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I have just recently started to Vape. I ended up getting one more for social reasons that smoking reasons, as I am not a smoker!

Are there any/less danger in Vaping a 0mg Nicotine as opposed to a liquid that does have nicotine. Obviously I didnt start Vaping to start smoking, but I have used friends juice that does have the nicotine!

Any answers help! Thanks!!


if you never smoked why add nic to your juice. Get the 0 nic and enjoy. I am not a doctor but i would safe no nic is safer than any level of nic.


Nicotine is only toxic when ingested in its liquid form.Like Comp has told me it is natural in some vegetables like eggplant.I'd rather vape with some juice that has 4-5 ingredients over cigs that have 5,000+ chemicals.its a no brainer


Sorry to be so blunt but it makes me crazy when someone asks about this. If you were not a smoker and do not plan to be then entertaining the idea of starting vaping is ridiculous to me.

I said my piece but if you were going to pick up the habit of vaping at least use 0 nicotine so you do not become hopelessly addicted like most of us posting on this forum. I wish to god I had never tried either.


i agree with everyone else your best bet seeing as how you never smoked cigs, you need to just use the 0mg juice and keep at that because otherwise you will get addicted to it as if you were smoking cigs.


Since vaping is still "new" and hasn't been around long enough for conclusive long-term testing to be done, it's not known if vaping is hazardous to your health or not. Even if it's at 0 nic level. That said, I'd never recommend vaping to a non-smoker. Why take the chance that vaping is bad for you? Of course, it's better than cigarettes and its 4000+ chemicals and I feel so much better than I did when I still smoked, but why take the chance that this might harm your health if you're not trying to get off of cigarettes?

  • 3 weeks later...

This does seem like an awfully silly question!!! Obviously the 0mg nicotine would be "better" for you, but why start Vaping if you don't smoke!

That is not the right way!!

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