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Hi Guys. Its Friday and I got a few free hours so I thought id give an update. First, I cant begin to tell you all, how GREAT it is to feel comfortable enough to share this info with so many people I have never even met. It is a solid testament to just HOW special Chris, and all of you guys on VT are to me and my family. Normally, I would start off with something like " I know you people probably dont care about this", but I know, you people actually do. And I cant thank you all enough.

So, the update. I really hope Im not too graphic here.Yesterday, the Docs decided to NOT do surgery, but insead to place a tube through her nose to her stomach to try and drain the blockage. Today, they decided NOT to do that, but to just wait a day or two to see if that works. She has whats known as "sleeping bowel" something or other. She cant eat, or drink, ANYTHING.Everything she has eaten for the past week is still in her stomach. Shes bloated, and just generally uncomfortable as you could guess. Oh yeah, hungry and thirsty too. Shes in good spirits, as good as can be expected. So, While I guess Im glad there not doing surgery, I kind of wish they would do SOMETHING, instead of this waiting game. She has an I.V. and is in good hands, its just frustrating. On the upside, as I said before she never really took to vaping like I did. Well, now she has no choice. Im running back and forth with charged batts because I only bought enough for my habit with the 510. She's using m old Blu as well, but most of you know how reliable they are. And shes not , like me, too thrilled with the taste of Blus carts. I have been dripping the Dulcis on them for her, and Chris, you have another, PICKY, satisfied customer there. That seems to be her flavor of choice. Its a good thing I took to the Exotic Tobacco flavor, cause I still have 2 bottles of Dulcis for her. If she wanted my Exotic, well, Id really miss her. So there it is. I'll be on and off sporadically the rest of the day. Thanks again guys. Im man enough to say, I love you all ! :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

keenan, thanks for the update. Its funny that I've never met you but when I logged this AM I immediately thought "I wonder how keenan's wife is doing?". I hope they get this problem sorted out, and soon. I can tell your in good spirits because you've already posted a couple things that made me laugh out loud. :D

Edited by jeffb

I just saw your email re: Mrs. K. This ailment can be very painful. Hope she is up and around rapidly.

Not to be an alarmist but "sleeping bowel" should not be taken too lightly as there could be an underlying cause as to why this happened. IBS may be the cause which can be controlled with meds. But the Doc should be very thorough with the exam/diagnosis.

take care, thoughts and prayers to you both.innocent.gif


I hope everything works out for your Wife Keenan. It must be a difficult time, but with the holidays around the corner I hope they bring good spirits.


Oh man, my sister had this same thing. Actually I think hers was called bowel obstruction but she had to go through the same thing your wife is going through. Couldn't eat anything, the waiting game, tube through her nose, then surgery. The tube through the nose thing is not a fun thing to watch being inserted!

Well I hope the best for your wife. You say she's in good hands so I'm sure she'll be ok. I just know how frustrating it is to just wait though. You'll definitely be in my prayers.


Well, I hope eerything turns out for the best as the Dr's know what they r doing. Even though we don't always agree.

Good to hear she is fine and welcome her to the vaping world for me/us.

Try to take a charger with ya to the Hospital room and charge the batts there, no?

Keep us updated and as always, you both are in my prayers.



Keenan, I too have been thinking of you and your wife today and wondering how it was going. I sure do hope she gets to feeling better very soon. And I hope she sticks with the vaping now. Maybe this was the "nudge" that she needed.

And yes, we really do care. I find myself wondering how it is that I've come to care about people I've never met before, but I do.

Thanks so much for the update. You both continue to be in my prayers.


  On 12/4/2009 at 6:57 PM, jeffb said:

keenan, thanks for the update. Its funny that I've never met you but when I logged this AM I immediately thought "I wonder how keenan's wife is doing?". I hope they get this problem sorted out, and soon. I can tell your in good spirits because you've already posted a couple things that made me laugh out loud. :D

Yeah, I feel the same way. I know we've never met but you guys feel like family. Especially seeing that Keenan and I are just up the road from each other. It's damn frustrating when your loved one is lying there miserable and nobody is doing anything. Been there, done that, and know that the thoughts and prayers of my family are with you.


@ Everyone - As m Irish Mother used to say, " a 'tousand 'tanks"

@ stubear - I thought about taking the charger, but as I only have 1, my biggest fear is forgetting it at the hospital and being home with dead batts.

@Vegas - Thats what they called it, "Bowel Obstruction", aka sleepy bowels. As for the tube thru the nose, heres something weird. I used to be an EMT, and have "intubated" many patients who were in cardiac arrest, no problem. But when the doc tries to stick a tounge depresser in MY mouth, oh no you dont ! Gag me to no end, just cant do it. And I KNOW I wont be able to watch them do it to my wife if it comes to that, I'll be out in the hall vaping away !


Hang in there Keenan! I've been doing the nurse thing for a while and I know the old nose hose usually works for a bowel obstruction, it' a lot easier then surgery but it can take a while.

I hope she gets better soon.

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