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Wow - Hbo Rock And Roll

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I decided to unplug, sit down and watch some TV. Crud, the rock and roll HBO special is on which I've been trying to catch. Simon and Garfunkel, hit it just as they began The Boxer, then into Bridge over Troubled Water. Man I loved that stuff when I was a kid, could have used a little Cecelia as well. Always was a Blues, R&B, Jazz (old school, not new school) fan. Damn, the Queen (Ms. Franklin) just hit the stage, gotta go...

oops, forgot to submit the post, had to catch The Queen. I need the DVD set of this, it's fantastic. okay - is Lou Reed on stage with Metallica right now singing Sweet Jane? I just looked up what I missed, sounds of silence from S&G. Damn, did I mention I need the DVD? Okay - Lou Reed's been better...Ozzie's up with Metallica!!!! Damn!!!! I AM IRONMAN!!!! I looked at the lineup again, apparently Ray Davies (Kinks) is coming up, now I have to go...

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