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No Longer Jealous


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My Spade came today! :jump: Pretty darn nice. Yep, it is. And it's going to be even nicer when I don't have to change batteries every hour now. Yep, life is good.

I'm also using my adapter with the 510 atty on my VP2. Holy cow!! Is the LB really better than this? I can't wait to get my new atty's in and find out. And if they are better than this, I'm stocking up like crazy.

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Congrats! Just in time for the weekend, too!

For the first time today I put my adapter on the VP2 and cranked up on some 510 atty. Honestly, I think that it's doing better than the LB! Tighter draw I guess but I swear it puts out more vapor!

Dang it! Now I want a Spade! :whistle:

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WOW !!! Just got my spade today to. I feel a little congested and was never a menthol smoker but I decided to try VT Mentha (24) and it is clearing me right up. Great throat hit and lots of vapor. Gotta love it.

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Awesome! Glad the units are arriving safe and sound to their rightful new owners. :D Take care of you new babies :lol:

What? we can't test them by running over them or dropping them from the roof (would that void the warranty?)--lol

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Major Congratulations nana! That makes my day. thumbsup.gif I'm looking forward to hearing how you like the LB 801s too.

Mark, try to resist the temptation... You know how much sweeter finally making that connection is after waiting, waiting for it... ;)

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Well, I just got my LB attys today. I've been working on one for a couple of hours now and I'm afriad I have to say I am not impressed. I think I agree with jm in that I like my 510 atty on the VP2 better. I swear I'm getting a lot more vapor with it than the LB. I feel like I have to work a lot harder to get any vapor at all, plus it doesn't seem as thick or dense. Maybe it's just because it's a new atty and maybe it's just because I'm used to the 510. I know an awful lot of people think the LB is much better.

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Hi nana. I wonder if there's a technique issue here. I say that because until today I have been very dissatisfied with the LB 801s I have. But I'm starting to get better performance. I found that I'm quite likely to flood it, for one thing. Just two or three drops on the cart is what seems to work best for me. I get two or three good hits off of that, and they are quite pleasing. Because I'm using washed batting (stuffing, whatever you guys call it) I've had some futzing around to do, but it seems to have settled in nicely. I like it.

That being said, I've never tried a 510 so maybe I don't know what I'm missing. :)

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I don't know. It could be. I don't use the carts, I direct drip. I've gone back and forth between my LB and my 510 a few times, but I'm still liking the vapor better with the 510. But like I said, I just got them today. I did get the adapter so I could use the 510 and ordered the LB so I could compare them both. I want to find what works the best for me so that I can stick with it.

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