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i have an 18650 2500mah smurf ive been doing alot of research and i just dont understand what is the lowest ohm i can go im at .2 right now ive had people say its safe and people tell me its not can someone help me out?


Ahh... the 25r, I'd say you should be ok. I'm guessing you already know ohms law and batt safety. The 25r's seem to have a good rep these days from what I've heard.


not to well im still fairly new to it ive been researching it for days now and im having trouble understanding some of it mainly how to tell how to sub ohm safely ive been cautious and ive checked my battery for heat and stuff it seems to be fine

  On 1/21/2015 at 12:02 AM, coreykmk420 said:

whats the lowest ohm you have went to with no trouble

IMO, the correct answer is nothing lower than the specs allow, and you should never push a batt to the point it causes trouble. If someone chooses to push things to the edge, they may find themselves falling off the cliff. lol

  On 1/21/2015 at 12:09 AM, coreykmk420 said:

not to well im still fairly new to it ive been researching it for days now and im having trouble understanding some of it mainly how to tell how to sub ohm safely ive been cautious and ive checked my battery for heat and stuff it seems to be fine

Ok, in light of that, you're better off staying at .5 and above until you are certain about the calculations. Steam-engine.org or an ohms law calc for android phones are a good place to start for calculators. How do you test the resistance of your coils?


Good, check out those sites. When you plug in the info in each category they can be easy to use. May I ask what your looking for in the super sub ohm level to get a good vape?


^^ This ^^

I was about to chime in that the 25r's were 20A rated. I would not use them for anything lower than 0.25 Ohm builds, just to be under the Amp-threshold. I think they will operate slightly higher than 20A, safely, but I'd rather not find out "the hard way"!


WOW!!! I didn't realize people were looking at <0.2 resistance. Is there some chicken game I am not aware of.. how close to a short can u get...JK!!

Hmm maybe a patent for a super conductive atty is in need.


  On 1/21/2015 at 3:05 PM, vaping_jake said:

WOW!!! I didn't realize people were looking at <0.2 resistance. Is there some chicken game I am not aware of.. how close to a short can u get...JK!!

Hmm maybe a patent for a super conductive atty is in need.

I've been as low as .13 lol


Specs on the 25r are for continuous drain such as a flashlight. Remember these are "SAFE CHEMISTRY" batteries which means they don't "blow up" as people seem to believe or can't get it out of their head anyway.

I personally have used these batteries quite frequently at super sub ohm being responsible and checking the charge on the batteries not letting them get below 3.6 before recharging. Just because I don't want the batteries too drained, not for fear of anything getting hot.

Safety is always best and depending on the RDA and Mod your using its all a factor you can get nice clouds at a .2-.3 vape all day, I'm not saying chain vaping as that will strain your 25r or any battery, but regular vaping at .15 a 25r will last me all day.

Specs are Not considered on a battery for pulse vaping.

Its the lack of practical application actual use of these batteries and such that feeds big tobaccos agenda imo.

That being said if we are going express a opinion perhaps it should be a bit more researched.

Safety is always first ohm meters well charged batteries, maintain your equipment.

In light of the new testing going on ATM to be on the safe side I would suggest staying at .2 or above perhaps until we figured out the formaldehyde reality.

That would certainly be more realistic a concern then the improbability of a battery having problems but you want to be aware as I said of your charge of your battery to maintain its life.

Congrats on no smoking.

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