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just fer fits & shiggles I was wondering the puffs I was taken daily..

My daily routine is;

I get up at 230a

Werk from 5a - 330p

Gota bed at 830p

Vamo V8 w/Aspire Atlantis w/ Tobacco 21 joose

Sigelei Zmax mini w/Smok Micro GDC (as back up)

Vamo 363 puffs

Sigelei 28 puffs

391 in 18hrs = 21.7222 pph

Hard ta tell I was a chain smoker huh????

Edited by HOOKER

Ya done good son. I prolly hit dat in about half a day on my zmax 5 wit my KPT2 or Nautilus. Course I rarely keep count.


The only time I kept count was when I was testing the difference between Kanger's BCC and BDC coil-units and the juice each burned in a week. I averaged different counts depending on the tank used, but overall averaged about 250 hits per day.

Counts don't matter to me... If I'm chain-vaping a low mg Nic juice, I'll hit it more often... and if I'm where I can't chain-vape, I'll use a higher mg Nic juice and can go longer between hits. The Nicotine level of the juice and type of tank/RTA/RDA you're using will be the biggest factors in how often you hit the device :)


I was curious,, the Vamo is my recliner stick but its the only mod I have with a counter on it sooo I brought it in...

I brought in in again taday with 36mg in it cuz I knew I wood be cutting wood chips & coodnt puff while sawdust was floating around...

Now I'm done with the chips I'm switch'n back ta my werk tube.... Sigelei/SMOK/21

Ahhhh mucho better.. :-)


Indeed puff counters can be a wake up call. I was just trying to see how long my MVP would last and on good days would go over 1000 puffs. Then I realized I was actually consuming those 1000 over puffs. So now I wonder how many puffs there were in my 2 packs a day? (More when beer was involved)


Well, as I'm the butthead still smoking around here I'll let cha know something. With my full flavor 100's, I get 10 puffs off of a cig. Yes, I counted...lol I counted so I could compare when I vaped so I could adjust my nic level to my current smoking...

If my nic level is where It needs to be, then the puffs should be the same when I vape...And that is why I'm between 24mg and 36mg right now...


So 2 packs a day equals 400 hits. Wow I'm like WAY over at 1000 plus! No wonder I'm so happy. I was really restricting my smoking pleasure when I was using cigs. :)


A neighbor up the street says my numbers arent right by my technique..

He mentioned a Puff Puff Lung hit is equal to 4.2 puffs???

That wood put my total puff count atta astronomical figure....


What do neighbours up the street ever know :)

Neighbours up the street actually think my stereo is too loud. Don't believe a word of it.


250 puffs a day for me on 18mg liquid - this has not altered at all over the last 6 months - I was never a heavy smoker but I did need my nicotine - I think my nico levels are higher now that I vape.


When I was smoking analouges, I always had in the back of my mind niggling away at me that I should cut down on these things if I can't seem to quit. That thought was always there and even stronger after an awesome BS / drinking session. Now that I'm vaping that thought is off the radar so my sometimes 1000 over hits per day doesn't bother me at all.

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