LeeC22 Posted March 2, 2015 Posted March 2, 2015 Well after trying all kinds of juices and ratios I have found that I cant do any kind of juice over 6mg nic. This is a problem because Im still smoking. I have been able to reduce my smoking by half but Im not sure if I can quit entirely on 6mg. For some stupid reason I am able to tolerate higher levels directly after an analog. I have ordered a bunch of 0nic juice from Fandora to salvage the 12mg juice I have now. I am hoping that I will be able to increase the nic as I get used to the vape but not sure if thats gonna happen at this point. Anyone ever use the patch whlie vaping? Any suggestions?
Earthling789 Posted March 2, 2015 Posted March 2, 2015 Higher nicotine levels are necessary to get you over the cravings of analogs... 18mg or 24mg is not uncommon... some heavy smokers even require 30 or 36mg! The reason vaping is not working is probably two reasons... #1, the nicotine level is too low (equivalent to smoking about 5 ultra-lights half-way and snuffing them out), and #2, you have to break the cycle of lighting up by vaping through the cravings (as much as you can, anyway), and higher nicotine levels will help. Is it the throat-hit or taste that is keeping you from going higher? If so, try another flavor, another brand, and definitely try a lower PG mixture ratio... 50/50 ratios are very low throat-hit, even with 18-24mg nicotine. If that is too much, try 30/70 ratio... 9 times out of 10, finding the right juice (pg/vg ratio, flavor, and nicotine level) is the key to success! vaping_jake 1
Tam Posted March 2, 2015 Posted March 2, 2015 What battery and tank combo are you using? I can't remember what you said. Hardware could also play a part although juice (PG/VG ratio) is more likely the culprit.
Serendipity Posted March 2, 2015 Posted March 2, 2015 It is not a good idea to vape or smoke while wearing a nicotine patch. The warning is on the info sheet. I had a bad reaction to the patches, definitely not for me.
LeeC22 Posted March 2, 2015 Author Posted March 2, 2015 Higher nicotine levels are necessary to get you over the cravings of analogs... 18mg or 24mg is not uncommon... some heavy smokers even require 30 or 36mg! The reason vaping is not working is probably two reasons... #1, the nicotine level is too low (equivalent to smoking about 5 ultra-lights half-way and snuffing them out), and #2, you have to break the cycle of lighting up by vaping through the cravings (as much as you can, anyway), and higher nicotine levels will help. Is it the throat-hit or taste that is keeping you from going higher? If so, try another flavor, another brand, and definitely try a lower PG mixture ratio... 50/50 ratios are very low throat-hit, even with 18-24mg nicotine. If that is too much, try 30/70 ratio... 9 times out of 10, finding the right juice (pg/vg ratio, flavor, and nicotine level) is the key to success! Yes it is the throat hit its making me cough it right out. I have tried several brands and ratios including Fandora 50/50 in several flavors. The best I have found for me is a 30/70 but even that only works with low nic levels. I don't know why I am so sensitive to the vapor but its really pissin me off cause I like the flavor and I want to quit the analogs. I have a couple hundred invested in juice already so I dont know what else I could possibly try. But thanks for the reply. What battery and tank combo are you using? I can't remember what you said. Hardware could also play a part although juice (PG/VG ratio) is more likely the culprit. I have an evod and an Istick Mini with a natulis tank. Makes no difference. It is not a good idea to vape or smoke while wearing a nicotine patch. The warning is on the info sheet. I had a bad reaction to the patches, definitely not for me. Thanks for the reply. I did try the patch before. I did not like the irritation to skin. But I am gonna quit. I guess 6mg is better than cold turkey.
