have read a little here and obviously liked the "plain speak" so,





Thanks BeBop! 



My confusion stems mostly from not understanding "pieces parts" and if you leave me alone for a hot minute I'm back hitting on my menthol mark-ten out of convenience. I was fine on the Spinner except for the inconvenience of it tipping over and juice spilling, plus the part where I had to swap it out with the other spinner cause it lost charge.....then there was the carrying it on me issues....



Learning curves, eh?


Welcome to VT!

Don't feel bad about the 1/2&1/2 thing. It has been Hell on me also. Been lowering the cigs for the past 1 1/4 years. Down to 3 a day, only after I eat. I'm using 24-36mg and it's working much better. Gonna try to drop the last 3 in the next week...

Good luck to ya!!!


Yep. What Bebop said. Whenever we hear about new vapers having trouble getting off the analogs, once they increase their nicotine levels, it usually goes much easier from there.  :)


Welcome Reasoned.


Couldn't agree with Tam and Bebop more. Start higher and work your way down gradually. If you were a 1 1/2 pack a day and 12mg of nicotine are not cutting it go up to 18mg.


Find yourself a good tank to go with that spinner that is easy to maintain. Like a KangerTech Aerotank. Coils can be fairly inexpensive. Especially if you get them online.

Always look for genuine never buy ones that claim to be and are knock-offs. Check the Vaportalk Store or check out the suppliers forums, there are good online stores there, like Sweet-vapes.


Ah crap didn't read you post fully. From what I understand the Ego1 is a good newer one. The spinners can be a good back-up, as you have already found out and Tam will repeat this a hundred times, "you need back-ups for your back-ups."

Wait she already has. LOL. :evil:


Ah crap didn't read you post fully. From what I understand the Ego1 is a good newer one. The spinners can be a good back-up, as you have already found out and Tam will repeat this a hundred times, "you need back-ups for your back-ups."


Wait she already has. LOL. :evil:


Good boy!  :lol:


Spinners can also be good first line batteries as well. As many mods and APVs and sooper speshul shinies, my Spinners are still my most dependable batteries I use on a daily basis.  :D


Good boy!  :lol:


Spinners can also be good first line batteries as well. As many mods and APVs and sooper speshul shinies, my Spinners are still my most dependable batteries I use on a daily basis.  :D


Yep, although you have a hard time finding them lately, amongst all those IPV-minis and iStick collection :D  [you're welcome, BTW]  :sofa:

Posted (edited)

Yep, although you have a hard time finding them lately, amongst all those IPV-minis and iStick collection :D  [you're welcome, BTW]  :sofa:


As much as I love the IPV mini and mini2, the Eleaf iStick 50w is blowing them all away for performance and versatility. May need to get another or two... Just saying.  :evil:

Edited by Tam

As much as I live the IPV mini and mini2, the Eleaf iStick 50w is blowing them all away for performance and versatility. May need to get another or two... Just saying.  :evil:


Stop it!


You know I have a problem, and you're just encouraging me  :wallbash:


Since it's getting harder and harder to find the Vision Spinner (the first one, not the II), I've been looking high and low for a replacement for when my Spinners no longer work and I can't find them anymore.


These iStick 50w may be what I've been searching for. And the 4400 mAh battery lasts forever...  :D


Stop it!


You know I have a problem, and you're just encouraging me  :wallbash:


It's okay Jason... I hear there's a 12-step program just for us... 12 steps to this vape store... 12 steps to the next vape store... 12 steps to the computer... :D


It's okay Jason... I hear there's a 12-step program just for us... 12 steps to this vape store... 12 steps to the next vape store... 12 steps to the computer... :D


If I could "like" that post a hundred times, I would.  Lol  :D


What really would have helped me was if I'd known about all the other addictive additives that are in tobacco products.  There's no required disclosure.  Almost fifty years of smoking two packs a day, gave me a bit of experience.  I really believe that nicotine is only mildly addictive compared to what they put in cigarettes, like chemicals that are like narcotic pain relievers, hormone like substances and bronchodilators that all serve to make us feel good whilst smoking and good about smoking.  My almost two years have shown me that I don't get all crazy when I can't vape like I did when smoking.  If nicotine was the bad guy then we could all quit with those patches and gum and a fake cigarette for the hand to mouth habit.  It plainly doesn't work for most smokers.  I think the combination of good vapour production, good flavour, and throat hit plus the addition of nicotine makes such a good facsimile that it really really works.  I couldn't have quit the analogues without my PVs.  If I'd known about all the other things in tobacco, I'd have been better prepared to handle the other parts of the cravings that aren't addressed in vaping.  I listened instead to the idiotic congress and FDA who talked about nothing but the effects of nicotine ad nauseam and didn't really come close to addressing all the problems with tobacco products as they are manufactured today. I M O full disclosure of what goes into cigarettes et al in the same way we have food ingredient labeling would have been a far more useful endeavour.  


