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I've been Vaping on and off for a few months now. Originally a year ago I tried a disposable blu, hated it. The nicotine strength was too high. Was disappointed by the options as well on thier website.

Then I found the halo g6. Loved the flavor options, blank cartomizers and mini tanks.

Then I walked into a shop and walked out with a kanger emow. I had mixed feelings about it, the flavoring was awesome. But it tends to get really hot which seems to effect the flavor negatively. Then I busted the battery. So I've kinda been without for a bit cause I gave my g6 away to a newbie.

So now I've been on a search. I finally said screw it and bought the, Aspire carbon fiber vv battery, the mini nautilus tank, and another halo g6. Then I thought, why the hell not? So, I also bought an eleaf Istick.

In about a week there is fun to be had!

My nicotine sweet spot at the moment is back and forth between 12 and 6 mg.

Love the charlie noble liquids, and some of the halo ones.


Looks like you've found some good equipment...and also why we stress having back ups. And back ups of your back ups. My fingers are crossed that your order gets to you soon!

Welcome to Vapor Talk. :)


Looks like you've found some good equipment...and also why we stress having back ups. And back ups of your back ups. My fingers are crossed that your order gets to you soon!

Welcome to Vapor Talk. :)

Lol I think you have plenty of backups


Lol I think you have plenty of backups

I think I have more back ups than I need, but I have two more on its way. LOL At least I'll never be in a position where I won't have something to vape with! :lol:


I think I have more back ups than I need, but I have two more on its way. LOL At least I'll never be in a position where I won't have something to vape with! :lol:

Whats your line up?

Whats your line up?

Let's see...

7 eGo-T 650 mAh pass throughs

1 eGo Twist 1100 mAh

5 Vision Spinners 900 mAh

9 Vision Spinners 1300 mAh

4 Vision Spinner II 1600 mAh

1 iTaste VTR (version 1)

1 Kamry K100

1 Chi Yu Clone

1 Evic

1 Provari mini

1 Magneto (gold)

1 IPV mini

2 Eleaf iSticks (en route)

That's just my batteries (I may have missed a couple). I lost count of all the various tanks I have as back ups but I mostly use the Custom Cisco Hybrid HH.357 atomizers at 2.0 ohm right now. I also have about five or seven RDAs...

Yeah, way too many but I'm planning to give some of my older back ups to people who are looking to get off cigarettes. :)


Wow! What's another good tank besides the nautilus mini. I'm not into rebuilding and Rdas, at least not at the moment. I do still have emow tank.


I love my Nautilus mini (I currently have two), the one I'm using is sitting on my new IPV mini that came in today. Other good tanks would be Kanger Pro Tank 2 and 3, the Anyvape Davide and Davide mini (the old style without the Aspire coils), Aerotanks are good too. Now that I have the IPV mini I'll be getting an Atlantis and the Kanger Sub-ohm tank but these two shouldn't be used with any APVs that can't handle at least 20 watts with the proper batteries to match like the Sony VTC4.

Everyone likes different things. You'll need to try some to find what works best for you. :)


Yeah, Tam has a few backups (... you're welcome, Tam, hehehe)

The Nautilus and mini are great tanks, and Kanger has a good line-up too. I regularly use the KPT2 with Air-flow bases, AeroTanks, and KPT3-minis. I also have a Nautilus, but sometimes the Kanger tanks win-out because some juices just taste fantastic in them :)


I wouldn't want to be a hypocrite by promoting lots of back ups if I didn't have a few myself. LOL.

Yes, watch out for Earthling and Joejoevapekins. They're very helpful when it comes to emptying out my bank account. That said, I must say they only recommend the very best. :D


Speaking of empty bank accounts, Tam... there's a Kayfun V4 en-route to my house :D

You need one too, don't you? :sofa:

Ha! No. I'm not interested in any RTAs but thank you for asking. :lol:

Lol we try

Yes, and you and Earthling succeed in a spectacular fashion! :D


Ha! No. I'm not interested in any RTAs but thank you for asking. :lol:

I'm going to make it my mission to make you jealous of it :D


One can never have too many backups, just ask my wife or look on the mantle over my fireplace in my basement lol. It is batteries, liquid and tanks everywhere, organized, but everywhere.

I finally was able to simplify my tank situation though after trying the fill size Davide. I prefer single coils and it takes them perfectly, never leaks or gurgles-floods and will last me almost 24 hours without a refill. Most importantly it is the first glass tank my wife likes so maybe I can stop having to fill her T3S tanks 12 at a time once a week and FINALLY we can use the same coil. It has even sidelined my Davide Minis. Once I vape those empty they are getting cleaned and put away. We both vape one flavor almost exclusively so with 2 full size Davides each in rotation it will make filling and maintenance so much easier.

Gotta have backups though for everything. I buy my coils in boxes of 50 at a time, liquid 250ml at a time and between the wife and I we have every color of Spinner 2 made with a few extra orange ones mixed in ( GO VOLS) along with 7 of the 8 original Spinner 1s we bought when we started vaping in April of 2013. Between the two of us we have only lost one battery in nearly 2 years. Amazing really considering how much we are on the water, in the sun and how often my wife drops her E-Cig.


I'm already tired of waiting, and I just ordered everything yesterday. Lol hate smoking cigarettes!

Waiting is the hardest part about ordering things online... That's the only advantage to a B&M shop... you can get what you want NOW. But, the drawback is that you will pay a premium for it :(

Look on the bright side... if they shipped yesterday, the mail still travels over the weekend, so you may receive it on Monday or Tuesday!


Waiting is the hardest part about ordering things online... That's the only advantage to a B&M shop... you can get what you want NOW. But, the drawback is that you will pay a premium for it :(

Look on the bright side... if they shipped yesterday, the mail still travels over the weekend, so you may receive it on Monday or Tuesday!

Yea stuff comes very fast depending on who you order it from. I ordered a 50 pack of coils and 2 new tanks, did regular $3 shipping on 1-1 and it came today at work and had to come from Wisconsin to Tennessee two days later.


I ordered off amazon that makes me nervous.

Amazon has their own warehouses, and they also have a chain of "trusted" vendors. If one of their alliance vendors does not hold up to Amazon's standards, they are booted out quickly, and Amazon still stands behind everything sold through them. You're in good hands with Amazon!


Amazon has their own warehouses, and they also have a chain of "trusted" vendors. If one of their alliance vendors does not hold up to Amazon's standards, they are booted out quickly, and Amazon still stands behind everything sold through them. You're in good hands with Amazon!

Yeah I've never had a problem with Amazon I just think it's weird you don't see a lot of ecig supplies on there.

The only vaping gear sold on Amazon are through their partner vendors. I have family that work for Amazon, and asked why Amazon doesn't sell vaping gear directly... the short answer... someone in corporate deemed vaping gear as "drug paraphernalia" many years ago. They've lightened-up quite a bit, and allow 3rd-party vendors to sell through Amazon. I'm hoping they'll change their overall policy soon and start stocking their own, so we can enjoy Prime shipping and better prices. They're adding more and more, and I think they do see the profit potential of warehousing their own, so we'll see what happens in the near future


Love Amazon and wish they partnered with more. I have been Amazon Prime for years and rarely go to a store anymore. Free shipping and lower prices.....I order almost everything I buy there lol.

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