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Ok, so today I received a new battery and a new attomizer for my Njoy. I ordered the new attomizer before my old one was worn out. I was messing with exchanging parts and somehow I mixed them up. NOW I don't know which attomizer is the old one and which one is the new one? Is there a way to tell?? I can't visually see any difference and as far as I know they both work (yeah, dumb, I know).


if it works, vape it until it doesn't work anymore. New, old, doesn't matter. If it works and works well, use it. I know it's a non-answer but maybe a better way to approach your problem.

Posted (edited)

Bajan beat me to it, but thats your best bet, just use both. Ive done the same thing, and you cant unring that bell ! And , welcome to Vapor Talk.

Edited by keenan

ok, Thanks for the info! I guess what matters the most is that they both work and maybe the first one to wear out was the old one lolol. Thanks for the welcome. I just recently joined the forums here and I have a billion questions already! I've watched a few of the videos here and I think I'm doing a whole lot of stuff wrong! lol


Well, dont hesitate to ask if you need some help. Sometimes, even a video doesnt answer all your questions. Thats why we're here. We were ALL noobies at one time ! :thumbsup::icecream:


Not always ,I have a five month old 302 attomizer that has outlived some 801's.As long as they deliver the goods and respond to cleaning I keep them in the rotation.


  On 12/3/2009 at 1:56 AM, mcquinn said:

Not always ,I have a five month old 302 attomizer that has outlived some 801's.As long as they deliver the goods and respond to cleaning I keep them in the rotation.

True, my very first 510 atomizer that I got with my first kit is still going strong and is still the best atomizer I have. When it dies I may have to bury it in the back yard with a lavish headstone. BTW it is my VT Exotic Tobacco atomizer, it so rocks.


For the most part as everyone has said once it stops working it stops working. For me I like to change my atomizer our once everyone month or so, but to be honest I change them whenever the taste just isn't as fresh anymore. :)


  On 12/3/2009 at 2:01 AM, Bajan said:

True, my very first 510 atomizer that I got with my first kit is still going strong and is still the best atomizer I have. When it dies I may have to bury it in the back yard with a lavish headstone. BTW it is my VT Exotic Tobacco atomizer, it so rocks.

VT Exotic Tobacco is also known as "Keenans Private Stock". :icecream:


Welcome jj, it's good to finally see you on here! People on here will take of you and answer all billion questions. If not, you got my #. :)


  On 12/3/2009 at 2:39 AM, jeffb said:

Welcome jj, it's good to finally see you on here! People on here will take of you and answer all billion questions. If not, you got my #. :)

Thanks, Jeff! I appreciate the help :> After I really learn how to do this I can give up my analogs!! lol


Hey I want to join the love fest !...... I don't know how I missed your previous posts but welcome jj...... This cast can answer your questions so ask away ! All I can do, really, is hijack threads....... HA !

bajan..... Does the "Atty" funeral include a 21 vape salute !!!!


  On 12/3/2009 at 4:08 AM, vapemudgeon said:

Hey I want to join the love fest !...... I don't know how I missed your previous posts but welcome jj...... This cast can answer your questions so ask away ! All I can do, really, is hijack threads....... HA !

bajan..... Does the "Atty" funeral include a 21 vape salute !!!!

LOL...Jeff has to be nice to me, I'm his mother-in-law!!! And thanks for the welcome :>


  On 12/3/2009 at 5:32 AM, jjinlasvegas said:

LOL...Jeff has to be nice to me, I'm his mother-in-law!!! And thanks for the welcome :>

He brought you to the right place..Welcome to the Vapor Talk Family!!!


Welcome to the forum JJ. As everyone already said, you're fine as long as the atomizers are working. So do we have another vegas head here? or is that just your user name, your location says california lol.


Looks like I missed this one, too. Until now. Welcome to the forum, jj. Are those your initials? Just curious cause they are my initals.


  On 12/3/2009 at 12:58 AM, jjinlasvegas said:

Ok, so today I received a new battery and a new attomizer for my Njoy. I ordered the new attomizer before my old one was worn out. I was messing with exchanging parts and somehow I mixed them up. NOW I don't know which attomizer is the old one and which one is the new one? Is there a way to tell?? I can't visually see any difference and as far as I know they both work (yeah, dumb, I know).