fishguy1123 Posted March 2, 2015 Posted March 2, 2015 Lee, I'll say this, from the info you've given you're resolve to quit analogs is to be commended! Vapeing is an adjustment for most of us, but given the struggles you're having and are still committed speaks volumes. Keep going! This community will do what they can to help. GeorgeF 1
Earthling789 Posted March 3, 2015 Posted March 3, 2015 Yes it is the throat hit its making me cough it right out. I have tried several brands and ratios including Fandora 50/50 in several flavors. The best I have found for me is a 30/70 but even that only works with low nic levels. I don't know why I am so sensitive to the vapor but its really pissin me off cause I like the flavor and I want to quit the analogs. I have a couple hundred invested in juice already so I dont know what else I could possibly try. But thanks for the reply. I have an evod and an Istick Mini with a natulis tank. Makes no difference. Thanks for the reply. I did try the patch before. I did not like the irritation to skin. But I am gonna quit. I guess 6mg is better than cold turkey. Let me recommend a battery that will be more "regulated" and less prone to burning your juice/coils. The iStick mini and 20W are very strange breeds of batteries, and they just aren't very good at preventing spikes that burn and hurt.... at least that is my experience I would suggest you pick up a Vision Spinner 1300mAh (original Spinner), MVP 2.0 or 20W, a Smok Winder, or EVOD Twist in 1100mAh or 1300mAh. I am a firm believer that the iStick mini is causing your issues! Start with a different battery, clean tank, and fresh coil... I think you're experience will be MUCH more satisfactory
LeeC22 Posted March 3, 2015 Author Posted March 3, 2015 Lee, I'll say this, from the info you've given you're resolve to quit analogs is to be commended! Vapeing is an adjustment for most of us, but given the struggles you're having and are still committed speaks volumes. Keep going! This community will do what they can to help. Thanks Fishguy, I will get there just taking longer than I would like. Let me recommend a battery that will be more "regulated" and less prone to burning your juice/coils. The iStick mini and 20W are very strange breeds of batteries, and they just aren't very good at preventing spikes that burn and hurt.... at least that is my experience I would suggest you pick up a Vision Spinner 1300mAh (original Spinner), MVP 2.0 or 20W, a Smok Winder, or EVOD Twist in 1100mAh or 1300mAh. I am a firm believer that the iStick mini is causing your issues! Start with a different battery, clean tank, and fresh coil... I think you're experience will be MUCH more satisfactory Well I am willing to try another battery. But I did let the guy at the B&M try my evod and he said it was very weak no burnt taste. I have cleaned tanks and tried new coils too. But again I am willing to try anyway. I dont like the MVP (too bulky for me). I will check the B&M for the spinner tomorrow. Thanks for the advice.
Compenstine Posted March 3, 2015 Posted March 3, 2015 I'm going to toss in an extra sample to your order and see how it goes for you. It will be a max vg (Close to 100% VG) you will just have to be careful not to chain vape it or you may get dry hits.I hope it will allow you to up your nic some without the coughing. I went through that when I started and it took about 3 months to get used to it. I suggest taking very small moth draws and only take in a small amount of vapor slowly into your lungs. it will will take some time but you will notice over time you can larger and larger draws without choking on it.
Tam Posted March 3, 2015 Posted March 3, 2015 (edited) So many new vapers cough when they change over, it may look and be somewhat similar to smoking -- except it's not. Draw a bit of vapor into your mouth, hold it a second and then inhale. See if that doesn't help. Like Earthling said, the iStick mini and/or 20w are giving even experienced vapers fits. The silly things are not accurate in the voltage/wattage readings and it hits much hotter than it says. For example, on any of my other batteries (eGo Twist, Vision Spinner I and II, IPV mini, iStick 50w, etc.), I can put a 2.0 ohm atomizer on them and vape fine on 4.3 volts. Put it on an iStick 20w and it makes me cough even at its lowest setting of 3.0 volts, it's hitting much hotter and I'm getting a burnt taste. It may not be just you. Give a new battery a try. Good for you that you're still willing to stick with this. We'll be right here to help however we can. Wait. You say you're getting your gear from a B&M? Since I'm not familiar with the store you're using, I can't say for sure, but are you certain what you're buying are genuine name brands and not knock offs? That could also make a difference in how it performs. Just a thought. Edited March 3, 2015 by Tam
JohnnyFog Posted March 3, 2015 Posted March 3, 2015 Has anyone suggested trying a higher airflow setting and a lower wattage setting to ease the hit?
Mirage Posted March 3, 2015 Posted March 3, 2015 When I vape I chain vape until I get what I need. I always have to turn my watts down at the start and then work it up to where I want it to be.
LeeC22 Posted March 3, 2015 Author Posted March 3, 2015 Comp. Thanks you have gone the extra mile at every turn. Its clear why you are so well respected here. Thank you. Tam, I will look into other sources. You are always helpful. Thanks. Johnny, It has been suggested and I have tried all the settings. I find lower voltage helps and more air is worse. Thanks for the reply. Mirage, I have also found I can handle a little more power after I been in the garage with Mr, Bacardi fer a while. I am down to 4-5 analogs a day from 20...so thats huge. Thanks everyone who replied. gag8tor, GeorgeF and DirtyBoot 3
DirtyBoot Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Lee, it sounds like you are making great progress! Hang in there, and I am sure you will both start to get more used to the vapor and also find combinations that work well for you. I am pretty new to going 100% vape and tossing the cigarettes, so I don't have a ton of good suggestions. I do know that after somewhere in the range of 2 weeks, I started feeling that the vapor was not as harsh as it was at first. I was using a ego twist style battery with a mini protank3, and had better success with the iStick 30W and the same tank. Now, I have the Melo tank on the iStick and find it way less harsh and more flavorful than with the protank. I think everyone is a little different. Everyone told me I had to drop down from my 12mg 50/50 to more like 6mg or maybe even 3mg when I switched to sub-ohm Melo tank, but I have not found that to be a problem at all. Best of luck to you!!
