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Hey guys, am sort of new to vaping, and I have a few questions about the Nautilus. My current setup is a mini protank 3, aspire nautilus, and a vision spinner II.

First, it's time to purchase replacement coils for the nautilus. When new I know the tank came with both a 1.6 and 1.8 bvc coils. I understand the 1.8 has a little more resistance, but is there any advantage of one coil over the other? Have used them both and don't see any taste difference in either, and both seem to have went through about the same mL's of juice.

Second, around how high can you go with vg liquid with the nautilus? The local shops in the area tend to carry 50/50 mixes or higher pg vs vg mixes, and with these I any getting dried out bad. Have heard that using a higher vg liquid might help with this.

Lastly. With the vision spinner II, while it is a great starter batt, I am running it set wide open 4.8. If I go with a larger mod will I get better taste out of my liquids?



The lower the resistance of coil the warmer the vapor gets.with the VG I wouldn't go any higher than about a 40/60 pg VG ratio in the Nautilus IMO.I have heard other people here going with a 25/75 and have no problems.And my understanding on the bigger battery is you just get more vape time not so much more flavor. But I could be wrong on the last part


I can't believe you're running that spinner at 4.8 on a 1.8ohm coil. That's about 12 or 13 watts and well in to the burn zone. I would caution you that that is too high for that set up and besides burning up your coils faster than necessary you are kind of in the zone where you are frying the deposits on the coil and possibly vaping material you don't want to vape. Just a suggestion to back that sucker down.

Not much difference at all on those coils.


The main factor in determining flavor is the tank you're using. However, for some of the best tanks, you need better batteries or mods. I am of course referring to rebuildable atomizers or tanks like the Aspire Atlantis or Kangertech Subtank. Any of those options would provide you with better flavor (largely because they use cotton instead of Silica) and you can use it with a high VG liquid without any problems. Nic level has a small effect on flavor, and Propylene Glycol plays a slightly larger role than nicotine. The highest VG that I would recommend for your Nautilus or PT3 would be 60VG 40PG. This is because Vegetable Glycerin is significantly more viscous, hence it's difficulty wicking in a relatively high resistance tank. You will likely experience your tank burning out quicker as a result of this.

The resistances of the coils, though it may seem like an insignificant difference, generally reflects on how much vapor you'll be getting/ the longevity of your coil. For instance, if you have a 1.5 ohm coil and the alternative is 1.8, the 1.5 would give you more vapor and less life, while the 1.8 would give you slightly less vapor with slightly more life. Both of these results, however, are in direct correlation to the voltage that you're vaping at. You would likely notice this to be true if you consistently kept your voltage at say 3.8v, and tried to use the 2 different resistance coils on it until they stopped functioning.

Lastly, something that will likely make your life better by minimizing the amount of dry hits you take: Don't have your voltage cranked up all the way, and when you get a dry hit, don't press the button, just pull on the ecig for 10 or so seconds to get the juice to soak the wick and coils.

Please let me know if this makes sense to you.


Posted (edited)

Thanks for the responses guys! This is all a new learning experience to me, and prior to getting here on the board everything has been trial and error.

The mini pro tank 3 was the first tank I started with, moving up to the nautilus shortly afterwards. And yes the nautilus produces more flavor at least in my opinion, don't know if it is the adjustable airflow or what. Am sure that after gaining more knowledge I will be upgrading tanks again.


Maybe it's just my 30 years of smoking that has effected me but with the spinner II set lower than the 4.8 it didn't seem like I was getting any vapor and little taste.


Yes, the local shops in the area had said that as far as taste in liquids goes the higher the pg and nicotine the better the liquids taste. With pg being the major factor. Will give the 60/40 mix a shot to see if it helps with the dry throat I'm having after a day of vapeing.

So with the sub-ohm tanks like the atlantis or subtank you gain taste due to the heat production from the lower resistance coil and the cotton wick, but require a larger battery to feed the coil. That's where I've been thinking wrong. Have always thought the higher the resistance the more friction or heat produced.

Thanks again guys!

Edited by 05HarleyRider
Posted (edited)

Harley,, I have the Nautilus mini exactly the same as what you have except I have less juice capacity..

from my experience on coils in mine are:

>>> adjustable voltage batts like yer Spinner go with a 1.8 with voltage set between 3.9 - 4.1 this helps extend yer coil life..

>>> if you go with a mod with variable voltage & wattage go with 1.6 set yer watts at 8.5 & volts at 3.6..

I change my volts up/down as needed,, some times I want a mule kick lung hit & other times justa milder throat hit..

If ya take a massive lung hit (bong style) then dont run heavier vg mixtures,, I have found that the coil wicks run dry & give a badd taste,, I run 50/50....

Hope this helps ya...

Edited by HOOKER


Maybe it's just my 30 years of smoking that has effected me but with the spinner II set lower than the 4.8 it didn't seem like I was getting any vapor and little taste.

I was a smoker of 38 years when I found vaping. With that much time under my belt, it took awhile before my taste buds came back. That could also be affecting how you're tasting or not tasting the juice.

Rule of thumb with any variable voltage/wattage device: start low and vape a few times. If that's not doing it for you, turn it up a little, vape some more. Repeat as necessary until you get a slight burnt taste. Then back it down a notch. That will be the sweet spot for that juice. Don't just watch the numbers, listen to your taste buds. :)


Another factor of taste difference is yer Aspire Nautilus uses a dual Verticle coil...


The Nautilus comes with a BDC (bottom dual coil). The Nautilus Mini comes with BVC (bottom vertical coil). You can swap either coil in either tank. The BVC does give better flavor, IMHO. I run 1.6 ohm at about 9.5w-10w using 50/50 blends.


I did switch out my werkrig,, still use the Sigelei Zmax mini but tank is a Smok Micro GDC,,

I coodnt get enuff airflow cuz of the 2 different size holes on the ring but with the help of a 3/32nds drill bit I now have 4 equal size holes on the ring along with 4 matching holes in the body..

Yup it did the trick & I wood compare it with my Kanger Giant in taste & airflow but what makes it better is the

adjustable Juice flow...

Smok really outdid themselves with this tank,, also looks ta me that they based it off of the Aspire design...


I'm try'n ta get my tablet ta werk in conjunction with my PhotoBucket & its not let'n me resize any of my pics..

I'll see if I can post pics from my phone ta bucket ta tablet ta here...

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