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its crazy how soooo many companies has jumped in the subohm market...

everybody has their own likes/dislikes about the brand they prefer over another brands,,

I can see where the subohm world can easily turn out like the nations truck market...


Honestly,, I havent been in this vaping long enough to prefer any one brand over another,, I know what feels good to me might not feel good to others but have no solid opinion of which one is the best...

I did take the advise of Tam when she said to get backups & backups for the backups & a couple to back those up,, thanks Tam

Posted (edited)

That's a nice collection! Let me know what you think of the Delta 2. I have the old version (Delta 19) and really want the new one. The Melo and the Atlantis or the Anyvape Sega (they use the same coils) are also on my list.

Edited by jasonculp

all those aint mine,, 3 of those tanks belong to the 2 others guys in the shop...

I already noticed a drawback with the Delta II,, its has very small tolerance for refilling,,

the main tube is sooo close to the outside of the tank that it would make it VERY difficult to fill (especially when Authur is acting up)...

I've decided to leave it NEW & put it in my swapping pit....


I already noticed a drawback with the Delta II,, its has very small tolerance for refilling,,

the main tube is sooo close to the outside of the tank that it would make it VERY difficult to fill (especially when Authur is acting up)...

I have read that about the Delta II. It gets rave reviews, but it is kinda pricey. I am having better luck with the SubTank Mini and the RDA with a lot of advice, (Thanks Comp!) It is working pretty good.

Too many new shiny new things to buy!


Yep, the cartridge-sub-ohm tank is becoming the new "must-have" for vaping. I've almost pulled the trigger on a Kanger Sub-tank mini several times, but I keep remembering that I have more than a dozen RTAs, and I don't "need" another one... until I do :)

Posted (edited)

I cant wait to get my Sub tank Mini. Ordered it from the Vapor talk store, but I guess as I was completing the check out process some one else got the last one. Oh well eventually it will get here. In the meantime I will keep fighting with my spitting flooding dry hitting Atlantis... Yea I typed that right... One second it is spitting like crazy, the next I get a dry hit... Hate this tank....

Edited by EverPresentNoob

my Atlantis is also "Socially RUDE" I never know when its gonna act up,, hardly ever have dry hits with it though...

check yer p/m...


I fergot my SubTank Nano the day I took that pic above but here it is next to my Atlantis (Atlantis for scale)



The companies are only doing what any fisherman would do, go where the fish are, right now sub ohming and high watt box mods seem to be the money makers. I am curious to see if this will take out the mechanical mods and what will evolve out of the 150w boxes push. Always fun to predict where things are going.

Posted (edited)

I'm curious on the 150W+ box mods too... Even with my RDA's built to 0.2 Ohm or lower, I've never reached the 70W limit of my IPV-mini2 before reaching a burnt/hot/harsh vape. I understand some of the cloud chasers running 100%VG @ sub 0.1 Ohm that NEED 150W+, but for the remaining 99.5% of us, under 100W will be ample power :)

Then again, there are a lot of people out there that think they NEED high power (thanks to mis-information from B&M employees looking to make sales)... like the co-worker that was complaining that her juice didn't taste that good since switching to an iStick 30W... she was using an MT3 @ 2+ Ohms... high PG juice (80/20) and was using the full 30W!! Duh, I think I see your issue, there, lol.... I explained that her coil and juice cannot handle that much power, but she said "the guy at the shop told me I'd get more flavor and vapor if I used higher Watts..." :wallbash:

Edited by Earthling789

I fall in the 99.5 catagory,, I dont feel I need anything over 50w...

If I was on the tour of chasing clouds & building low resistance coils,, I would probably feel different..

& like I've said before, my eyes and hands are tooo old to mess with these miniature RBA decks inside these subohm tank..

But I do like the taste/throat/lung hit the subohm tanks give over a regular 1.5 or higher resistance coil gives...

warmer & juicier taste,

They ought to suggests these as a starter kit to save people money in the long run over the starter kits they suggest now which they normally grow into in a very short length of time...

I too am curious where this will be in say 5 or 10 years???


I think you're right... the "starter-kit" is already evolving... My local shop still has the basic EVOD/EVOD2 starter kits, but they also put together (and suggest) people start out with slightly higher-end gear... like 30W box-mods combo'd with ProTanks, Nautilus, Subtank-mini, etc. etc. Some companies (like eLeaf, Kanger, and Aspire) are getting the hint too... and marketing (and even packaging) things together... like the Kanger K-box paired with a Subtank-mini or pair of Aerotanks for ~ $60... If I were a Noob, I'd be all over that kind of deal as a starter kit :D

Most people starting out, though, can't take the hit of $50 box-mods and a pair of $20-40 tanks... and then get hit with the cost of coils and still haven't even bought their first bottle of juice! I know my first expense of $70 to get started was a huge pocket-hit (two eGo's, two tanks, charger, case, and juice), but then again, it gave me incentive to NOT buy another carton of smokes since I just invested all that money :)


I went into my local B&M looking for a large wattage Box and a dripper for my "Beginner setup". the shop owner said basically Sorry, but I wont sell that to you for your first setup. he suggested a Twister 2 and a nautilus Mini. actually gave me a deal on a used setup that he was no longer using and threw in a new drip tip and a couple new coils for it. So glad I did that. I now have a mech mod, and a Sigelei 30W that I run my Atlantis, nautilus, and a dripper on. really dont need all the power I thought I did initially. On my dripper my favorite setup is dual coils setup at .8 ohm combined. great flavor, not to warm unless Im chain vaping it, and good to great vapor production. Granted I am an admitted Gear Geek and am always looking for the newest and greatest, but in all honesty this little 30W is perfect for me. I tend to run it around 23.5W with my Atlantis, and sometimes I will bump it to 30 for my dripper. I feel fortunate that my shop guy wouldnt sell me all the high power junk I originally wanted. If he had I doubt I would be 2 months smoke free at this point.


yup on both above..

I was determined to switch to vaping,,

1/2 my brain was say'n, yer gonna give up yer cigarette money for something that doesnt take a match ta light it??

1/2 my brain was say'n,, give it a try ya old fart & ya mite like it & maybe get yer old *** to breathing/feeling better??

I'm glad I went the subohm direction from the gittygo cuz its saved me from buying all the cheaper end devices & wasting a ton of $$$..

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