LeeC22 Posted March 4, 2015 Author Posted March 4, 2015 Yeah and I thought this was gonna be simple. Boy was I mistaken. Just for kicks I put my nautilis on my evod and it did make a difference. Guess its not as simple as power on/off. Its all good though I like to tinker. Bebop 1
Tam Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Tinkering is good! We'll make a vaper out of you yet. Bebop and Earthling789 2
EverPresentNoob Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 (edited) I had the same issue when I first started vaping a month ago... I had bought 12mg juice to start with comming off about a pack a day with a few pipes and a cigar or two mixxed in... it was cough city for me. Using a Nautilis mini and a Vision Spinner 2. how I got past it was I would start dragging on it (puffin, sucking, pulling??) and not hold the button down. I would do a normal drag as if it was an analog and pulse the button. so out of a 5 second drag I would go 2 seconds with no button, then button for a second then no button for another two seconds. Or I would tap the button a few times per drag. but I would always have to start off the drag with no power. this way it wasnt a big hit of vapor. after a few days I could hold the button the entire drag. Also as has been said the flavor and type of juice played a big part in my coughing. I found that the cream type flavors did not induce the coughing as much as say fruit or heavy sweet flavors. Milk and honey is a local mix from my shop and it just tastes smooth and has no throat hit for me. Granted now I am using a dripper on a mech mod but that was the tricks that got me past giving up on this. Edited March 4, 2015 by EverPresentNoob Earthling789 1
LeeC22 Posted March 6, 2015 Author Posted March 6, 2015 Hey Noob thanks for this tip. This is working more than anything else I have tried. I just used your method on some 12mg juice and wow I didnt hack it out. Very cool man. I been tring smaller hits and lower volts etc..etc.. but no matter what... I have not been able to get in. I tried for so long that my throat was swelling and I was very close to giving up on this myself. I dont quit easy either. This is why I been somking for 30yrs LOL. Cant thank you enough. So simple.
LeeC22 Posted March 15, 2015 Author Posted March 15, 2015 Well I did everything you all suggested and I am now smoke free 7 days. I have not been able to use anything over 12mg nic but its working. I did spend a week or more weaning off the smokes while vaping the low nic juice. Its still a struggle at times and sometimes I still use the pulse method EverPresentNoob described. But hey Im very happy to be off the stink. FYI the last one tasted like dirt anyway! Thanks to everyone.
Adversarious1 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 (edited) Fitst, congrats on a week smoke free. I'm a vape noob myself and those first few days were rough. Second....I learned a TON just by reading this thread. I was (and still am, to an extent) experiencing a lot of the same things. As I was committed to going "cold turkey" when I got my starter set, I started with an 18mg, 50/50 PG/VG juice. The throat hit was killing me...much more than I ever experiened with analogs. And the hits in general were making me cough with almost every draw. Even short ones. Here I am 15 days later. Still no analogs. I have already dropped to 12mg nic that I use in my EMOW, and I'm using 6mg in my new Sigelei. I have also started looking for higher VG juice to cut down on the throat hit. I'm not looking for big clouds, I'm looking for satisfaction. But the bigger clouds are kinda cool...lol. In any event, you aren't alone Lee. But from my personal experience over the last couple of weeks, it does get better. I'm getting more draws that are longer and more satisfying than I was when I started. Edited March 15, 2015 by Adversarious1 Tug and Tam 2
LeeC22 Posted March 15, 2015 Author Posted March 15, 2015 Fitst, congrats on a week smoke free. I'm a vape noob myself and those first few days were rough. Second....I learned a TON just by reading this thread. I was (and still am, to an extent) experiencing a lot of the same things. As I was committed to going "cold turkey" when I got my starter set, I started with an 18mg, 50/50 PG/VG juice. The throat hit was killing me...much more than I ever experiened with analogs. And the hits in general were making me cough with almost every draw. Even short ones. Here I am 15 days later. Still no analogs. I have already dropped to 12mg nic that I use in my EMOW, and I'm using 6mg in my new Sigelei. I have also started looking for higher VG juice to cut down on the throat hit. I'm not looking for big clouds, I'm looking for satisfaction. But the bigger clouds are kinda cool...lol. In any event, you aren't alone Lee. But from my personal experience over the last couple of weeks, it does get better. I'm getting more draws that are longer and more satisfying than I was when I started. Thats cool Adversarious1. I am finding the same thing as I go the lung hits are getting much better and satisfiying. The Istick 50w paired with a Nautilis tank has made a big difference for me too.(Thanks Tam and Earthling789) I have been using the Istick for three days and the batt is still over half...awesome. I have found that 30/70 pg/vg is the best mix for me and by adding a few drops of Fadora Blend Extra Strong (tobacco) to my favorite flavors also helps me keep from coughing. Psychosomatic? Maybe but it works. Earthling789 and Tam 2
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