Hey JJ, welcome to the VaporTalk Forum, were here to help. Sometimes we're too friendly and the original question gets lost in the welcomes and introductions. If you had an atomizer that was new and it got mixed up with some that were used and you want to be able to tell the difference between the new and the used. Well #1 don't mix them in the future and that will avoid the problem, I am very care full not to open any packages from suppliers while I have other components on my desk. I have a shelf where everything is neat and all lined up and categorized, but maybe I'm a little OCD. I always find a way to mark my batteries and atomizers so I can tell which ones they are. I use a sharpie permanent marking pen on the things that will accept the ink. Atomizers are made from stainless steel and are usually painted and the sharpie won't mark on them, so I tale my pocket knife and very carefully and very small etch a roman numeral in the paint in a inconspicuous spot so I can tell them apart. Since you have apparently mixed your atomizers up before you were able to do anything like this you might be able to distinguish the new one from the used by the smell or by sticking a paper towel into the atomizer and seeing which one has the most juice in it and if the juice smells like the juice you normally vape. Other than that, that is all I can think of at the moment.

Again, Welcome to the Vapor Talk Forum, We are delighted that you are here and will do our utmost to help you with any questions you may have, so peruse the forum and make some new friends here.


  On 12/3/2009 at 5:32 AM, jjinlasvegas said:

LOL...Jeff has to be nice to me, I'm his mother-in-law!!! And thanks for the welcome :>

Well jj he'd better be or he'll have a lot of splain'n to do !!!! Right VTF fam !!!!!!!

Oh, sorry smokingman....... Ontopicontopicontopic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted (edited)

  On 12/6/2009 at 4:08 AM, TheSmokingMan said:

Sometimes we're too friendly and the original question gets lost in the welcomes and introductions. If you had an atomizer that was new and it got mixed up with some that were used and you want to be able to tell the difference between the new and the used. Well #1 don't mix them in the future and that will avoid the problem, I am very care full not to open any packages from suppliers while I have other components on my desk. I have a shelf where everything is neat and all lined up and categorized, but maybe I'm a little OCD. I always find a way to mark my batteries and atomizers so I can tell which ones they are. I use a sharpie permanent marking pen on the things that will accept the ink. Atomizers are made from stainless steel and are usually painted and the sharpie won't mark on them, so I tale my pocket knife and very carefully and very small etch a roman numeral in the paint in a inconspicuous spot so I can tell them apart.

"a little OCD" SmokingMan thats a lot of OCD. ok sorry to be off topic but. If they both work who cares which is new i like to order on time chrome one time pink then one time black, on the 901 the chrome will be going out while the black starts moving into rotation Edited by Gazoo

  On 12/6/2009 at 6:07 AM, Gazoo said:

"a little OCD" SmokingMan thats a lot of OCD. ok sorry to be off topic but. If they both work who cares which is new i like to order on time chrome one time pink then one time black, on the 901 the chrome will be going out while the black starts moving into rotation

ME!?! Look at you all up in that wit a color coded system, sheeeit. Jabba don wan no help, Jabba don git no help, jive fool.


  On 12/3/2009 at 9:21 PM, VegasVapor said:

Welcome to the forum JJ. As everyone already said, you're fine as long as the atomizers are working. So do we have another vegas head here? or is that just your user name, your location says california lol.

Right now it's just my user name :( I lived in Vegas for 10 years and really really miss it. My Mom was ill and my Dad is nearly blind and can't hear, so when Mom passed away someone had to stay here in California with my Dad. I got elected. My Dad is very stubborn and won't leave here and I can't just leave him here. BUT...if I had my way I'd still be living in Vegas. I guess that's why I refuse to change my User name!!

As a side note, my Mother died of lung cancer attributed to smoking at the age of 77. I wish I'd known about vapeing a long time ago. Of course, there's my Dad, who has smoked since he was a boy of 9 years old; he is now 81 and still smoking with no signs of lung cancer or any health problems other than his sight and hearing. I've shown my ecig to my Dad and he seemed interested but not interested enough to give up his analogs.

I just recently chose to give up smoking after 46 years. And, as far as I know, I have no signs of cancer, yet. I am having health issues, but I think mostly due to "getting older". I'm among the 40 million people in this country without health insurance, and because of that I don't really know where I stand "health wise". I decided if I can stop smoking now, I might not be too late.

I had always thought that my addiction was NOT to the nicotene but rather to the tactile pleasure of handling the cigarette, and the oral pleasure of drawing on the cigarette. Until now I coudln't find anything to satisfy those urges. That's why I am so happy that I found the ecig!!

Ok, this was not supposed to be my life history lolol. Sorry, I tend to ramble on sometimes!!

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