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Waiting for my first e cig to get here! I've been doing some research and think after a couple months of putting something together. I am thinking Aspire Atlantis tank and Innnokin Itaste SVD with Efest 18650 2500mAH

What are your opinions?


Went looking but didn't find where it said how low the SVD would fire. The Atlantis tank comes with .5 - .7 ohm coils. I'd check to make sure the SVD will fire sub-ohm or not. Many of these tube type of APVs only go as low as 1.0 ohm. On several sites I've seen reviews about problems with the button not working so you might want to be aware of that before purchasing the SVD. Just my two cents. :)


The original SVD won't fire below 1.3 Ohms, but the SVD2 will fire down to 0.5 Ohms, but at that low, the output will be weak due to the Amp limiter being 6A, which puts you at 3V max.


Thanks, Earthling. That was the information I was looking for but after a drink or two, my Google-fu went on the fritz. :wine:


Don't drink very often so I'm a lightweight. Then, you add the altitude and even less alcohol is needed. I can easily drink three times as much at sea level and not feel it. :)


True, altitude does have a lot to do with it... although I started hours ago, so 1 per hour, and I'm still relatively sober :P

But it's a good thing I'm in the comfort of my own living-room... no way I'd attempt putting a key in the ignition :D


In my younger days I swore my car had an automatic pilot -- it always got me home safe and in one piece. The cars these days don't have such a nifty device so it's better for me to stay at home to enjoy a tipple. :)


Yep. What Earthling said. And if you get the full sized Nautilus, you might want to get the BVC coils for it. The full sized Nautilus comes with dual coils but the Nautilus mini comes with a bottom vertical coil (BVC). The BVC works in both and, in my opinion, works better and gives better flavor. :)


All the reviews of the atlantis say it works best in the 20-30watt range. The specs on the svd 2 wouldn't make it a good choice for that tank. IMO

Posted (edited)

Ok, if you don't mind me asking, what draws you to the atlantis and cf mod combo for your first ecig?

Nothing wrong with either of them. BTW

Edited by fishguy1123

I'm not sure, I like the look of the atlantis mostly. My first e cig is actually gonna be a halo triton, which will be here tomorrow in the mail.


From the quick google search, the triton kit is basically a form of ego style battery with clearomizer tanks included. I can promise you that the difference between this kit and the atlantis/cf mod combo is night and day! Try the halo kit, let us know what you like and if you have any questions let us know asap so we can help walk you through them.

I'm by no means am saying you bought something bad, a lot of times the first few days for a new vaper can make or break their success simply due to the fact that it's a new concept for them. Lets get you up and running well and see what makes sense after that.


That's awesome! Let us know if you have questions as you get used to it.

Yes, how does ones mother decide she needs a e cig now to and went to a vape shop and got a better one than me LOL


Be 8 hours since last analog. Can feel some of them chemicals saying we need supplied. Gotta fight them though.

You got this!! :)

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