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Please share this in your groups and on your pages!

All Vapers rally at the statehouse this Monday, 2/23/15, starting at 9:00 am in the rotunda. (Just past security check-in) Come prepared to stay all day.

Second reading of SB 539 & HB 1432 is scheduled to happen Monday 2/23/15.

We need to make sure our amendments are included and we can help by having bodies at the statehouse!

What is happening?
SB 539 and HB 1432 in their current forms would eliminate a vast majority of vape shops, even online only shops, in the state of Indiana. The second readings scheduled for Monday, 2/23/15, are the time when amendments can be put on these bills. The Hoosier Vapers have been working with the sponsors of SB 539 and HB 1432 to produce amendments that are good for the vaping consumer and shops. Important! A showing of vapers can help to make sure amendments that are good for vapers will be included and may help to make sure amendments that could add taxes and bans are NOT added.

Why such late notice?
We are getting close to the second half of the Indiana General Assembly. They usually want all the bills to be through the 3rd reading before Wednesday 2/25/15 so things happen fast.

How can you help yourself and all vapers?
Show up. Be seen. Be respectful.

  • 2 months later...

Oh man. This is bad news. The precedent will be set and I have a feeling California won't be far behind. This bill essentially bans the manufacturing and sale of eliquid in Indiana (with an exclusion for cigalikes) by July 1st. Imagine not being able to buy DIY supplies or anything on line if you live in the state. Ouch. This sucks. :(


I think they will have hard time controlling DIY juice. It will hurt shops and sites like mine. I will now have to block sales to Indiana..? Can anyone post a link to the actual bill that passed with any amendments that were made to it from the initial bill?


I just did an extensive search and found nothing on this being signed by the Governor yet. As far as I can tell it is still in the "Being Fought Stage."



I just did an extensive search and found nothing on this being signed by the Governor yet. As far as I can tell it is still in the "Being Fought Stage."




Check that link.  When you hit the page, click the link on the left side of the screen that says "Bill Actions".  The very first "action" listed is: "H 05/05/2015 Signed by the Governor"



I wasn't able to find it easily but I didn't have the time to lookto deeply. (gov websites havegot to be the worst lol)


Gota love this...Not


It is all about Revenue.


Explanation of State Revenues:

Summary- This bill could potentially increase revenue to the state General
Fund and other state funds from the following sources.


Revenue Source                                         Fund(s) Affected

Manufacturing permit application fees        General Fund
Criminal history background check fees     General Fund; Indiana Office of Technology Portal Fund
Tobacco sales certificates                           Enforcement and Administration Fund
Distributor's licenses                                   General Fund
Civil penalties for permit violations              General Fund
Civil penalties for illegal sales of e-liquids      Richard D. Doyle Youth Tobacco Education/Enforcement Fund
Court fees                                                  General Fund; State User Fee Fund








Indigo Vaping says they will move to Michigan



After reading this and skimming over it. As of July 1st 2016 I will no longer be selling E-Liquid to customers in Indiana. Now as that may sound harsh and I could bend to the will of the the State of IN, I will not. I refuse to allow another state to dictate how I run my business. I will not let them dictate that I must pay them (IN) licensing fees and have a 5 year security contract to baby sit my business that is not even located in that state.


Absolutely it's about the money lol. This jas got to be one of the most corrupt examples of administration ever.

*sarcasm on* public health is such an altruistic endeavor. *sarcasm off*

It's flat out criminal


Absolutely it's about the money lol. This jas got to be one of the most corrupt examples of administration ever.

*sarcasm on* public health is such an altruistic endeavor. *sarcasm off*

It's flat out criminal

Corrupt examples of administration in all states. Yes, in spite of all these bills being pushed "in the interest of public health", it's really about filling the state coffers. If politicians and departments of public health were truly interested in public health, they would have banned tobacco products entirely long ago.

Bootleg ejuice will become very popular in Indiana.

Yep. DIY or black market, one way or another people will find or create loopholes.

If a law passes here I'll be ok for awhile. Got 1 1/2 liters of 100mg nic juice in freezer, about 1 liter of various flavors, and lots of hardware. Only got about 2 liters of pg and vg, but don't see them banning that. Also can't see them banning 18650 batteries, or kanthal wire, which I have about 400 feet.


Vapers in Indiana need to stock up before the law goes into effect. Its all about the money not about the dangers of vaping, which is very little if any. 


Hopefully vapers in Indiana can cross the border to another state and buy what they need, or maybe have a relative or friend in another state send it to them. As far as I know USPS, or UPS don't have ejuice sniffing dogs yet.




Every vape supplier should begin sending all vape-related gear and liquids to Indiana in plain brown packages (zero labels or indication of the contents)...  Last time I checked.. the USPS does not open and inspect packages entering a specific city or state to verify contents or to look for tax violations.... and the state cannot legally require a Federal entity to do so on their behalf!


What this is designed to do is to kill the small businesses and market for e-cigs in the state, thus pushing everyone back to analogs or Big-tobacco's cig-a-likes... either way, it's a win-win for the state government.  Big Tobacco has to pay a settlement based on the number of packs of cigarettes sold in each state, and their own cig-a-likes qualify as a pack per each stick sold.  They get the sales, and the state increased their "settlement check".


Adversarious is correct... it's always been about the money, and always will be!  Prohibition was all about the liquor taxes, not about the liquor!

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