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Don't Drink The Water?

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Yeah, ok. I went and got a bottle of everclear, a 200ml size for $6.47.

Well, I opened it up and smelled it, WOW!! Thats strong. noexpression.gif

Pured a little bit in a glass and was going to use it on one of my 2 atty's to see how well it cleaned it. I had a cough all of a sudden and needed to drink some water (which was in a glasss like the everclear). It made the cough worse.

OMG!!! I drank it up!?!

Hmmm, talk about a very harsh burning sansation in the throat. OMG!!! I still have it and I did this @ 5pm (est) today.

To think I had just taken my morphine tab and boy what it did to me! WHEW! wacko.gifblink.gif

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Yeah, ok. I went and got a bottle of everclear, a 200ml size for $6.47.

Well, I opened it up and smelled it, WOW!! Thats strong. noexpression.gif

Pured a little bit in a glass and was going to use it on one of my 2 atty's to see how well it cleaned it. I had a cough all of a sudden and needed to drink some water (which was in a glasss like the everclear). It made the cough worse.

OMG!!! I drank it up!?!

Hmmm, talk about a very harsh burning sansation in the throat. OMG!!! I still have it and I did this @ 5pm (est) today.

To think I had just taken my morphine tab and boy what it did to me! WHEW! wacko.gifblink.gif

ummmmm - WOW. Drink a bunch of water, probably too late now but what the hey. Grain alcohol not good straight but not sure you're damaged permanently. Did a quick search, tough to tell. I drink straight vodka and when cleaning attys I use everclear in a shot glass. Put the atty in my mouth and suck the everclear in, out, etc. With the 510 attys I'll get a little on my lips, ouch. I can't believe you drank it. Man that hadda hurt!!!

Edited by FTJoe
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Hurt? Ummm, no not at all.

I feel like I swallowed gasoline, no wait, its worse than gas...

My throat is just starting to feel better, I didn't have much, just enough to feel the FIRE and ACID burning in the throat..

Talk about heart burn. LOL

I'll be fine, just need another morphine tab. LOL

I did smell it before really taking a lot in, so its not that bad now. But before, holy S**T! That sux.wacko.gifblink.gif

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Here in Wisconsin, where drinking is more of a requirement than a choice, I try to do my share of the heavy lifting; but, drinking straight grain alcohol?.... that's hard core! I remember back in my college days (to be honest, I became a carpenter straight out of high school... I just moved in with friends who were going to UWM, and drank heavily.) :beer: we used to make a little party favor we called mouthwash. It was half Everclear, and half Rumplemintz. (100 proof peppermint schnapps) We kept it in a spray bottle in the freezer, and would occasionally take it out at parties and squirt it directly into guest's mouths. (Preferably under the tongue.) It would, almost immediately, numb your whole face! I wish I could remember the name of the guy who decided to grab the bottle one night, unscrew the top, and pound 3 or 4 ounces down. We found him outside later. He'd passed out on the front steps, with his face about 5 treads lower than his feet! :punk:

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Sorry, Green. I didn't get that much, just enough to do some bad **** to the throat, thats all.Oh, and heart burn.

Its about done now. And, yes as far as the face going numb. But a bit more than that. I rinsed out my mouth with about 5 gals of water (felt like it) and I use to, on dare drink Habanero Hot Sauce for $ when I was 16 to 18. No problem there. This was 100 times worse.blink.gif

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Sorry, Green. I didn't get that much, just enough to do some bad **** to the throat, thats all.Oh, and heart burn.

Its about done now. And, yes as far as the face going numb. But a bit more than that. I rinsed out my mouth with about 5 gals of water (felt like it) and I use to, on dare drink Habanero Hot Sauce for $ when I was 16 to 18. No problem there. This was 100 times worse.blink.gif

Glad you're feeling better, ouch!!

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Otherwise known as mother's milk. I always have a bottle in the freezer. Rumpelstiltskin, stumbles, goes by many names, I prefer mother's milk. Not many can partake and remain standing...sneaky little schnapps it is. Okay - I be an Irishmen, stand back folks, I'm a professional, don't try this at home.

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In my younger days when I was already pretty wasted and down to nothing but everclear and nothing to mix it with, I drank it straight. I wasn't feeling any pain by then anyway, and was still drunk for most of the following day, but yeah, it's not something I recommend.

Of course, at parties a couple of us love to get people with it. We would take 2 shot glasses, one with everclear and one with water. Tell someone "betcha can't do this" and take the water shot, ask like it was stout, and hand the everclear to the unsuspecting victim. It wil knock some people to the floor, lmao. Man we were cruel.

And yes, everclear is stout enough to run a car off of. It will actually run very, very good for a while. It's stouter than gas.

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Everclear doesn't just "clean out" atomizers! I think you should tell us a story about the day after, Travis.

Lol I never really had any problems with it. When I was 15 or so I was probably an alcoholic. A friend that would give me a ride to school kept everclear in his car and I would sip on it before school. There is absolutely no way I could or would drink the stuff now. If it's not Crown Royal I don't want to touch it, and I find myself drinking at all less and less these days. Everclear is some bad, bad stuff to be honest. The only people I've ever known to drink it was broke kids with very little money lol.

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When I worked for the Radio Station in Elk City Oklahoma in 90', one of the staff had a Super Bowl Party, she served "Cowboy Koolaide" 50% everclear and 50% Koolaide. I don't remember much of the game just those Budweiser bottles playing football at halftime. They let me drive back to the station and they said I did donuts in the median of I-40 on the way back to the station. Not one of my clearer moments.

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Poor Stubear. Are you feeling better today?

I've read through this post twice. I think I laughed harder the second time than I did the first. Isn't it amazing what we did as kids and even more amazing that we lived through it? LOL Some more than others.

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My throat was a tad soar but I was fine.

Shoot, I was 15 and on New Years Eve, I had my brother buy my friends and I a fifth of (shudders) southern comfort each and a Qt of Bud each. Well, I not only had my 5th but what ever my friends didn't finish I had.

I went home @ 3am and walked in my neighbors home, watched his TV and ate his food. Then I realized we didn't have a B&W TV. I looked and "OMG" I was in a diff home!

Well, I got home, went to bed (@ this time it was spinning so bad, I thought I was on a merry go round)

All I know is when I woke up (now its 3pm and crappy out) I went upstairs and well, to this day I cannot stand the smell of SC.

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Good grief! Can't imagine taking a shot of that anymore. Did it may times when I was younger and in the AF, that and rum 151. Peel the skin off your mouth. Seem to recall everclear being a staple of jungle juice also. :whistle:

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