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My girlfriend's dad has been smoking for the better part of 50 years. Not only a long time smoker but he smokes those "Santa Fe" little cigars/cigarillos or whatever they are called. Just hardcore stuff. 1.5 to 2 packs a day... He suffers from COPD. He gets out of breath very easily and it takes him a while to recover when he gets worked up. He's not on permanent oxygen but he's probably not far from it. Last week he was out shopping with us and after dinner, the walk from the restaurant door to the car got him very out of breath and he was breathing heavy for at least 10 more minutes after the 2 minute walk to the car.

After we dropped her parents off at their house, I talked with my girlfriend about it and suggested that we try to get him on vapor instead of smoke. She said he'd never go for it because he'd never shell out the money for the equipment to get started because he's tight. He smokes those Santa Fe smokes because they cost less than $20 for a carton.

That being the case, I decided to buy him some gear to try out. I got him an eLeaf iStick like mine and a Nautilus tank. I got him a 30ml bottle of Space Jam "Eclipse" at 24mg to get him started. We dropped by his house about 430pm this afternoon and I showed him how to work it. He had seen me using mine before and was a bit curious about it. I showed him how to refill the tank, fix any 'gurgling' that might occur, showed him how to not get juice in the wrong places when he fills it, how to hook it to his phone charger at night to charge the battery and got him puffing on it before I left. Since I'm making my own e-juices, I think he's interested in making it work for him since I told him he could essentially smoke for free because I'd keep him in the juices. I also discussed with him how I have switched from analogs to vapor and worked my way down the nicotine chain from 18mg liquids to 4mg liquids in just 2 months time. He knows I'm breathing and feeling better because I have started dieting and exercising again, which includes running that I could never do when I was smoking with 'smoke.'

We called my gf's mom about 9pm to see how it was going. She said he hadn't smoked an analog since he started puffing vapor and he would have normally had 10 or more during that time.

I'm hoping this will be a success story!


Excellent story! I hope he keeps with it. Daily (or hourly) encouragement will probably be needed for the first few weeks, but my fingers are crossed for his success!


Very nice,pat yourself on the back.I have a neighbor who has smoked for 50yrs and I've tried getting him into vaping but he didn't act too interested. Some people just don't want to kick the habit,I can't force him to stop.


Yep, some don't want to, or do but have too much peer pressure to continue smoking. I gave a starter kit to a co-worker's husband back in the summer, and he stuck with it for several months... completely kicked his 2+ pack-a-day habit, but he started a new job where virtually everyone smokes (working outdoors) and according to his wife has gone back to 2 packs a day within the past month :(


Good job! Keep us updated! I recently had a co worker make the switch. 2 days and she's calling herself a vaper!!


He made it through the rest of the day yesterday without smoking. He has had a couple of his little cigars this morning but he's still using the vaporizer. I believe he's trying to make it work :)


As long as he's trying, that's all that matters imo...

Hell, I've been trying for the past year. I think I might have the equipment that will work for me finally.

I'm a firm believer that equipment that someone uses also matters more than what most people think...


he's try'n!!!!!

if he cant get his nicotine fix from vapor ya mite up his nic level???

I smoked nonfilters fer 40yrs & coodnt get ta my happy level on 18mg joose

jump'd ta 24mg 2 days later & aint hadda smoke since Jan 9th

my Bitter 1/2 still smokes but we got her joose taste rite & she's smoking less & less daily....

ya will get'm ta his happy level...


He smoked 4 or 5 little cigars today. He's still vaping the Space Jam Eclipse and he's not too keen on the flavor of it I don't think. I am going to put him on something else in the next couple days... 4 or 5 is still better than 25-30 so progress is being made :)


Just re assure him it is normal for the first week or two and having the right flavor is important. Sounds like he is doing very well. I suggest a cigar or tobacco flavor mix as an option.


Today he has only had 4 cigars. He's giving this a good effort. He's actually enjoying the vapor concept so far. He told me today he is enjoying being able to 'smoke in the house' which he has not been allowed to do in the past! As cold and windy as it's been here lately he's enjoying vaping in front of the tv now :)


As a former cigar smoker, I can say that "we" do require a juice that has a little cigar-ish flavor, or at least the qualities of the cigar. I still vape a mix of Cuban cigar flavor mixed with a fruit (usually black-cherry, but sometimes orange or apple for a citrus kick), and something sweet (usually vanilla, caramel, French Vanilla cream, etc). It's one of my go-to ADVs. When you've smoked a high-end cigar often enough, you need something with a little spice to it, and cinnamon is a good way to get it. I've tried the Eclipse from Space Jam, and it's a pretty good substitute for cigar flavorings, but the tobacco is more Turkish with hints of Black & Mild, and that may be his issue with it? Another tip is complex flavors with citrus and sweet fruits (like Comp's newest Hydra line or fruit mash-ups)... they tend to satisfy my need for flavor complexity (citrus, sweet, fruit, nut, spice) that I crave from a fine cigar (or a cheap one, for that matter).


Yes, your spiced apple is excellent... either by itself, or mixed a few drops in a tank-full of Cuban cigar base... Once I stop stocking up on hardware, I need to place an order for more Hydra, PBFB, and spiced apple... and maybe have you try your hand at the Cranberry/Blue-Raspberry, too :)


I can do that Just let me know before you order and we can work out what you want for the Cranberry/Raspberry.... Might call it Scorpion Juice. :)


As a former cigar smoker, I can say that "we" do require a juice that has a little cigar-ish flavor, or at least the qualities of the cigar. I still vape a mix of Cuban cigar flavor mixed with a fruit (usually black-cherry, but sometimes orange or apple for a citrus kick), and something sweet (usually vanilla, caramel, French Vanilla cream, etc). It's one of my go-to ADVs. When you've smoked a high-end cigar often enough, you need something with a little spice to it, and cinnamon is a good way to get it. I've tried the Eclipse from Space Jam, and it's a pretty good substitute for cigar flavorings, but the tobacco is more Turkish with hints of Black & Mild, and that may be his issue with it? Another tip is complex flavors with citrus and sweet fruits (like Comp's newest Hydra line or fruit mash-ups)... they tend to satisfy my need for flavor complexity (citrus, sweet, fruit, nut, spice) that I crave from a fine cigar (or a cheap one, for that matter).

These things aren't really 'cigars'. They are cigar-like cigarettes with filters. Pretty hardcore stuff... lol


Oh, I know the ones... I smoked everything from hand-rolled Cubans to machine-made commercial brands, and my go-to pack-a-day was Swisher Sweet Little Cigars... basically a cigar in a cigarette wrapper with filter. They were hard-core... smoking one of those was like ripping through 3 Camel unfiltered :) Those Santa-Fe's are a little more cigarette than cigar, but still maintain the natural cigar flavors and spicy throat-hit...

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