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Any tips on how to kick the cigarette habit with vaping? Been trying for a bit but for whatever reason it still doesn't beat the feeling of a cigarette for me. I also want to try to quit around other smokers so it's easier to resist once I finally quit.


First off you have to want to quit. The key for me was getting enough nicotine. I needed 24mg at first. What kind of ecig do you have?


Will power! Gotta fight through the urges,and keep your eyes on the prize,your health.Your mod and tank will play a big part.Get a good tank like a Nautilus and vision spinner battery,I have this setup and I love it.


At first, you might want to stay away from other smokers until you get into vaping and don't smoke cigarettes anymore. Then, if you can stand the smell, you can go hang out with the smokers again. :)


The way to quit smoking by substituting vaping is simple... but it's in this order...


High enough level of nicotine level to help stave off cravings


Good tasting juice (fruits, candy, bakery... all good things to get you away smoking)


Reliable tank and battery (at least two of each so you can switch flavors and have one charging while you use the other)


A good support-group, like the fine folks on this forum!!

PS, don't feel bad if you don't quit tomorrow... it's not an Olympic event, not a race, and there are no penalty points for having to have a few smokes as you get into vaping... everyone is different!


They say it takes 21 days to break a habit.for me it was a few months until I completely got rid of cigs.I noticed other peoples success with vaping and I said hmmm,I can do that! I did it and i haven't looked back.


I totally agree with Earthling.

What seemed to work with me, i got my self a real e-cig not the disposal units (the ones that look n feel like a cigarette for 10 bucks) that did absolutely nothing. Everytime I had a craving for a cig, i would pick up my ecig and used it until the craving went away. I would still have a cigarette eventually; but i tried to keep expanding the time between cigarettes. before i knew it (for me it was 2 weeks), i preferred to vape. Yes you will have cranky days. I am now on my way down to 0 nic currently between 12 and 10 mg.

  • 3 weeks later...

How hard is the tobacco addiction to break? Well after almost 50 years of 2 packs a day full flavour, I've now been almost 2 years just vaping. But to show you the game my addicted mind played on me, I stopped on my 61st birthday, 4 May 2013 at midnight. Then I thought well I'm in Malaysia, and in New York, in my home country, it's only 12 noon yesterday so it's still my birthday in my home country so I can smoke another 12 hours. Then I thought in California it's 3 hours earlier so it's still my birthday in USA. Then I remembered Hawaii......

Sorry for boring all of you who've seen me repeat this story countless times but at least I'm one post closer to the VIP lounge.


The transition wasn't too difficult for me once I got the right equipment - eLeaf iStick and Nautilus tank. I started out with 18mg e-juices and have since worked my way down to 4/5mg homemade e-juices. I started vaping exclusively on December 18th and haven't had a regular cigarette since. My overall goal is zero nicotine and I'll probably stop vaping when I get to that point as well.

Vaping has had some other nice advantages for me as well. As mentioned earlier, I no longer smell like cigarettes. I'm also to the point already where the smell of them bothers me quite a bit. I can vape inside. I never smoked in the house because of the odor and residue involved with it. Not to mention the discoloration of everything as well. My car doesn't smell like smoke.

There were some brief times after I made the complete switch that I wanted a cigarette. I would just hit the vaporizer until that urge went away. I suggest giving it a try and see how you fare. Get yourself to a comfortable level with the vapor, even if you need to start at 24mg concentration e-juices.


I would say that if the electronic cigarette is cutting it, maybe increase the nicotine level in the liquid that you are using. I am just starting this Vaping thing too, but that seems to be the advice that I hear the most! You have already made the transition away from analogs. That is the first step, still cater to your Nic needs through the liquid and decrease with time. The temptation will get less over time!


It took me three days to kick smoking. I used a DSE91 PCC kit and a 10ml bottle of 24mg 50/50 Cocoa Mint juice. The juice choice wasn't because it was chocolate and tasty...it was because the flavor actually aproximated the flavor of a Camel Jade for me. Aside from that...I never said that I was quitting and I didn't let that mindset settle. I wasn't quitting, I was simply making the choice to use an eCig instead. There's a huge psychological difference in that and it really helped me. Naturally, there was a ton of willpower involved and Day 3 was a white knuckle day for me. But everything after that third day was fairly easy and, two years later, I haven't had a cigarette since.

Posted (edited)

Maybe the Liquid you are using is not a high enough Nicotine Percentage. Im not sure how much exactly, but I believe that if you were a "Pack A Day" you need something like an 18 or 24. Maybe more PG than VG.
Vaping can work! Its cut me way back and I have a few friends with some successful stories!
Play around with liquids and maybe a stronger setup. That can change everything. I had a couple setups and finally settled with the eStick setup. I grabbed a starter kit and a few flavors and have been super stoked. Do some research! Stay Strong! Vape On!

Edited by Tam
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