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Does anyone else get tired right after vaping? There are times I'll wake up in the morning, have a vape, and then my eyes get very heavy. I've read online that apparently I'm not the only one to experience this. Just curious if anyone else has the same issues -_-


Does anyone else get tired right after vaping? There are times I'll wake up in the morning, have a vape, and then my eyes get very heavy. I've read online that apparently I'm not the only one to experience this. Just curious if anyone else has the same issues -_-

i have not experienced such, i've cut down the amount of times i vape but i vape for like 10 - 15 minutes when i do.

prolly like 2 - 3 analogs equivalent with low nic juice from JC

i'm kinda getting bored of it. I realy miss my old menthol :(


I hear Puresmoker's True Menthol is really good.

To answer your question, no i don't notice if i get tired or not. Basically everything is pretty much the same for me.

RE: True Menthol, I love it!! and I was a Kool, Salem, Newport smoker and the True Menthol is about the closest thing I have found. So that being said I no longer experiment with flavors.

Up until last night that is -- so on a side note: I just received 36 mg Fierce from Totally Wicked and I made my own juice last night. Added flavor and glycerin, vaping it now. I will post with my comments after a couple of days of living with it.


Does anyone else get tired right after vaping? There are times I'll wake up in the morning, have a vape, and then my eyes get very heavy. I've read online that apparently I'm not the only one to experience this. Just curious if anyone else has the same issues -_-

Yeah it happens, Its the nicotine it acts as a mild muscle relaxer... same reason it calms you down when you get stressed out.


I think your right Royce, I've been trying to make myself more aware.

I've noticed it only happens when I'm in front of the computer. (Vaped all around the house with no issues)

SOOOooo it could be Comfy Leather chair, plus vaping in front of a big bright screen plus Youtube videos + code = Fatigue


Royce, you are right! But when I am on the computer, especially on the arcade, I get hyper and vape harder and more and my energy continues to expand. What is that?


Royce, you are right! But when I am on the computer, especially on the arcade, I get hyper and vape harder and more and my energy continues to expand. What is that?

Yeah our beloved nicotine is a strange substance depending on the length of the hit how long and hard you inhale and how long you hold it in for nicotine can act both as a sedative or a stimulant i.e. the coffee and cigarette diet that all smokers know will keep you up and active for a certain period of time. In my experience the longer slower hits will calm you down where as puffing away playing games in the arcade will boost your energy.


Yeah our beloved nicotine is a strange substance depending on the length of the hit how long and hard you inhale and how long you hold it in for nicotine can act both as a sedative or a stimulant i.e. the coffee and cigarette diet that all smokers know will keep you up and active for a certain period of time. In my experience the longer slower hits will calm you down where as puffing away playing games in the arcade will boost your energy.

I guess you are right. That's pretty much how it works now that you mention it and I think about it. But, I gotta tell you that at my age you take anything you can get legally to boost the old energy.... cheap thrill, huh. B)


Chris, we do appreciate all the effort you put in to this. And we aren't really taking you for granted! (Just don't stop!) I'll have to go into rehab.. :huh:


ha ha I wont. ALTHOUGH when we move over to the 3.0 system I'm not sure if the arcade will work. IF that's the case, I'll hold of untill it can go with it. I'll be honest though I miss the old arcade it was much better.

Maybe I'll look into an arcade thats seprate from the board and all around better. The game selection for this one...sucks.


I'm with you. I'm not any help, it seems anywhere on this blog. But I sure do enjoy it and tell everyone interested in e-cigs about it. I've read just about everything on it and am interested in attempting the ideas you guys share. But getting back, I don't want to be one of those guys Vacker was speaking about, Just wanting to see my name a lot....... :(


I'm with you. I'm not any help, it seems anywhere on this blog. But I sure do enjoy it and tell everyone interested in e-cigs about it. I've read just about everything on it and am interested in attempting the ideas you guys share. But getting back, I don't want to be one of those guys Vacker was speaking about, Just wanting to see my name a lot....... :(

Don't worry your not... the people Vacker is refering to just post with the sole intent of having lots of posts and annoy the living **** out of people, I'm sure you know people that just love the sound of their own voice and never shut up, those people but in print.


Don't worry your not... the people Vacker is refering to just post with the sole intent of having lots of posts and annoy the living **** out of people, I'm sure you know people that just love the sound of their own voice and never shut up, those people but in print.


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