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Local Deputy Wrecked/killed. Prayers Please

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Hi everyone. I typically don't like to invoke religion in a public forum, but if you aren't religious just please simply ignore my request to pray for this man and his family.

I live in a very large, but very rural county in Oklahoma. Last night, one of the Deputy Sheriffs we have wrecked his car responding to a burglary in progress call and lost his life. He was 25 years old and leaves behind his wife and 11 month old daughter. While I know a vast majority of the Deputies in this county, I did not know this man. I only know that he died on his way to help somebody while doing a thankless job for lousy pay (The local deputies make $1,200 a month before taxes). I intend to include this mans wife and child in my prayers and would like to ask those of you that do pray to please do the same.

If anyone is really interested, here's a link to the article

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Travis, my thoughts and prayers are with this deputies family, and EVERY LEO, every day. I come from a family of LEO's, in fact, I am one of te FEW males who isnt one. My cousin was a NY State Trooper who lost his life in the same manner in 1981. You;re right, these guys do a thankless job, and evryone of them will tell you it is NOT for the money. My prayers go out to the family. And to those of you on VT who are not religous, have a good thought for them as well.

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My heart is breaking for this family right now. I will absolutely pray for them.

I also have to say that this another example of why I enjoy being part of this forum. There seem to be so many good people here. I was amazed and extremely impressed to see this post - from someone asking for prayers for a family he doesn't even know. How wonderful and thoughtful.

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i am not religious at all. Atheist as a matter of fact... but that does not mean i am without a heart or a sense of morals or duty.

i am in college majoring in law enforcement and am go to the academy in September 2010.... and i am also a father of three.

it is every military or law enforcement families nightmare, no matter what religion you are.

it breaks my heart to hear of officers loosing their lives. my thoughts are with his friends and family.

BTY, i don't think there is anything wrong with requesting a prayer for someone if that's what you believe in.... that is how you express yourself, no reason to apologies for it.

Edited by Stirfry
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As kind of a touching follow up to this story that I just heard from one of my friends that is a Deputy that worked with this man, when the officers father was on his way here after getting the news, he got pulled over for speeding in Dallas Tx. The officers father told the officer that pulled him over, that he didn't mean to be rude, but could he please just hurry up and write the ticket as his son was an officer and was killed responding to a call and he was trying to get there. The officer in Dallas stepped back, saluted the father, and the father received a police escort the rest of the way here. Every time they hit a county line, there would be another officer waiting to continue the escort.

I realize that many people do not like cops, and some of them for good reason I suppose after coming into a contact with a "bad apple". However, I do believe that not all officers are power hungry bullies, and the vast majority of them do what they do because they really want to do what they can to make a positive difference in their community. I just wish the rest of us could learn from these officers, that even in other counties/states, believe in a brotherhood and stand united together.

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I realize that many people do not like cops, and some of them for good reason I suppose after coming into a contact with a "bad apple". However, I do believe that not all officers are power hungry bullies, and the vast majority of them do what they do because they really want to do what they can to make a positive difference in their community. I just wish the rest of us could learn from these officers, that even in other counties/states, believe in a brotherhood and stand united together.

I have a great deal of respect of officers of the law and it irks me terribly when I hear people bashing cops as a whole. It takes something special to put you life on the line every single day, and to do it for a mediocre income at best.

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As kind of a touching follow up to this story that I just heard from one of my friends that is a Deputy that worked with this man, when the officers father was on his way here after getting the news, he got pulled over for speeding in Dallas Tx. The officers father told the officer that pulled him over, that he didn't mean to be rude, but could he please just hurry up and write the ticket as his son was an officer and was killed responding to a call and he was trying to get there. The officer in Dallas stepped back, saluted the father, and the father received a police escort the rest of the way here. Every time they hit a county line, there would be another officer waiting to continue the escort.

I realize that many people do not like cops, and some of them for good reason I suppose after coming into a contact with a "bad apple". However, I do believe that not all officers are power hungry bullies, and the vast majority of them do what they do because they really want to do what they can to make a positive difference in their community. I just wish the rest of us could learn from these officers, that even in other counties/states, believe in a brotherhood and stand united together.

Wow ! I literally had to compose myself after reading that before I could post.

When I hear anyone complain about the "Cops" I remind them that those "Bullies" are the ones we call when we hear a bump in the night.... Their Bravado/Swagger is what allows them to do what most of us won't..... I SALUTE them !

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Wow! I'm still trying to compose myself. Thank you so much for sharing that. I feel that there is so much more I'd really like to say and yet I seem to be at a loss for words. My prayers will include a few more officers tonight.

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As kind of a touching follow up to this story that I just heard from one of my friends that is a Deputy that worked with this man, when the officers father was on his way here after getting the news, he got pulled over for speeding in Dallas Tx. The officers father told the officer that pulled him over, that he didn't mean to be rude, but could he please just hurry up and write the ticket as his son was an officer and was killed responding to a call and he was trying to get there. The officer in Dallas stepped back, saluted the father, and the father received a police escort the rest of the way here. Every time they hit a county line, there would be another officer waiting to continue the escort.

I realize that many people do not like cops, and some of them for good reason I suppose after coming into a contact with a "bad apple". However, I do believe that not all officers are power hungry bullies, and the vast majority of them do what they do because they really want to do what they can to make a positive difference in their community. I just wish the rest of us could learn from these officers, that even in other counties/states, believe in a brotherhood and stand united together.

my thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family.

i am 19 years old and drive a subaru sti which is a little boy racer car i am on many car forums and i hate when every one complains about cops cuz they get tickets for speeding or loud exhausts what people dont understand is that the cops are truly just doing their job. and your absolutley right not all cops are a-holes i know for a fact my mom doesnt wake up in the mourning thinking how big of BLANK she can be.

like i said though i send my regards and their family has my prayers.

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