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Good luck to you. Here in San Diego we've got Santa Anna winds picking up quick with some rain excepted to accompanyit. No where near 3 ft of snow though. Be safr

Posted (edited)

You don't want any of this mess. This is going to be a complete disaster...and cost a fortune to boot.

Edited by T-Bone Slums

Yea eff that. I am NOT a winter person haha. We become hermits. Of course where I live school gets cancelled because of cold temperatures and 2-3 inches of snow shuts the city down. Anything 6" or more will get me out of work for probably 3 days at least.

I someday will live where there is never a threat of snow like ever and the 50s will be considered very cold hah.


I used to like the snow, thought it looked nice, used to ski and stuff.

Now, I absolutely hate it.


You should try California, Carter. It's not all bad here. We get goosebumps when it drops below 70. :) and if we need to see snow, it's a 3 hour drive.


Hope you got plenty of vaping supplies......and food lol

Deanna in middle Ga

I've got a ton of Comp's PBFB, Birthday Cake and Hydra's Delight. Not much food, but plenty of warm coffee. :)


Ain't that the truth, Bebop. As far as weather is concerned it doesn't get much better than here. However, living in the mountains overlooking Fresno was cold and we got a lot of snow. Its pretty to look at when your not constantly driving in and shoveling it.


You should try California, Carter. It's not all bad here. We get goosebumps when it drops below 70. smile.png and if we need to see snow, it's a 3 hour drive.

I mean no offense but California and I are not very compatible haha. If I ever move anywhere it will be farther south. I am split and torn a little though. Its not political even though I am the most liberal conservative independent you will ever meet. Do you know anyone else with an ACLU card AND a NRA card in the same wallet? LOL In all reality its about cost of living for me too. I have a 3000 sq ft house on a Cul De Sac with no HOA and a little over a acre that I paid $148k for back in 2006. I can get 4k sq ft on the water for under $500k here.

I think if I ever move it will be extreme southern Alabama, North Florida or most likely somewhere on the NC, SC or GA coast. Not a LOT warmer but I love those areas so much.

Posted (edited)

I live in MA, the biggest nanny state in the lower 48. Sucks.

Yea I enjoy my freedoms especially when it comes to firearms. What I do not enjoy is that it seems like a choice between freedom surrounded by bigotry or lack of freedom in a more "enlightened" area. I live in a college town where UT is located so it's a good mix here of perspectives.

Edited by bcartervol98

It's just cold right now and it sucks haha. Picking up my son from Swim Team practice and sitting in my car watching it snow.


I believe in personal liberties, period. Marry whomever you want to marry. Drink, smoke, inject or ingest whatever you want to drink, smoke, inject or ingest. Own whatever you want to own.

As long as your actions don't hurt anyone else, you should be free to do it without government intervention or supervision.

Posted (edited)

I also believe in fiscal conservatism. What's ours is ours and the Puppet in Chief as well as lawmakers need to stop using finacingin as stop-gap solutions to the devastating Great Recession.

The wages I earn in a fair-trade agreement with a company for my services for the wages returned to me per agreement is mine and mine alone.

The argument of the Income Tax law and its obvious illegality is something I try to pay attention to, especially given the power of a for-profit, private semi-governmental body like the IRS can kiss my pickled arse.

Edited by T-Bone Slums

The IRS can choke on Ron Jeremy's... You know what!

Nothing but blatant theft of our fellow citizens fairly earned wages as well as their privacy via increasingly invasive tax forms used to build a collective database of information about them.

So open wide IRS.


I mean no offense but California and I are not very compatible haha. If I ever move anywhere it will be farther south. I am split and torn a little though. Its not political even though I am the most liberal conservative independent you will ever meet. Do you know anyone else with an ACLU card AND a NRA card in the same wallet? LOL In all reality its about cost of living for me too. I have a 3000 sq ft house on a Cul De Sac with no HOA and a little over a acre that I paid $148k for back in 2006. I can get 4k sq ft on the water for under $500k here.

I think if I ever move it will be extreme southern Alabama, North Florida or most likely somewhere on the NC, SC or GA coast. Not a LOT warmer but I love those areas so much.

Bcarter come move down here where i live in mobile alabama! Never snows here but it does get a little cold
Posted (edited)

The IRS can choke on Ron Jeremy's... You know what!

Nothing but blatant theft of our fellow citizens fairly earned wages as well as their privacy via increasingly invasive tax forms used to build a collective database of information about them.

So open wide IRS.

Targetting groups on their political views is tyranny.

We fought a blood soaked revolution on a tax on tea (an oversimplification but the fact remains)...yet the sheeple go along with it, so long as they can watch Honey Bo boo.

And the upcoming tax on 529 college funds, money deposited into children's college funds is a REAL and DANGEROUS reality on our horizon per our Dear Leader King Hussein. Money that, when earned is taxed via an illegal income tax.

He wants to tax it again when the monies are withdrawn come time for our children to attend college.

The importance of college is a topic for another conversation, anyway....as I believe college is a waste of time and money. They are simply Socialist training camps for impressionable, rebellious (I'm angry at my mommy trustaraians.

Edited by T-Bone Slums

Surprisingly enough we were in the low 60s today and expect to get up to 70 tomorrow. Not all of Colorado is snow and skiing, but it's not far if that's what you want. :)


The importance of college is a topic for another conversation, anyway....as I believe college is a waste of time and money. They are simply Socialist training camps for impressionable, rebellious (I'm angry at my mommy trustaraians.

And now you're stomping in my sandbox. A college education is what you make of it. I've seen hundreds "walk" on graduation day in May every year for the past 19 years. Many of them go to high paying jobs they wouldn't have otherwise qualified for if they hadn't gone to college. Without college to train the medical professionals, where would you be healthwise? It may not be perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than the alternative. Sure, some go to college and get nothing out of it. You get what you put in. If you work at it and learn from it, you're probably going to get something worthwhile out of it when you get the degree.

*gets off soapbox*


T-bone, how's that storm treating you? Don't mean to rub it in but the suns down here, clear skies and I'm Vaping outside in shorts :p

All jokes aside, I saw some pretty brutal footage from the east coast on the news and wanted to make sure you were OK. Hope to hear from you, I hear a second storm is starting up over there.

Be safe.


Yes, a college degree is necessary for a medical profession. But to send a kid off to college simply to find what it is they want to do is a waste of money and time.

T-bone, how's that storm treating you? Don't mean to rub it in but the suns down here, clear skies and I'm Vaping outside in shorts :p

All jokes aside, I saw some pretty brutal footage from the east coast on the news and wanted to make sure you were OK. Hope to hear from you, I hear a second storm is starting up over there.

Be safe.

It turned out to be absolutely nothing. 8 inches or so.

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