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I'm almost up to my first week analog free and have noticed that I'm crankier than normal and always hungry. I was wondering if this is maybe a sign of withdrawals from the other chemicals in the analogs that I'm no longer getting. Have any of you gone through similar problems, and if so, what helped you through it? Thanks in advance :)


Water, water and more water. The water will help flush out your system. As far as the crankiness, you may want to up your nicotine some.

Ok thank you! I'm already at 18....but I have a couple of flavors that are 24 I think. they're a little harsh, but I have vv/vw so I can adjust I suppose.


Most definitely could be part of withdrawls. Up your nic. Increase multi vitamins. Get your sleep. Maybe vape 24 during day and cut back at night if you have sleep problems. B vitamins, B complex and calcium magnesium are key to restful sleep. Hope that helps


Most definitely could be part of withdrawls. Up your nic. Increase multi vitamins. Get your sleep. Maybe vape 24 during day and cut back at night if you have sleep problems. B vitamins, B complex and calcium magnesium are key to restful sleep. Hope that helps

Thank you! This is the longest I've gone completely analog free in my 2+ years of on and off vaping, so some of it's throwing me for a loop lol


I hear you! All of us had different levels of addiction and a host of reactions to quitting. The good news is it gets better and when you finally get the monkey off your back it is a great feeling


I hear you! All of us had different levels of addiction and a host of reactions to quitting. The good news is it gets better and when you finally get the monkey off your back it is a great feeling

Just increasing to 24mg in the last couple of hours has actually calmed me down a little, and have started to increase the water intake. Vitamins to follow when I feel a little more comfortable getting to town......we got more snow today lol

Posted (edited)

I went through the same withdraws..

heres the story of ''lil red tabacco riding a HOOKER''

fer a very long time a HOOKER was smoking non filter cigarettes

& went walking inta TIKI MIST vapor shop in Broken Arrow, OK

the hooker says I wanna stop this tabacco thing cuz its gonna kill me

guy says try this 18mg

too cold

hooker goes back next day

guy says try this 24mg

too hott

hooker goes back next day

guy says mix'm tagether equal parts & getta 21mg... doah

I'm a Happy HOOKER now....

dnE ehT :-)

as fer the hunger,, drink water water & more water,, I get my water in the form of ice tea or coffee...

hope this helps..

Edited by HOOKER

I went through the same withdraws..

heres the story of ''lil red tabacco riding a HOOKER''

fer a very long time a HOOKER was smoking non filter cigarettes

& went walking inta TIKI MIST vapor shop in Broken Arrow, OK

the hooker says I wanna stop this tabacco thing cuz its gonna kill me

guy says try this 18mg

too cold

hooker goes back next day

guy says try this 24mg

too hott

hooker goes back next day

guy says mix'm tagether equal parts & getta 21mg... doah

I'm a Happy HOOKER now....

dnE ehT :-)

as fer the hunger,, drink water water & more water,, I get my water in the form of ice tea or coffee...

hope this helps..

LOL You sure have a way of telling the story! That made my night. laughing.gif And as far as the water goes....we're on the same page....just brewed up some tealol


So I've increased the nic to 24mg using an older tank I had (smok aero 2) and the coil that was in it. It's showing to be at 2.8 ohms and I'm so new to the vv/vw I'm not sure which way to go with the volts/watts. I'm using an isick20 and I know they seem to run a little different, but if anyone has any ballpark suggestions that would be greatly appreciated. :)


I usually start at the lowest wattage setting and work my way up. You can do the same on voltage setting. You will know when it gets too high, either the vape will get too warm or the juice will start tasting burnt. I usually start on wattage and go up in 1 watt increments then once I find a spot that is close, fine tune as necessary.

Hope this helps!

Posted (edited)

Thank you. This deffinately gives me a starting point smile.png Until today I was just keeping it where I had it when I walked out of the shop for the most part, but where I started using the different tank and the coil had a higher resistance I was just at a loss lol. Until last week I was still using non variable egos so it's all new to me.

Edited by stangmama77

Thank you. This deffinately gives me a starting point smile.png Until today I was just keeping it where I had it when I walked out of the shop for the most part, but where I started using the different tank and the coil had a higher resistance I was just at a loss lol. Until last week I was still using non variable egos so it's all new to me.

Well you really can't mess up at this. Worse thing might be burning up a coil or something. You will be an expert in no time!


All good suggestions have been given... with the exception of taking in tea or coffee as a substitute for water. Tea and coffee both contain caffeine, which will interfere with sleep.

They are both diuretics, which means it will cause your body to get rid of the liquid inside it. Add the dehydrating effects of vaping and you'll wind up with a nice headache at best. I'd stick to water.


True, and thank you. I know just plain old water is best just wish I could flavor it safely lol


Yep, Tam is correct...

When I started vaping I was downing two pots of coffee a day and vaping was drying me out like crazy... headaches, cotton-mouth... ugh

Now I still have my two (big) cups in the morning, but switch to water through the day (drink roughly 2-liters daily, minimum)... and still have a Mt Dew occasionally, too... and I'm much happier!

If you're going to flavor it, adding a little lemon juice is good, but try to avoid things with sugar, like kool-aid... it doesn't hydrate you the same, and you'll actually go to the bathroom as often as you would with tea or coffee :(


Thanks for the advice :) and yeah I'm trying to avoid extra sugar as much as possible anyway and i most certainly don't need any extra headaches. I'm already prone to migraines.


Get a Britta filter or pitcher. It removes a lot of the tap water taste and you will grow to like it. I used to drink about 4 large coffee's a day with Pepsi in between. Since I have been vaping and lost my sense of taste due to being dehydrated once in 5 months, I switched to strictly water and have never felt better.

Vaping and caffeine dehydrate you. Water is great. You could mix it up with flavored sparkling water.


Thanks! I have a britta and that does help some. Here over the last day I've taken in more water and I am starting to feel somewhat better. I read somewhere about something called infused water where you actually steep fruit (lemons, limes, strawberries, etc.) in the water and it lightly flavors it.....might try that. And the sparkling water, I forgot about that.

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