Thanks everyone!! 



That 12 step comment was dead on......just came home with a sweet little K1000 pipe.....grins! 

Not to be a downer but some of the biggest hurdles have been once I started vaping neither vaping nor cigs tasted right. It was pretty awful. A friend brought me a Mark-ten menthol and I got over the hump. 


Not advocating the product, just saying the hand-feel and low maintenance hauled me back. 


I switch still between the spinner & the mark-ten despite having the others now. The life change of cleaning tanks & messing about is a downside for me. 

Am looking into the Boge carts to fill in since I'm not happy with a commercially filled ones. 


Ideally I'd like to quit and also not just switch to vaping, but I'm not perfect and don't live in a perfect world ya know? Did quit cigs for three months last summer and again for 6 weeks last November. So it's a process.....


The pipe is adorable and hot as all giddy-up!!  

Just would be more comfortable with a smaller tank if anyone could recommend me a good one? Wick-less is my preference. I've decided making a beanbag for it to sit in while driving would be optimal since unlike other folks who need to light up with a beer, my downfall is smoking while driving.

(hanging head in shame) 


If you want a smaller tank I'd recommend going with an Anyvape Davide mini or Kanger Pro Tank mini. They're both similar but for me, the Davide minis just perform better. They use the same Kanger single coil. I don't know of anything that's totally wickless that's popular right now.


Don't' hang your head in shame over the trigger of driving and smoking... we've ALL been there!  Especially, if you have more than 30-minutes of commute or if you drive for a living!


I had to make the conscious effort to ride my motorcycle more often so I would not have the urge to light up every time my butt hit the seat of the car or truck :)


I agree with Tam on the Anyvape Davide mini or Kanger ProTank2 Mini (or protank3 mini)... they're small, easily portable, and function very well.  I recently bought two of the Davide minis (because they were dirt-cheap), and am VERY impressed.  They have much better flavor than I remember my KPT2minis to have.  I still like my KPT3minis, but they use dual-coil... and I like the look of them :)


For the longest time I was convinced that my car ran better when there was a lit cigarette in my hand.  :)

Posted (edited)

I know this may sound crazy, but I like to have a larger setup in my car than do when I am at home.  I drive all day at least 3-4 days a week and don't like to have to fill up.  I really like the Subtank Mini and the ipv mini when I am driving.  When I am at home I use the Subtank Mini and the Vapor Shark DNA30 or the Cloupor Mini.  If I am feeling very adventurous I break out the Tobh on the Sigelei mini.


I don't have anything fancy to hold the mod, just a foam koozie in the cup holder in the console.

Edited by jasonculp
Posted (edited)

I actually hate it.  I love it so much, and the battery is so small (1300mah), it makes me want an rDNA40 (18650).  They are $189.99 and I don't have it.  I have started a DNA25 build in a cloupor mini, but it is going to be a while...lol


I don't know what the coating is that they put on it, but i really like it.  I wish all of my mods had it.  I am still not sure how well it will wear though.  Bottom screen takes a while to get use to.  I catch myself vaping in front of the mirror, or holding it up and firing it to see the battery sag on the indicator...lol


It is actually my favorite mod.  It just does not last long enough.  It also looks lopsided with the SubTank Mini on it.

Edited by jasonculp

My beloved Spinners have been taking a back seat to the Eleaf iStick 50W. That's been my main go-to since I got it. The case is fairly slick, but with a wrap on it, it's just about perfect. Hopefully, my other one should be delivered tomorrow. I'm starting to look for homes for my Spinners once I get a stock pile of the 50W on hand. Won't need as many as the Spinners since they hold a charge for... forever.  :evil:


Thanks for the tank recommendations.....with finances tight I had hit the wall of just trying things while their functionality "shakes out" isn't an option anymore. Have just a 1/2 hr commute, but it's my "me" time. :) 


I spoke a little about the hurdles not to be a downer, but because everyone moving away from cigs has those pesky little tics/bugs that stonewall them and besides venting, being blindsided by them, the more you treat it as normal the less odd it seems? Finding the work-arounds is the trick. 


For the longest time I was convinced that my car ran better when there was a lit cigarette in my hand.  :)

I know my car runs better when I'm shifting from third to second, turning on the signal, rummaging around for one of the eCigs that rolled on the floor, making the corner only to find it's rolled in the other direction, meanwhile making sure my beer doesn't careen off the dash, while changing the radio station, and answering the hand phone.  Or maybe I'm just not paying attention to the engine?  

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