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A little background; as a man with an addictive personality I was an avid hookah smoker (multiple times daily) I decided it was time to throw away all of hardware and essentials related to hookah in order for me to either spend more money if I ever wanted to do it again, or take up another habit I guess. For whatever reason it was vaping. I am finding out no matter what combination of items I buy I cannot get close to the similar cloud production, hit, flavor, really anything that I did with hookah. It is defeating me to the point of starting to convince myself it wasnt that bad and to go back. If anyone has any last ditch efforts or suggestions on what I can purchase or change up for a similar enough experience I would be probably more happy than I should be. My set up is as follows.

Itaste mvp 2.0 usually set it around 4.4 volts

aspire nautilus tank

starbuzz eliquid

*Needless to say I am not a master electrician, I dont know much about ohms or watts, I know just about enough to not stick shiny things in sockets.

Posted (edited)

I've never done the hookah thing myself. I know you say your not a master electrician but look into rebuildables. Read. Ask questions and learn all you can. I have an MVP 20 watt and just got a Freakshow RDA. The guy at the shop helped me build a 1.2 ohm coil and this thing is awesome. A 30 watt device and a rebuildable atomizer should be more than enough. If you are fortunate enough to have a decent B&M near you go hang out there. Let them know what you want and need. I never thought I would get into rebuildables but I too have been wanting more from my vape. Keep a decent bottom coil tank with adjustable airflow for out and about and enjoy dripping at home. That's where I'm heading. Remember though. SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY! It's really not too difficult but you have to be safe. Vaper's Toolbox is a good app for info on coil builds which tells you what size wire and how many wraps to build your desired coil resistance. There's a battery safety chart somewhere I've seen that shows battery amperages, watts, volts and coil resistances for safe vaping. I'll try to find that for you and post it. Hang in there. You will find what works for you. It just takes time.

Edited by gag8tor

Having some trouble linking the chart here. Google "battery safety chart for vaping". There's a reddit blog on it. Unless you're subohming (using a coil resistance of 1 ohm or less) on an unregulated mod you should be ok. Most regulated mods have a safety feature which will not allow you to fire a coil with too low resistance.


Sounds like you are a candidate for a high performance mod if you find the nautilus not satisfying. Vaping is definitely not smoking and I don't think will ever match quality tobacco flavor or hookah. But that doesn't mean you can't substitute it with a high performance flogger and get used to the differences while weaning yourself off smoke.

You can learn to do your own builds and wicking. It's not that difficult but does require a little research and knowledge. You will probably find it satisfying and a good substitute for smoking but an important aspect to vaping is becoming satisfied with vapor over smoke. That is the difficult jump from smoking/hookah to vaping, but it can be done. And, it's worth it.


To add to what Bebop said you want High VG juice as well. This will give you the vapor production your looking for. I have been told that my Spiced Apple with a little tobacco flavor works well for Cigar and Hooka substatue. I can also do that flavor in a very high vg.


^^^ What Bebop & Comp said. ^^^

I to am a person that seems to need to see the vapor. I didn't see it until I bought a VV/VW Mod. Also a 50/50 blend of juice allows me to see it and still keep my Watts down. Just watch your nic level.

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